Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 105, Zhen Mi Takes Action

Looking at the monsters outside, Zhou Yan looked very surprised, because today's monster was a mechanical monster.

[Monster: Mechanical Dog]

[Quality: Elite]

[Level: Level 18]

[Special: Mechanization]

[Introduction: Mechanical dogs created by alien civilizations are usually used as reconnaissance pioneers. ]

"Lord, these mechanical dogs are more difficult to deal with than monsters..."

After the captain among the white-robed ghost soldiers saw Zhou Yan, he quickly stepped forward and told Zhou Yan about the characteristics of these monsters.

Zhou Yan nodded and carefully observed the mechanical dogs outside.

These mechanical monsters are indeed not easy to deal with. They are equipped with firearms and can attack from a long distance. If it were not for the high quality and power of its defense tower, and its attack range is large enough, I am afraid that the soldiers would have suffered a lot. These mechanical dogs are fiercely attacking.

He has long known that he currently lacks long-range arms, but there is no way now. Long-range arms are not something that can be obtained just by saying they have them.

He wanted to build a barracks to try his luck, maybe he could get a long-range unit, but recently he didn't reward any buildings, but he got a lot of gold equipment rewards.

He also received two golden forging blueprints, both of which were awarded to him after the trial.

It's a pity that there are drawings and no materials, so it can only be left alone.

Mechanical dogs are much more flexible than monsters, but when faced with attacks from [high-energy machine turrets], no matter how flexible these mechanical dogs are, they will basically be killed.

Now all the white-robed ghost soldiers are equipped with shields. Even if some mechanical dogs approach, the soldiers can use their shields to defend themselves.

The battle has lasted for two hours. As the number of mechanical dogs has increased, many have broken through the coverage of the defense tower and attacked the soldiers.

The white-robed ghost soldiers were all veterans of many battles. It was their first time facing a high-tech monster like a mechanical dog, but they were not stupid and had already prepared ways to deal with it.

After some mechanical dogs approached, the firearms installed on their bodies began to actively attack. A series of bullets came out of the muzzles and attacked the white-robed ghost soldiers.


The white-robed ghost soldiers formed a square formation, with their shields in front and their whole bodies hiding behind the shields. These mechanical dogs would actively rush toward them without them moving forward.

“Dang Dang Dang!!!”

The bullet landed on the shield, leaving only a little mark. These shields were equipped with bronze or above, which was more than enough to withstand the mechanical dog's bullets.


After the mechanical dog approached, the white-robed ghost soldiers quickly attacked, drew their weapons and launched a fierce attack on the mechanical dog.

A burst of sparks flew, and the mechanical dog turned into a pile of scrap metal.

They are all mechanical monsters, and as long as their core is destroyed, they can be completely eliminated.

The core of these mechanical dogs is in their heads. As long as their heads are destroyed, they will be no threat at all.

But the capabilities of these mechanical monsters don't stop there. In addition to having firearms installed on their backs, their teeth are also very sharp. They seem to be directly modified from monster teeth, and they have very powerful biting power.

The current level of the white-robed ghost soldiers is mostly at Level 30, and they are equipped with sophisticated equipment. Although not everyone can have a complete set of silver equipment, they are fully equipped with a complete set of bronze equipment. Some of them are even equipped with a complete set of bronze equipment. There is a piece of silver equipment.

Even if the bullet hits the armor, it will not cause fatal damage to them, but the durability will only be reduced.

For a territory with a group of dwarf blacksmiths, the equipment only needs to be repaired before it can be used again.

However, as the battle progressed, a white-robed ghost soldier was struck by a bullet in the face and fell down.

Although the helmet can protect their heads, it only protects the back of the head, not the face.

Thermal weapon attacks are always very powerful, and the bullet penetrated directly into the soldier's brain, killing him with one blow.

It had been a long time since the newcomers had been tested, and this was the first time there had been casualties in his territory.

After the soldier died, a soul was sucked into the [Underworld] within the territory.

When other soldiers saw their comrades falling, they became angry and launched an even more violent attack on these mechanical dogs.

"Bring the body back."

[Underworld] can resurrect soldiers, so bringing the corpse back can shorten the time for resurrection.

Today's battle is destined not to be easy. Not only are these mechanical dogs numerous in number, but they also possess thermal weapons. If it were not for the [Underworld], there is no telling how many soldiers would die in this battle.

He is very lucky to be able to obtain such a heaven-defying building as [Underworld]. He would not even mention a word of this kind of building to the outside world.


There was a voice behind him. Zhou Yan looked back and found that Zhen Mi had woken up. He quickly said, "Why don't you rest for a while?"

"There are so many monsters in the territory, I can't sleep anymore."

Although Zhen Mi was very tired and even walked a little awkwardly, she did not need to fight the monster in close combat. She could attack while standing on the city wall.

Seeing so many monsters outside, and each of them looked strange, I was very curious and asked: "What kind of monster are these? It's really strange. They are made of iron and can attack like that."

"This is a mechanical dog, a high-tech monster. This [high-energy laser cannon] defense tower is also a high-tech weapon. We will encounter all kinds of monsters in the future."

"Is that so? Then they don't have souls. It's a bit strange that they can move without souls."

Zhen Mi tried her spiritual power and found that it had no effect on these monsters. From this, she learned that these monsters were soulless monsters.

She took out the Holy Spirit Staff and unleashed a powerful spell. The temperature between heaven and earth dropped rapidly, as if winter was coming.

Then, a piece of cold air formed in the sky above Zhen Mi, turning into cold cones, densely packed and very numerous.


As Zhen Mi waved her staff gently, the cold cone in the air that was already ready to strike fell fiercely towards the monster outside like a cannonball.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

“Ding ding ding!!!”

The ice cones were very terrifying, covering the mechanical dogs within a few hundred meters. Those mechanical dogs were directly pierced by these ice cones, and sparks shot out, turning them into a pile of scrap metal.

With one move, a group of monsters were killed. Zhou Yan quickly praised: "Spell-type attacks are really powerful."

"I learned this all when I inherited it, but my current strength is still very low. I can only use some very Low Level spells, and I cannot use High Level spells."

Zhen Mi replied.

"This is still a Low Level spell."

Zhou Yan didn't expect that such a powerful spell was only at Low Level. If Zhen Mi's strength improved, he didn't know how powerful the spell could be.

He is full of expectations, so he needs to improve Zhen Mi's strength. This is a humanoid defense tower in the territory.

Zhen Mi waved the staff again, and a storm of cold air appeared. A strong blue wind appeared, rolling up a snowflake. This is also a spell inherited by Zhen Mi, called ice storm. However, now Zhen Mi can only form a small " 'storm.

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