Another building chest was awarded.

After opening it, you can get an SSS-quality building treasure chest, which he can open by himself.

Territory Tip: "Get the SSS [missile tower]."

"It turned out to be a defense tower!" Zhou Yan was surprised.

He didn't expect that he could open a defense tower, and it was also a high-tech defense tower.

Although no other buildings can be built in the territory, defensive towers can still be built.

The main reason is that the defense tower is small. Even if it is upgraded, it will basically not increase the area too much. It will only heighten the defense tower and enhance its power.

"I don't know what kind of changes this [missile tower] will have after evolution."

He was very curious. This defense tower itself was of SSS quality. After evolving, it would definitely become more powerful.

He immediately began building the defensive tower.

Territory tip: "Build [Missile Tower], [Missile Tower] evolved into [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower]."


"Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower..."

Zhou Yan: "(キ`゚Д゚´)!!"

Just hearing the name sounds awesome.

He immediately checked the properties of this defense tower.

[Building: Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower]

[Level: Level 1]

[Upgrade required: 10,000 spirit coins]

[Quality: RRR]

[Defense: 1000/1000]

[Special Attribute 1: Plasma Missile Attack]

[Attack range: one thousand kilometers]

[Introduction: Humanity’s most Apex Level technology missile is enough to destroy a planet. ]

Zhou Yan: "Σ(゚д゚llll)"

He was shocked!

This defense tower has become of the highest quality.

The power of this defense tower is two levels higher than the [High-Energy Machine Turret].

It costs 10,000 spirit coins to upgrade to one level. This defense tower looks like a big spender.

However, with this defense tower, the next battle will definitely be much easier.

He really wanted to see the offensive capabilities of this defense tower.

He upgraded the defense tower first.

Territory prompt: "Consume 10,000 spirit coins to upgrade the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] to Level 2."

Territory prompt: "Consume 20,000 spirit coins to upgrade the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] to Level 3."

Territory prompt: "Consumption of 30,000 spirit coins will raise the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] level to Level 4."


However, after upgrading to Level 10, other materials are required.

[Building: Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower]

[Level: Level 10]

[Required for upgrade: 100,000 spirit coins, a piece of six-star or above high-energy alloy]

[Quality: RRR]

[Defense: 10000/10000]

[Special Attribute 1: Plasma Missile Attack]

[Special attribute two: Nuclear bomb attack (each nuclear bomb will consume 100 million spiritual coins)]

[Attack range: 10,000 kilometers]

[Introduction: The most Apex Level technology missile that humans can create, enough to destroy a planet. ]

After seeing the properties of this defense tower, he was completely speechless.

The attack on this defense tower is indeed terrifying.

After upgrading, it can indeed launch a nuclear bomb attack.

But each attack costs 100 million spiritual coins, which is really not something ordinary people can afford.

The second skill of this defense tower can only be used as a trump card.

No matter where this defense tower is placed, it can cover monsters in the entire territory.

"Try how powerful it is."

He controlled the defense tower and attacked the new monsters that appeared on the front.

I saw a series of plasma missiles flying out from the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower], ten in total, roaring towards the direction he designated.

[Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] has a very long attack range, up to 10,000 kilometers, so it can attack monsters far away.

The missile dragged a series of flames and carried out a covering attack on the monster several kilometers away at an extremely fast speed.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Ten fireballs rose up, and the earth-shattering sound made everyone stunned.

"My dear, if this thing falls into someone else's territory..."

He believed that just one shot would be enough for the opponent to drink a pot.


He was very happy.

After all, this is an evolution of an SSS-quality defense tower.

It is not comparable to ordinary defense towers.

"The soldiers can finally relax a lot." He felt relieved.

He began to control the defense tower and attack the four directions of the territory in turn, so that the pressure on the soldiers in each direction could be reduced.

[Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] can launch ten incredibly powerful missiles each time, and each attack can kill a lot of enemies.

But its attack interval is relatively long, after all, it is only a level 10 defense tower.

However, the power of these ten missiles is too powerful.

Each one can cause devastating casualties to these monsters.

This reduces a lot of pressure on the soldiers.

Sure enough, after a wave of [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] attacks, the remaining monsters were attacked by other defense towers, and the number of monsters that could still appear on the city wall alive was doubled.

This is the power of an Apex Level defense tower.

It's just too powerful.

When the soldiers faced these monsters, not only the pressure was reduced by half, but their own strength was also able to burst out.

You can also get more rest time.

At ten fifty, before he even saw the shadow of the BOSS, he saw his reputation value rising.

Territory Tips: "Kill three Level 20 Silver Orc Dragon Cavalry generals and get an additional reputation of +120."

Zhou Yan: ""(°ヘ°)"

Unfortunately, these two bosses were taken away by a wave of missiles.

Just after eleven o'clock, he saw the missiles of the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] exploding in the air. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that these missiles prioritized attacking monsters in the air.

This made him very happy. This defensive tower building was so powerful.

With such a defense tower, the territory's aerial security is immediately greatly guaranteed.

After the newcomer trial is over, he plans to place the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] next to the [King Crystal].

He is no longer worried about flying monsters in the sky.

There is only one hour left before the newcomer trial.

He is very much looking forward to how many rewards he can get this time.

Time passes slowly.

At half past eleven, he heard a prompt in a daze.

Territory prompt: "You have completed the hidden task of the newcomer trial. Killing [a gold-quality monster] will reward you with 1,000 reputation points and a golden cloak treasure chest. A newcomer trial announcement will be made. Will the name of the territory, real name and nationality be announced? "

Zhou Yan: “゛(‘◇’)?”

A gold-quality BOSS?

He didn't even see it.

It seems to be the work of [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] again.


Newcomer Trial Announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Newcomer Trial Announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Newcomer Trial Announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

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