[Building: Underworld]

[Level: Level 20]

[Required for upgrade: 100,000 soul coins, 1,000 soul coins, and a three-star Yinming Stone]

[Quality: RRR]

[Defense: 100000/100000]

[Special Attribute 1: Increase the attributes of all residents in the territory by 30%. ]

[Special Attribute 2: Resurrection (After the territory residents die, they can spend a certain amount of soul coins to resurrect.) ]

[Special Attribute Three: The damage received by all residents is reduced by 30%. ]

[Special Attribute 4: The soul damage received by territorial residents is reduced by 10%]

[Introduction: The strange building that controls the entire underworld has great power. ]

After upgrading the level of [Underworld] to Level 20, the things required for upgrading have also changed, and soul coins are also required to upgrade.

Although it is not much now, only one thousand soul coins, this building is only Level 20. Who knows how many soul coins will be needed to upgrade later.

However, the ability of this building is indeed very powerful. It can actually resurrect the residents of the territory. This ability is absolutely incredible.

He didn't know if other lords had similar buildings.

Anyway, he had never heard of such a building.

This building is very different from other buildings. It is full of darkness and looks gloomy, like a lifeless palace.

Zhou Yan led everyone inside and found that this [Underworld] didn't look big from the outside, but after walking in, he found that the inside of the building was larger than the entire territory.

Although I am surprised, I think that this [Underworld] itself is a special building, and it is normal to have such characteristics.

Although it is very big, there are not many things inside, and everyone feels a cold aura coming over them. The entire [Underworld] is full of gloom, coldness, and death, and everyone does not like it very much.

But there is one exception, and that is Nie Xiaoqian.

She is a "ghost" herself, and the power in her body is Yin Qi. She naturally likes such a place very much.

[The Underworld] is like a world, but there are still many things missing here. After reaching a certain range, they can no longer pass. This should be because the level is too low and other places are not open.

He came to the back of [Underworld] and found several altars, one of which was called [Soul Gathering Pond], which was used to gather the souls of the residents of the territory.

The other one is called [Reincarnation Pool], which is used for reincarnation.

The last one is the [Resurrection Pool] which is used for resurrection.

There are still many things that have not appeared in [Underworld], so he needs to collect materials to upgrade the level before he can present the real [Underworld].

There are many functions of this building. Anyway, there are only a few days left for the newbie trial. He plans to collect information about the Yinming Stone after he goes out, hoping to gain something.

"Lord, I want to practice here."

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Zhou Yan. This place is very suitable for her to practice. She can practice faster here than in the [Aura Bamboo House].

"You can come anytime you want." Zhou Yan replied.

"Great." Nie Xiaoqian was very happy.

Everyone left, leaving Nie Xiaoqian alone to practice here.

Everyone returned to the [Aura Bamboo House] again. After Zhou Yan arranged everything in the territory one by one, he began to upgrade the people in the territory.

The first was his own level, which he upgraded to Level 30 in one go.

Territory prompt: "Soul coins -7000, your level has been raised from Level 20 to Level 21."

Territory prompt: "Soul coins -8000, your level has been raised from Level 21 to Level 22."

Territory prompt: "Soul Coin -9000, your level has been raised from Level 22 to Level 23."


Then there are Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Nie Xiaoqian, Sun Shangxiang, Si Teng, Hua Yuerong and the others.

To upgrade from Level 20 to Level 30, everyone needs to consume 115,000 soul coins.

High-quality heroes require the most soul coins to upgrade.

Soldiers don't need so many soul coins, but the larger the number, the more soul coins they need.

Of course, more than 20 million soul coins cannot upgrade everyone's level to Level 30. The remaining people can only wait until later.

He still had 100,000 soul coins left, saving them for unnecessary use.

Even for people who have been adventuring in the Lord's Continent for a year, their territory is definitely not as good as mine.

This newbie trial was of great benefit to him.

The extra soul coins awarded alone are a very huge reward.

He did not arrange for people to go into the [Heritage Temple] to accept the inheritance trial.

Because there are only three days left until the newbie trial ends.

The newbie trials in the last three days will be even more fierce than the previous attacks.

He has made a series of arrangements for tomorrow's defense work, and there is nothing that needs to be adjusted. Everything can continue as usual.

He has upgraded all the buildings that can be upgraded now, and the remaining materials cannot be purchased during the newcomer trial. He can only wait until the newcomer trial is over.

After settling the matter, they all went about their own business, and those who had nothing to do also went to practice.

"Zhen Mi, stay." Zhou Yan called out to Zhen Mi.

The others laughed when they heard this, knowing what the lord was thinking.


Zhen Mi was not stupid and had already guessed something in her mind, but she was still a little nervous and her heart beat faster.

"Lord..." Seeing Zhou Yan slowly walking towards her, Zhen Mi became even more nervous.

Zhou Yan hugged Zhen Mi and said, "Tell me about the job transfer trial."


Zhen Mi's pretty face was slightly red, and she let Zhou Yan hug her soft and delicate body, and then talked about what happened in the trial place.

It was a land of ice and snow, and then she met a woman named Frost Fairy. It turned out to be her fairy mansion. After that, she became the apprentice of Frost Fairy and began to learn various Immortal Laws and trials.

The trial was very strict and very difficult, which was why it took her so long to successfully transfer.

Every trial is not easy, and those who can succeed use their own strength and perseverance to complete it.

"It'll be great if you succeed." Zhou Yan looked at Zhen Mi, his eyes full of passion.

Zhen Mi's pretty face turned red, and before she could react, Zhou Yan kissed her lips, and then...

A wonderful thing happened.

With the influx of a huge amount of spiritual energy, both Zhou Yan and Zhen Mi gained huge benefits.

Zhou Yan's realm continues to break through, from the Martial Dao Thirtieth Layer Heaven to the Martial Dao Thirty-Fifth Layer Heaven.

The higher the realm, the more spiritual energy is needed.

Zhen Mi’s gains were not small, and she was directly promoted to the Martial Dao Fifteenth Layer.

On the [Sansheng Stone], Zhen Mi's name was added again.

The twenty-seventh day of the newbie trial.

The last three days will be the most difficult time of the entire newcomer trial.

The teacher once said that many newcomer lords will have their crystals broken by monsters one after another during these three days, thus ending the newcomer trial.

Therefore, these last three days are the most important three days in the entire newcomer trial, and they are also the most difficult three days.

Monsters have been attacking the territory since four o'clock in the morning.

The territory is now on the right track and can operate normally even without Zhou Yan.

Diao Chan and the others had already prepared defenses on each city wall, and he soon arrived on the city wall.

(Author: It’s very cold at home. Please keep warm, everyone. There will be two updates in the evening, and three if you have time.)

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