Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 102, Another Trial Announcement

Although High Level summons consume more soul coins, the probability of good things appearing is also much higher.

He came with ten consecutive strokes.

[Tongque Terrace] Prompt: "Soul Coin -1000, congratulations on winning the title of Dancer."

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -1000, congratulations on getting a bottle of perfume."

[Tongquetai] prompt: "Soul Coin -1000, congratulations on getting a box of rouge."


Zhou Yan: "( ̄∠ ̄)ノ"

That's the case with lottery. The more you want to get good things, the vast majority of them will be disappointed.

Ten draws again.

This time there are two maids and no hero.

But he got another sweaty horse, and it was white. This horse naturally became Diao Chan's mount.

Zhou Yan named the two bloody horses "Chasing the Wind" and "Lightning" respectively.

[Chai Feng] Follow him.

[Lightning] Follow Diao Chan.

The Bloody BMWs are naturally evolved through the colorful Heart of the Lord, and they are already Level 10 as soon as they are summoned.

However, the sweaty BMW can only exert its power on land.

An outstanding adventure lord needs to take risks on the lord continent all the time. The enemies he faces are of all kinds and all kinds, and even the environment is diverse.

Whether you are facing enemies on land, in the air, or underwater, you need to have a certain level of strength.

In the future, he will definitely have to build three main armies to face the monsters in the three major environments of sea, land and air.

Of course, there are too many monsters in the Lord World, and there are also monsters made of elements. If these monsters are of high level and strong, each of them will be a powerful magician.

He has even heard that some monsters are very weird and have no physical existence. They are completely immune to physical attacks. Even magic and elemental attacks have little effect. They can only be eliminated using mental power or powerful soul-type attacks. they.

When encountering such monsters, if you don't have a way to deal with them or escape in time, you can imagine what the outcome will be.

Everything he has now is just getting started.

The navy, air force, and cavalry will all be there, and it will take time to develop.

I've drawn the High Level lottery a hundred times in total, but I still haven't been able to summon a hero with R quality or above.

Ten women of various qualities appeared, and he left them all to Li Shuang to arrange.

It is worth mentioning that he obtained two pieces of golden equipment and several skill books.

Both pieces of gold equipment were armor, and he didn't wear them either. Because his own silver suit had suit effects, he gave it to Diao Chan.

Among the four skill books, one is an A-quality skill book called "Half Moon Slash", which I directly taught Diao Chan.

When she passed on, she also inherited a lot of swordsmanship and immortality, because her profession itself is a profession of immortal cultivator, and she can learn both spell-type skills and swordsmanship-type skills.

Although he has not inherited the skills yet, he always feels that the picture in his mind still has a lot of room for improvement, but he has not found a way yet.

He left another B-quality skill book with Sun Shangxiang. As for the remaining two books, one was of D-quality and the other was of E-quality, he gave it to two of his subordinates to learn from.

He came to the [White-robed Ghost Soldier] barracks again, summoned all the remaining places that could be summoned, and raised all their levels to Level 10.

There are still a lot of soul coins left. Use the remaining soul coins to upgrade some soldiers. The remaining ones can only be upgraded tomorrow.

On the twenty-second day of the newcomer trial, he raised the levels of everyone in the territory to Level 20.

Day 23, day 24, day 25, day 26 of newbie’s strength!

Although the monsters every day are much stronger than the previous day, the harvest every day is much more than the previous day.

Today, an 18-year-old bronze boss appeared.

After he killed today's bronze boss, there was another newbie trial announcement.

Territory prompt: "You have completed the special advanced mission and killed ten [Bronze quality monsters]. You will be rewarded with 1000 reputation points and an SSS quality special building treasure chest. A newbie trial announcement will be made. Will the name of the territory be announced? What’s your real name and nationality?”

This tip really surprised him. He did not receive a reputation reward for killing a bronze-quality monster for the first time.

I didn’t expect that it would take ten in total.

After seeing the reward, he was quite satisfied.

Although the conditions for triggering this mission were very harsh, the 1,000 reputation points and a special treasure chest reward of SSS quality made him very satisfied.

He still chose "No."

Newcomer trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality . ]

Newcomer trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is . ]

Newcomer trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is . ]

The entire newcomer trial: "!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ, ミ゚Д゚彡, (꒪Д꒪)ノ, 0ДQ, щ(゜ロ゜щ)..."

The news came too suddenly.

It's really too scary.

Bronze quality monster.

Still ten!

Damn it!

Damn...is this guy human?

The key is this reward.

I don’t know how many people are jealous.

1000 reputation points!

The key is an SSS-quality building treasure chest, which you can't buy even if you have money.

Damn it! Someone tell me this guy's name and address. We want to pay him a visit.

As a whole, people who are going through the newbie trial are very uneasy inside.

Thinking that the other party has been able to kill other monsters at the Azure Bronze Level, but they are still dealing with ordinary monsters, and some new lords have even never seen boss-level monsters, I feel sad.

[International Chat Hall]:

"Brother, I am a member of the Locke family, and I am willing to spend a high price on that SSS-quality special construction treasure chest. I am willing to buy it at a high price, 10 billion spirit coins. If you don't like the spirit coins, you can directly make various requests. We are willing to spend a huge price to buy it. .”

"Our company is also willing to purchase, and I hope friends can contact me."

"Friend, as long as you trade with me, spiritual coins, resources, buildings, equipment, techniques, and skills are all no problem. Even if you want any woman, we can help you get it."


The whole world is looking for Zhou Yan, hoping to buy that SSS-quality special building treasure chest from him.

This quality is really too high, and coupled with the word "special", it is enough for any force to buy it at any price.

It's a pity that Zhou Yan didn't even open the chat room, and he had no intention of selling it.

He couldn't wait to take the SSS-quality special building treasure box in his hands, filled with joy.

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