The smile on King Yama's face became more and more intense, as heart-stopping as a poisonous snake.

"What can I do?" Zhou Yan asked, frowning slightly.

"Submit to me and become my subordinate, King Yama, and I will spare your life." King Yama chuckled strangely, licked his scarlet tongue, and said with a sinister smile.

Zhou Yan suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

King Yama's face darkened and he shouted: "Why, aren't you willing to surrender to me?"

After saying that, King Yama suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward.

Following the movements of King Yama, the entire space trembled.

A terrifying coercion surged like an overwhelming force.

In an instant, the surrounding flowers and trees withered and withered, turning into a dead silence.

Even the hard floor could not withstand the huge pressure and cracked inch by inch, turning into rubble.

"Just die."

King Yama smiled ferociously, spread out his five fingers like eagle claws, and reached down from the sky.

The strong wind swept across, flying sand and rocks, and the wind howled.

An invisible suction force emerged out of thin air, firmly imprisoning Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan exclaimed, and the bones all over his body made a crackling sound, as if they were about to be crushed.

After this situation lasted for more than ten seconds, Zhou Yan slowly regained his ability to move.

His legs were bent and he was half-kneeling on the ground, sweating on his forehead and panting.

"Haha, you are really a loser. How dare you fight with me with this little strength?"

King Yama was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. He took one step forward and struck again.

He punched out with a thunderous sound, hitting Zhou Yan's chest directly.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan groaned, vomited blood, flew out, and landed several meters away.


As soon as Zhou Yan stood firm, he spurted out a large mouthful of blood. His face was pale and he looked weak.

"Haha, do you think you are sure to win? You are so naive."

King Yama stepped on Zhou Yan's back and mocked him wantonly.

"What...what do you want to do?"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and roared angrily.

"Humph, I have long said that you would be my slave, but you refused to agree obediently and insisted on forcing me to kill you. What crime should you do?"

King Yama had a sinister face and stared at Zhou Yan with his cruel and bloodthirsty eyes.

"If I surrender to you, will you let me go?"

Zhou Yan took a deep breath and managed to calm down.

"Of course, as long as you are willing to obey me, I promise that I will never hurt your relatives and friends."

King Yama grinned, showing a row of white teeth, and said slowly.

"But the premise is that you must surrender to me."

King Yama continued.

"Humph, in that case, I would rather die in battle than be your slave."

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold and he refused without hesitation.

King Yama's expression changed. He did not expect Zhou Yan to be so decisive.

"In that case, go to hell!"

Suddenly, King Yama suddenly sharpened his eyes and raised his hand to pat Zhou Yan.

When this palm is struck, the wind of the palm is surging, as if Mount Tai is pressing down on the top, which is suffocating.

Zhou Yan had no time to resist, and was slapped to the ground, vomiting blood, and was seriously injured.

King Yama looked down at Zhou Yan with cold eyes and said calmly:

"How dare an ant disobey me?"

King Yama's eyes were cold and his tone was full of disdain.

"Ahem... Even though my Zhou family is just an ordinary family, we still have a bloody spirit. You can't kill me today."

Zhou Yan coughed violently, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at King Yama with burning eyes without any fear.

"Hmph, you ant is really stubborn."

King Yama's eyes were cold. He lightly stamped his right foot on the ground, and a ball of yellow sand rushed up from the sole of his foot, lifting his body and standing in the air.

King Yama clenched his right hand into a fist, and the vitality in his body surged out and poured into his fist.

"Nine Transformations Golden Body Technique."

King Yama roared, and a set of golden armor appeared all over his body, emitting a dazzling light.

At this moment, his momentum was rising steadily, like a demon coming.

"Is this... a martial skill?"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank and his eyes were horrified.

"Hahaha, if you have some knowledge, this is the Nine Transformations Golden Body Technique that I have been practicing for many years."

King Yama smiled proudly, then swayed and turned into a stream of light, as fast as lightning, and came to Zhou Yan in the blink of an eye.


King Yama's eyes flashed coldly, and he punched Zhou Yan's head with great force.

If it hits, it will definitely result in severe head injuries and even death on the spot.

Zhou Yan's heart trembled, and his muscles tensed up, preparing to withstand this fatal blow.

"No matter what your status is, if you dare to provoke my Zhou family, you will only die."

Zhou Yan thought to himself, his face was calm and he was not panicked.


Just when King Yama's fist was about to fall, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

Because, in front of him, a black spear tip suddenly appeared.

The tip of the spear was extremely fast, almost catching up with King Yama's fist when it was close to Zhou Yan.

After a muffled sound, King Yama flew out.


At King Yama's lumbar spine, a broken rib penetrated the skin and penetrated into the muscle.

King Yama groaned, his face twisted, and his expression was extremely painful.

"This is impossible......"

King Yama stared at Zhou Yan with eyes split open and his face full of disbelief.

The Nine Transformations Golden Body Technique he practiced, known as Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers, is invulnerable to water and fire.

It also possesses Transcendent's otherworldly defense, which is difficult for ordinary Innate Realm Martial Artists to break through.

It's a pity that all this is fragile in Zhou Yan's eyes.

"I do not believe......"

King Yama gritted his teeth, took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it.


In an instant, a surging energy and blood wave bloomed from King Yama's body, the momentum was overwhelming and shocked all directions.

"How can this be?"

Zhou Yan's eyes widened in disbelief.

In King Yama's body, he felt a majestic and vast vitality, like rivers, lakes and seas, surging.

This momentum made him feel frightened.

"This is like a man!"

King Yama smiled coldly and looked at Zhou Yan playfully.

The injuries on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he was soon intact as before.

"My strength has actually increased tenfold."

King Yama's eyes were excited, and he felt as if he had returned to his peak state.

"My son Zhou Yan, you don't know how high the sky is, and you dare to provoke me. You are looking for death."

King Yama showed a fierce look in his eyes and spoke word by word.

He had already reached the pinnacle of Grandmaster Third Grade, and was only one step away from Grandmaster Fourth Grade.

However, just when he was about to break through, he was disrupted by Zhou Yan.

This incident successfully aroused the murderous intention in his heart.

"Haha... You are just relying on your secret skills. There is nothing to be proud of."

Zhou Yan smiled disdainfully.

The art of martial arts is so vast and profound that any secret technique is worth a thousand dollars.

Even he only knows one or two points.

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