Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1206, Lord Of The Starry Sky

"Starfall Sword Technique!"

Zhou Yan shouted directly.

This imperial body emits bright light.

Then a sharp sword appeared directly in his hand.

This sharp sword bloomed with terrifying imperial power and contained endless imperial power.

Zhou Yan directly slashed towards Xiao Yifeng with his sword.


One blow blasted out.

This sword light evolved from the power of the emperor's body carried terrifying power like a tide and blasted towards Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng sneered.

He mobilized all the star power in his body to focus on his right fist, and punched out violently.


Xiao Yifeng's right fist collided with the sword light evolved from the power of the emperor's body.

Suddenly, this terrifying energy wave swept away in all directions.

All trees within thousands of meters were destroyed.

The boulders exploded and shattered.

The entire mountain range was completely destroyed.


Xiao Yifeng's fist collided with the sword light.

Although he displayed his Jiuxiao Battle Body, he still couldn't stop the sword light.

Even though he has now cultivated the Jiuxiao Battle Body to perfection.

But it’s just First Grade Sacred Body after all.

It is still difficult to resist a real Great Emperor level attack.

Because this place is still some distance away from the Chen Clan Ancient City, it did not attract the attention of the Chen Clan Emperor of Chen Clan Ancient City.

Otherwise, this sword alone would be enough for the Chen family emperor to notice.

"damn it!"

Seeing this, Chen Tian's expression changed and he looked very ugly.

He pinched the seal with both hands and shot out with one palm.

This palm directly tore apart the space and blasted towards Xiao Yifeng.


Immediately, the terrifying blow unleashed by the Emperor of the Chen family collided with Xiao Yifeng's right fist.

A series of deafening explosions sounded.

The overwhelming energy spread.

This void has been wiped out, as if the end has come.


Xiao Yifeng retreated a hundred meters, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He swayed a few times and almost lost his balance.

"Boy, you are indeed extraordinary."

"But it was just a warm-up. Next, I will let you try what despair is."

"I'll make your death painful."

Chen Tian looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted coldly, with a cold look in his eyes.

He squeezed the seal with one hand, and a thick black mist surged around his body.

"Emperor's Art - Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Souls!"

Immediately, the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace shouted directly.

There was a sparkle in his eyes.

The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace used his imperial skills to summon all ghosts.

These ten thousand ghosts screamed and roared, as terrifying as ten thousand ghosts devouring souls.

They bit towards Xiao Yifeng like crazy.


A series of deafening explosions sounded.

The entire void exploded.

Waves of terrifying energy ripples spread in all directions.


Xiao Yifeng spurted out a mouthful of blood and was injured.

"Boy, you can force me to use imperial skills against you. Even if you die, you are worthy of pride."

The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace looked at Xiao Yifeng with contempt.

Unparalleled power erupted from his body, and the terrifying imperial power filled all directions.

The strength of the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace is already comparable to that of the Great Emperor.

"It's just a Dao Emperor corpse."

"It's ridiculous to try to claim the throne!"

At this time, Xiao Yifeng looked at the Dao Emperor's body and said disdainfully.

"You...what did you say?"

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace looked shocked.

His expression changed continuously.

"Yes, I am the reincarnation of the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the guardian and said coldly.

"Starry Sky Great Emperor?"

"How is this possible? Are you the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky?"

The guardian looked at Xiao Yifeng with wide eyes, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Hmph, I am what you call the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky!"

"How can an ant like you know the existence of the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky?"

"If it weren't for something, I wouldn't even bother to take over my body and be reborn."

Xiao Yifeng shouted proudly.

"I see, no wonder I have never seen the Starry Sky Great Emperor. You must be an impostor."

"You want to fool me? It's just a dream!"

Zhou Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted coldly.

"Whether you believe it or not, the outcome will not change!"

"Since I can live another life, it means that God has treated me well."

"You will all die today!"

There was a sharp and frightening cold light in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, his expression was cold, and his whole body exuded an invisible sense of oppression.

"court death!"

Hearing Xiao Yifeng mocking himself with such contempt.

The imperial palace guardian had an angry look on his face and shouted word by word.


In an instant, the guardian of the Chen family activated his imperial body to unleash the strongest attack.

He waved a long knife, and a monstrous sword light erupted towards Xiao Yifeng to suppress it.

At the same time, a mysterious star suddenly appeared between Xiao Yifeng's eyebrows.

This star releases the bright star light.

This star shines directly on the guardian of the Chen family.


"Why do you have star patterns?"

Looking at the star emerging between Xiao Yifeng's eyebrows.

The expression of the guardian of the Chen family changed drastically, and he looked extremely ugly.


Xiao Yifeng directly activated the star pattern, and a terrifying star power enveloped the guardian of the Chen family's imperial palace.

Zhou Yan felt a great threat.

"Break it for me!"

In an instant, the guardian of the Chen family's imperial palace flashed his eyes and shouted angrily.

He mobilized all his strength and condensed it into a knife to strike at the star.


A harsh explosion sounded.

The radiance of the stars in the sky disappeared, and the star pattern collapsed directly.

The body of the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace was also blown away.

He hit the ground far away, half-kneeling on the ground, vomiting blood.

At this moment, the silence around was terrifying!

All the Martial Artists' eyes widened with dull expressions.

Each of them looked stiff.

He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"You...you actually have a star pattern?"

The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace looked at Xiao Yifeng with shock.

His eyes were filled with an incredible look.

"Who among you Chen family dares to hurt Xiao Xuehua?"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the guardian of the Chen family's imperial palace indifferently, with a cold glint in his eyes.

He shouted directly.

"I advise you to leave here immediately."

"Otherwise you will die miserably!"

"Sooner or later, my ancestor of the Chen family will come back to life and crush you!"

The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace looked at Xiao Yifeng and said solemnly.

Zhou Yan stared at Xiao Yifeng with a ferocious expression.

"If I want to leave, who can stop me?"

Xiao Yifeng curled his lips and snorted with disdain.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Galaxy falls!"


The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace roared again.

He directly activated the secret technique and performed a terrifying secret technique.

Suddenly the space was completely distorted and turned into a galaxy.

The overwhelming power of the stars swept out, as if to destroy the sky!

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