Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 103, Zhen Mi’S Job Transfer Was Successful

It has not yet entered the evolution of the territory, and it is already of SSS quality. If it has entered the evolution, I don’t know what kind of quality building it will evolve into. Everyone is looking forward to this.

Territory prompt: "Congratulations to Zhen Mi for successfully completing the trial and switching to the only profession - Frost Fairy."

[One person in the Temple of Inheritance has successfully transferred to another profession, turned on the inheritance professional characteristics, and all attributes are +5. ]

At this time, Zhou Yan heard the hint from the territory, and Zhen Mi finally changed his job successfully.

Speaking of which, her trial lasted quite a long time.

All attributes increased by 5 points again, making him much stronger again.

Several people have successfully transferred jobs in the past few days, but the Zhang San he was looking forward to has not yet come out.

He asked someone to call Zhen Mi over, because he found that after Zhen Mi changed jobs, her luck value increased greatly, and she had become the person with the highest luck attribute in the territory.

Not long after, everyone felt an air of ice coming, and even the temperature dropped a lot. Everyone looked at Zhen Mi and saw that she was dressed in blue and surrounded by a cold air, like a fairy coming to the world.


After Zhen Mi saw Zhou Yan, she quickly stepped forward and said to Diao Chan, "Hello, sister Diao Chan."

"Congratulations to sister Zhen Mi for successfully changing her job." Diao Chan responded with a smile.

"You've come back just in time. It's up to you to open this treasure box. After opening it, I have something to give you."

Zhou Yan said mysteriously to Zhen Mi who had just changed jobs.

Because Zhen Mi has successfully changed jobs, her luck attribute has already surpassed that of Diao Chan, becoming the person with the highest luck in the entire territory.

"Zhen Mi, open it."

Zhou Yan handed the building to Zhen Mi, and then everyone looked at her.

Although Zheng Zhenmi was very nervous, but seeing the expectant eyes of so many people, he still mustered up the courage to open the treasure chest.

There was a flash of golden light, and a building emitting dazzling light appeared in front of people.

Zhou Yan was very surprised and surprised when he saw this building.

Then, his eyes burst into a burst of golden light.

Just because this building is so special.

Territory prompt: "Build [Hall of Heroes' Souls], and [Hall of Heroes' Souls] evolved into [Underworld]."

He quickly began to check the properties of the building.

[Building: Underworld]

[Level: Level 1]

[Quality: RRR]

[Defense: 3000/3000]

[Special Attribute 1: Increase the attributes of all residents in the territory by 10%. ]

[Special Attribute 2: Resurrection (After the territory residents die, they can spend a certain amount of soul coins to resurrect.) ]

[Special attribute three: All residents’ damage is reduced by 10%. ]

[Introduction: The strange building in charge of the entire underworld has huge power, ]

Zhou Yan was very surprised when he saw this building. He didn't expect the power of this building to be so powerful.

The Underworld is a building that only exists in legends. No one expected that it would become a building in this territory. This is a very unexpected and surprising thing.

He quickly upgraded the level of this building.

Territory prompt: "Consumption of 300 spirit coins will raise the level of [Underworld] to Level 2."

Territory prompt: "Consumption of 400 spirit coins will raise the level of [Underworld] to Level 3."

Territory prompt: "Consumption of 500 spirit coins will raise the level of [Underworld] to Level 4."


(Author: Sorry, I really drank too much, so I can only make up for it tomorrow.)

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