Lord Harland

Chapter 487 Refining Divinity

Seeing that Odaye was still very reserved, Richard took the initiative to open up the topic and asked: "I heard from the guards that you sell flour at Venus Castle?"

Odaye's promotion of flour at the Castle of Venus was also big news in the city.

After a war, Kanas Castle has recovered its vitality and now has more than 200,000 people, but it is still a traditional city after all. There are relatively few things going on every day and it seems calm.

As a hereditary nobleman, Odaye personally negotiated business with merchants, which immediately aroused public discussion in Kanas. Even Richard, who was in the official residence, heard about it.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Odaye replied still with caution. He was still very nervous and was afraid of saying the wrong thing. He had to think over every word he said and try to be concise and concise so that no one could hear anything wrong.

"You don't need to sell a small amount of flour. Did you move the flour mill to Rex Province?"

Odaye nodded and said: "Your Majesty's guess is good. Last year I made a decision to start building the factory. Three months ago, I moved the steam machinery to the vicinity of Belem Castle. The factory has been running smoothly recently. Because the production capacity is relatively large, That’s why I personally stepped forward to expand the market and promote flour.”

Capitalist aristocrats such as Odaye and Immorton were the aristocrats supported by Richard. In fact, Richard cared about them very much. Hearing Odaye talk about this topic, Richard said a few more words with interest.

"You private capitalists are indeed far more subjective and proactive than state-owned factory directors. In the past two years, Rikes Province has actually been short of flour. Facing this new market, state-owned factory directors have no superiors to command and cannot move. Move. If the restrictions are completely relaxed, they will not be able to compete with you.

I was going to issue an order to relocate a state-owned flour mill to the Rikers Province. Since you have already set up the factory, there is no need to move it. The military logistics supply contract will also be given to you, but you must know clearly that the quality of the supply must be guaranteed.

Once you are found to be shoddy, I will make you pay a fine of more than ten times.

You have earned a lot of gold coins, and now your social status has been improved, and you are now part of the country's ruling class. We must maintain social order and assume social responsibilities.

The indentured slaves lent to you will eventually become free citizens. You should treat them with kindness and don't exploit them too harshly. Population is the property of the country, let alone a large number of people dying in your factory. You must remember to put people first.

Do your duty and I will protect you. "

After the conversation between the two ended, Richard personally sent Odaye out of the mansion gate.

Now Richard's life is very busy and regular. He spends two hours practicing breathing techniques every morning, and then handles the government affairs piled up throughout the day until seven o'clock in the evening.

From seven o'clock to nine o'clock is the private rest time. After nine o'clock, I will meditate for two hours. After the meditation, I will read the new papers published by the Mage Association. It is almost twelve o'clock in the night when I fall asleep.

Richard had all the power and could have enjoyed a good life. He is well-dressed and well-fed, surrounded by beauties, and his words and deeds can control the lives of countless people. But he still withstood money, beauty, and power. The fact that he can persist in the temptation of fame and fortune in this boring life shows how amazing his self-control is.

After seeing Odaye off, Richard looked at the clock and found that it was almost eight o'clock. He thought about it carefully and realized that there was no one he needed to meet today, so he simply informed the guards to close the door of the mansion and took time to refine the divinity of the Undead King.

It has now been fourteen months since she followed Catherine to refine the remnant soul of the Undead King. Over the past fourteen months, Richard has been slowly refining his divinity.

Because the divinity contains the consciousness residue of the undead king, the refining process is accompanied by greater risks. It not only requires strong mental power, but also requires amazing willpower. Only those who can withstand the invasion of the undead king's residual thoughts and the erosion of the gods' memories can ensure self-awareness and increase spiritual strength.

Richard's mental power has reached seventy-six points, which is at a very high level. Normally, this level of mental power has exceeded that of a legendary second-level magician, and is far more powerful than a legendary warrior, enough to refine divinity.

In fact, as long as the mental power exceeds twenty points, the minimum standard for refining divinity has been reached.

According to the records of the Church of Dawn, there were once five-ring magicians who refined divinity. There are also legendary warrior-type professionals who have successfully refined divinity.

Especially for dead gods, the self-awareness contained in their divinity is severely weakened, and some even only have some memory fragments. As long as they have strong willpower and are not lost in the memory of the gods, they can obtain part of the knowledge of the gods by refining their divinity. , and greatly improve your mental strength.

The Lord of the Undead had long since died, and his remaining soul had been refined into divinity by Katherine.

The risk of refining the undead king's divinity has been reduced a lot. In addition, for the sake of stability, Richard extended the time for refining the divinity, so he did not show any sequelae.

Now after fourteen months, most of the divinity given by Catherine has been refined by Richard. From this bit of divinity, Richard has also gained a lot of mysterious knowledge. It was like watching a movie in my mind, experiencing the life journey of the Undead Lord for more than four hundred years.

Every day of refining divinity will be a wonderful journey for Richard. His consciousness was involuntarily immersed in the memory of the Undead Lord, spending several months to a year or two.

If it weren't for the protection of the ancient god's power, which could pull Richard's self-awareness out of the memory of the Undead King, it would be hard for Richard not to be immersed in it, as if he were watching a long movie.

After all, in the two lifetimes before and after, Richard lived to be less than seventy years old.

Once you are immersed in the memory of the Undead Lord, it is difficult to wake up your self-awareness. If you are not careful, it will be replaced by new consciousness, making your life and soul become the nutrients for the Undead Lord's rebirth.

Relying on the protection of the ancient god's divine power, and adding that Richard extended the time to refine his divinity, he finally succeeded in refining the divinity of the Undead King without any danger.

After refining divinity, Richard opened the attribute panel in his mind. I found that my mental power had increased by five points, reaching eighty-one points. My strength, agility, and physical strength had also improved to a certain extent.

The most special thing is that the divine attribute appears on the attribute panel.

Richard sank his soul into the spiritual space and discovered that a mysterious force did appear in the spiritual space. This force was closely related to magic and could even transform into each other.

Richard pushed his soul and carefully transformed part of the magic power into this mysterious power.

The attribute panel immediately changed. The number of the divine power attribute became one, while the magic power decreased by ten points.

Richard continued to transform his divine power. When the divine power attribute reached five points, he continued to invest magic power, and the number of the divine power attribute would not change anymore.

Combining his past knowledge, Richard thought to himself: "It seems that I can also use the deep power of the Origin Sea. Apart from demigods and gods, there are only a few divine creatures who can use the deep power of the Origin Sea. Could it be me?" He draws closer to the divine creature."

Divine creatures are generally the favored persons or descendants of gods or demigods, and can use the power of gods.

Richard can use the power of killing to strengthen himself, and can clearly see his own attributes. He is actually a divine creature. Now that he has divine power, his life essence is closer to a divine creature.

After possessing divine power, Richard began to experiment with its power.

Richard went directly to the military training ground and found a large open space. He put a little of his divine power into the rune template of the magic missile, and immediately found a powerful ball of energy released from his fingertips, and then flew over a distance of 500 meters. , hit the open space accurately.

In an instant, a violent explosion came from the playground, and a large pit one meter deep was immediately blasted out of the hard soil.

Richard came to the scene of the explosion and secretly estimated in his mind: "The destructive power caused by this magic is about more than one hundred degrees, which is stronger than ordinary six-ring magic.

Could this be the deep power of Yuanhai? If I convert all my magic power into divine power, the lethality may be increased four times. Using divine power to release starlight bombs will probably scare even demigods. "

Later, Richard did more experiments in the martial arts arena. He first invested a little divine power into the fireball template, but found that too little divine power was invested to activate the spell template.

Then he increased his divine power to three points before successfully releasing the divine version of the fireball technique.

In an instant, a fireball the size of a window violently bombarded the martial arts field, like an aerial bomb, lifting up large chunks of soil and releasing streams of white smoke.

The power of the divine fireball is indeed terrifying to the extreme. The destructive power reaches three hundred degrees, and the spell intensity is higher than ordinary legendary magic.

Through many experiments, Richard has figured out that he only has five points of divine power in his body, and he can release the divine version of a five-ring spell at most once.

Because of the use of divine power, not only the destructive power of the spell is eight times that of the original spell, but the range and casting distance of the spell are increased by more than five times, and the power is very impressive.

Although he only has five points of divine power, he can pose a threat to the legendary magician and has become a trump card in Richard's hands.

After a while, Richard also used the Fire Staff, Thunder Staff, Life Staff, and World Staff to release divine spells, and found that the four staffs could still have a bonus effect on divine spells.

However, compared to releasing ordinary spells, the effect is somewhat reduced.

First of all, the two crystal staffs of lightning and flame have very little bonus effect. The power can only be increased by 5%, which can be said to be pitiful.

Then there is the World Staff. When using this staff to release wood-attribute divine power spells, the effect can still be increased by 20%, and the loss of divine power can also be saved.

The most effective one is the life staff. When using this staff to release life-type spells, even if you use divine power, the power will be increased by 50% and the consumption will be reduced by 30%.

This kind of bonus strength is like an artifact. However, the scope of use of this artifact is very narrow. After all, there are very few life-type spells. Most of them are healing spells, and their power is far from the bell, the artifact in Marta's hand.

Although it is not widely applicable, it is an artifact-level treasure after all. Richard carefully placed it in the bottle of starlight and did not dare to give it to Wendy and Annie for use easily.

The four legendary staffs owned by Harland Territory were all trophies captured from the ogres.

The shapes of these four staffs are very rough and simple. They are basically slightly modified with legendary or above materials, and no advanced alchemy technology is used. Although Richard knew that the Staff of Life was the highest level before, he never expected that this staff would have such a powerful blessing effect on divine power spells.

The material used in this staff is comparable to the staff of the Goddess of Dawn.

The World Staff is actually a bit inferior to the Life Staff. All the materials are also the branches of the World Tree. However, this staff has not been tempered by divine power and cannot activate the origin of the World Tree. Therefore, the two staffs are made of the same material. The power of the staffs is extremely different.

Richard's refining of the undead king's divinity not only increased his spiritual power by five points, but also awakened his divine power characteristics. The memory of the Undead Lord was also added to his soul for about five hundred years.

Although the five hundred years of memories are very messy, and a large part of them are the memories of the sealed King of the Undead and his battle of wits and courage with Princess Mata, there is still very precious knowledge and experience in them.

First of all, part of the memory includes ancient wizard texts and the languages ​​of various regions of Offland, which complete the knowledge about the legendary lich that Richard obtained.

In addition, there are a large number of complete necromancy spells, such as the legendary magic of resurrection of the dead, transformation of death energy, soul infection, and crystallization. If this part of the inheritance is obtained by a necromancer, he can be promoted all the way to the realm of the Undead Lord.

The third part is the inside story of the azure plane.

Back then, the four undead kings joined forces and killed the three local gods of the azure plane before infecting the azure plane.

The Blue Plane is not far from the Dawn Plane and has a natural plane passage. At that time, it was through the Blue Plane that the Undead Lord entered the Dawn Plane.

As a result, the Undead Lord had just made some noise and was defeated by the seven gods and the rules wizards. One of the four Undead Lords was left alive, and one escaped with his remaining soul but was sealed in the plane of dawn by O'Farland. Only two undead kings returned safely to the azure plane.

Now the seriously injured rules wizard has been killed by Catherine, and the two undead kings who fled back to the blue plane don't know if a civil war broke out.

The remaining knowledge includes some secrets from the wizarding era, such as the location of the entrance to the underground world, and the undead king's knowledge and experience in traveling through super large planes such as the underworld, the abyss, and the four elements.

Of course, most of the memories are useless information. This useless information was gathered together by Richard and then deleted and forgotten.

After all, more than five hundred years of memories were crammed into his brain. Although this process lasted for seventeen months, it still gave Richard a splitting headache. After deleting the huge amount of useless information, he felt a little more relaxed.

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