Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1207, Kill With Long Sword


The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace spat out cold words.

Then he brandished a long sword.

He focused all the star power in his body on the long sword.

A sword struck towards Zhou Yan.


In an instant, the void exploded, and the entire world was torn apart.

Terrifying energy fluctuations erupted, like the end of the world.

This blow is enough to destroy all Martial Artists, and is a power that only a true Immortal King can possess.

Although Zhou Yan has rich combat experience, he has not reached the level of Immortal King.

So he couldn't resist the opponent's terrifying attack.

Zhou Yan immediately waved his hands.

The ten major acupoints in the body opened in unison, and streams of pure Yuanling power surged out.

At the same time, the Ninth Grade Supreme beast's crystal core and nine thousand-year-old medicinal materials were all devoured by it.

In an instant, these energy and medicinal materials were refined by Xiao Yifeng into the most pure and rich energy and medicinal energy.

Zhou Yan directly used the Tyrant Body Technique, using these two powers to crazily improve his strength.

Zhou Yan's body became even more dazzling.

It was like being cast from gold, exuding a feeling as hard as iron.

This is not over yet, under the impact of this terrible energy.

A huge mysterious portal appeared above Zhou Yan's head, releasing a monstrous power.

"Godfiend Passage?"

Seeing this, the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace looked shocked.

He didn't expect Zhou Yan to condense the Godfiend Channel.

However, the other party only condensed the prototype of the channel.

It is far from completely solidified.

Obviously more huge energy and medicinal materials are needed to help.

Zhou Yan then activated the Godfiend channel and launched a direct attack on the opponent.

A deafening roar sounded.

Terrifying energy shot out and swept across.

The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace flew out.

He fell to the ground and vomited blood from his mouth.

His eyes were wide with disbelief.

"You...how could this happen?"

At this moment, the guardian looked at Zhou Yan and shouted with a ferocious expression.

There was a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

Zhou Yan's figure flashed and appeared in front of the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace, gazing condescendingly at him.

"What do you think?"

Zhou Yan hummed with an indifferent expression.

If Xiao Yifeng hadn't taught him the Tyrannical Body Technique and Godfiend Channel just now.

I'm afraid he has died due to this guy's move.

"Boy, I'm in trouble today."

"But don't think that this matter is over. Someone will avenge me soon."

The guardian looked at Zhou Yan and shouted gloomily.

"Really? You mean there's someone behind you?"

Zhou Yan frowned and said coldly.

"That's right, if you dare to hurt me, you will definitely get no good results!"


The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace laughed crazily.

There was blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, his breath was sluggish, and his vitality was gone, as if the oil in the lamp had run out.

However, there was an extremely strange aura permeating his body.

"What kind of breath is this?"

Zhou Yan looked at the sudden appearance of such a black mist on the body of the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace, his expression changed slightly, and he murmured to himself.

At this moment, several pitch-black insects emerged from the guardian's body.

As soon as this insect was born, the aura on its body increased several times, carrying a terrifying and evil aura.

These are clearly several extremely poisonous worms.

"Soul-eating Gu!"

Seeing these dark Gu worms, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank and he shouted suddenly.

Soul-eating Gu is a special kind of Gu, specially used to control and enslave others.

Once these poisonous insects penetrate into a person's body, they will drain the person's essence and blood.

Turning people into idiots, or even death.

Zhou Yan's face looked extremely ugly, and his eyes flickered.

I didn't expect that this guy actually had the Soul-Eating Gu.

No wonder he attacks those around him so unscrupulously.

It turns out that these people are all his puppet servants.

"Zhou Yan, this is my secret. Even my son doesn't know about it."

"I will tell you today and make you a sensible person!"

"Have you ever heard of a strange thing called the Celestial Silkworm Gu?

"Celestial Silkworm Gu is a highly poisonous thing that can penetrate all defenses, destroy and corrode the opponent's soul."

"Normally, Celestial Silkworm Gu will not be used easily, because this kind of thing is very rare and only exists in legends. Only masters in the Sovereign realm can control it.

"But this time, I can't care too much."

"Because I know you are a difficult enemy and must be dealt with as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, when you are promoted to Emperor Monarch Realm, you will become my biggest hidden danger. I don't want to see such a thing happen."

The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace stared at Zhou Yan and said coldly.

Celestial silkworm Gu? It turned out to be Celestial Silkworm Gu!

After hearing the words of the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace, Zhou Yan's body trembled violently.

He didn't expect that this guy was actually the owner of a Celestial Silkworm Gu.

No wonder he is so arrogant, domineering and unscrupulous.

"How did you get the Celestial Silkworm Gu?"

Zhou Yan said in a deep voice.

"You don't need to know this. I'm already dead anyway, so I don't mind keeping you a little longer."

"Let me tell you, the Celestial Silkworm Gu can only hatch if it is hatched in the mother's body."

"And the mother body can only exist within a certain range. If it exceeds a certain distance, it will suffer backlash and die!"

"If you want to survive, you'd better leave here right away, otherwise what awaits you is your soul being eaten by the Celestial Silkworm Gu and dying!"

The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace looked at Zhou Yan and said coldly.

Celestial Silkworm Gu, this is a terrifying monster in the middle level of Sovereign Level.

Its poison corrupts the soul and lays eggs.

It only takes about three months to hatch.

The birth of this kind of Gu requires extremely huge amounts of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Once hatched, it will explode with unparalleled power.

At that time, even a strong Sovereign realm man will suffer.

Therefore, the average strong person is not willing to provoke this kind of Gu insect.

After all, this thing is too troublesome. Once it is contaminated, it is difficult to completely remove it.

However, Zhou Yan is a Chaos Sacred Body, and he also practices Tyrant Body Technique and Godfiend Channel.

The characteristics of these two techniques are that they are the nemesis of the Zerg. Both of these powers can restrain the poison of the Celestial Silkworm Gu.

So Zhou Yan was not afraid, but looked at the guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace with interest.

"This is a forbidden technique in our Chen's Imperial Palace. After being used, it can summon silkworms, devour other Spirit Beast pets, and successfully hatch them."

"If you don't leave, then I will kill this little girl first, and then I will kill you!"

The guardian of Chen's Imperial Palace shouted coldly.

"Celestial Silkworm Gu!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's eyelids twitched and his expression became solemn.

The Celestial Silkworm Gu is a very rare poisonous insect.

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