The safety of the territory's crystal is paramount. Once the crystal is shattered, no matter how strong the territory is, it will all come to nothing.

After this incident with the flying monster, he found that there were still many areas in the territory that needed improvement.

Especially for defense against aerial monsters.

In the final analysis, the number of defense towers is still insufficient.

If there are enough defense towers, he can place several defense towers here alone at [King Crystal] to specifically defend against incoming monsters.

The flying monsters are not afraid of death. They come here just to attack the crystal, and they keep rushing towards the crystal.

Unfortunately, the thunder attack of [King Crystal] is very powerful. As soon as these monsters enter the attack range of the crystal, a series of lightning will appear, killing all these flying monsters.

He checked the properties of [King Crystal].

[Building: King Crystal]

[Level: 24]

[Required for upgrade: 60,000 spirit coins, 50 yuan for three-star crystal cores of the same attribute]

[Quality: SS (0/1)]

[Required for upgrade: a piece of Lord Crystal]

[Defense: 11000/11000]

[Shield: 40000/40000]

[Special Attribute 1: Thunder Attack]

[Special Attribute 2: Within the territory, all elemental attacks +14%, defense +14%]

[Special Attribute Three: Chain Lightning]

[Introduction: The core hub of Lord Space, the evolved crystal, integrates offense and defense, and will actively attack all malicious creatures within a hundred meters. Obtain a Lord Crystal to evolve again. When using the same type of crystal to upgrade, there is a certain probability of obtaining the attack bonus of that attribute. ]

The level of [King Crystal] is also a bit too low. It is only Level 24 now. He wants to upgrade [King Crystal], but there are too many attributes that require the same kind of crystal.

After today, he had to find out if anyone had collected Lord Crystals.

I believe there is such a thing in the world of lords, but I don’t know if I can encounter it.

It is precisely because of the two powerful skills of [King Crystal] that these monsters cannot cause any harm to it at all.

The flying monster was quickly wiped out by the attack from [King Crystal].

He returned to the city wall, looked at the battlefield, and immediately used Qinggong. He came under the city wall and raised the Changhong Sword. The Yin and Yang Qi in his body quickly burst out, and one after another terrifying sword Qi killed these monsters. Don't leave any armor behind.

Although these orc warriors were powerful, they were still unable to resist Zhou Yan's powerful attack, and they all fell.

A barrage of bows and arrows came towards him. He danced a circle of sword flowers to block all the bows and arrows, and then released the Yin and Yang Qi in his body, bursting out a powerful energy.

With the balance of Yin and Yang in his body, he was able to release the Tai Chi diagram to attack the enemy.

The yin and yang qi were continuously released from his body, turning into a huge Tai Chi diagram.

The Tai Chi diagram exuding black and white energy is flying in the air, dozens of meters in size, with one yin and one yang, like a rapidly rotating cutting machine.

He controlled this huge Tai Chi diagram to sweep towards these orc warriors.

The entire body of the orc warrior covered by Tai Chi Tu was shattered by the powerful power of Tai Chi Tu. Due to Strangulation, the entire body exploded, and no orc warrior could stop it.

Tai Chi Tu was extremely fast, sweeping from left to right, turning all the orc warriors encountered on the road into blood foam.

The soldiers were given a short break.

They saw the lord burst out with divine power, their morale was high, and they roared loudly: "The lord is invincible!"

"The lord is invincible!"

"The lord is invincible!"


The thundering sound echoed throughout the territory.

Zhou Yan's Tai Chi diagram is more powerful than that.

He controlled this Tai Chi figure to rush toward the BOSS quickly, and soon reached the head of the BOSS.

"Yin Yang Explosion!"

He pressed it with one hand, and the Tai Chi Diagram turned into a bolt of lightning and sank directly into the ground.


A terrifying explosion sounded, and then a huge mushroom cloud appeared, accompanied by the shaking of the ground, like an earthquake.

The terrifying energy impact wiped out everything on the ground, which shows how powerful this move is.

After doing all this, he turned into a ray of light and headed towards the other three city walls.

But the BOSS on the other three sides does not require him to take action, because the other heroes are also very powerful and have many powerful skills. By the time he passes by, those BOSS will be almost dead.

However, he still used Tai Chi Tu and killed all the monsters in front of him.

The monsters on the other three sides were all turned around by him, and he consumed a lot of energy. He began to drink spiritual springs and eat spiritual fruits to recover.

The types of monsters are becoming more and more like regular armies. There are six types of soldiers: orc shield warriors, spearmen, axemen, dragon knights, archers, and flying monsters. They are no longer a chaotic mess, but as if they have been trained. Same, start to advance towards the territory.

It was already nine o'clock, and there were still three hours before the end of the trial. He had to use all his strength to block the monster's attack for three hours.

The flying monsters are still ordinary types, and the number is similar to before, only about a thousand.

These flying monsters were the first to fly towards the territory and were immediately attacked by the defense tower. Only a hundred or so escaped the attack of the defense tower and flew directly towards the [King Crystal].

Just in case, Zhou Yan came to the [King's Crystal] immediately, and then launched an attack on these flying monsters.

From four directions, hundreds of flying monsters flew from each direction.

He stood next to the [King's Crystal] and used the Thunderbolt Technique to attack these flying monsters.

The flying monster attacked [King Crystal] and was attacked by a series of thunder and lightning.

It didn't take long for more than four hundred flying monsters to be killed by [King Crystal] and Zhou Yan.

Only a bunch of treasure chests were left on the ground.

After he killed these flying monsters, he headed towards the defense tower again and started killing monsters.

Although the strength of these orc warriors was good, the white-robed ghost soldiers and the trapped camp were also not weak. In addition to their level and equipment advantages, although they were damaged, they still resisted these monsters.

At 9:50, two silver bosses appeared.

He activated his second skill without hesitation, and a terrifying high-energy cannon was fired out, swallowing up two powerful silver bosses in an instant, leaving them with no chance to take action.

After the second skill was activated, the formation of the orc warriors in front of them was also broken. As the soldiers rampaged, these monsters were quickly killed.

After a while, a prompt came.

Territory prompt: "You have completed the advanced mission and killed ten [Silver quality monsters]. You will be rewarded with 2000 reputation points and an SSS quality building treasure chest. A newbie trial announcement will be made. Will the territory name and real name be announced? Do you have a nationality?”

He didn't expect another reward, but this task is really not something that ordinary people can complete, so it makes sense if there is a reward.


Newbie trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Newbie trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Newbie trial announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

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