However, he is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor after all. He has extensive knowledge and unique vision, and can see further than ordinary people.

"Secret technique?"

Upon hearing this, King Yama was stunned for a moment, and then he shook his head and laughed.

"So what about secret skills? As long as I have enough strength, I can still crush the so-called ancient martial arts experts."

King Yama's face was cold, and his eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

"Zhou Yan, son, die for me."

King Yama gave a cold shout and pounced forward.

"Yam Luo Ghost Claw."

King Yama waved his hands continuously, and in an instant, dozens of black shadows condensed out of thin air, like evil ghosts rushing towards food, with fierce evil aura.

These black shadows were extremely fast and surrounded Zhou Yan in an instant. Each black shadow exuded a strong smell of blood, which was ferocious and terrifying.

King Yama shook his arm, and these black shadows all grabbed Zhou Yan, as if they wanted to tear his body into pieces.

call out!

Zhou Yan's face was expressionless. He reached out with his left arm, bent his fingers like hooks, grabbed one of the black shadows like lightning, and pulled hard.

The black shadow was torn open by him, and bright red blood sprayed out, dyeing Zhou Yan's chest red.

At the same time, several other black shadows grabbed hold of him, their sharp claws trying to tear Zhou Yan apart completely.

"Death ray."

Zhou Yan's face was stern, his eyes narrowed slightly, the index and middle fingers of his right hand came together, and the light at the tip of his finger shone like a star exploding, shooting out a bright silver light.

This silver light contained destructive power. As soon as it appeared, the air burst and splashed wildly.

A black figure was unable to dodge and was hit by the silver light. It immediately exploded and turned into endless fragments.


Amidst the pitiful howling, another black shadow flew out and hit the wall, twitching all over and making no sound anymore.


This scene made King Yama shocked and stunned, his expression was dull, and his mouth was opened wide, and he could not close it for a long time.

This blow was so terrifying!

With just a snap of his fingers, he destroyed the two Innate Realm guards of Yama Palace. The power was simply terrifying.

"Damn it, how could this little beast become so strong!"

King Yama's face was livid, and his heart was extremely frightened and angry.

This result was unexpected by him.

He couldn't understand that a mere good-for-nothing young master could actually perform such a domineering secret technique. Even the two Innate guards under his command were easily killed.

"who are you?"

King Yama stared at Zhou Yan with gloomy eyes and asked in a deep voice.

Regarding Zhou Yan's identity and background, he knew very well that it was impossible to cultivate such a powerful Martial Artist.

Is it possible that Zhou Yan hid his true identity?

At this thought, King Yama's thoughts became more complicated, and he became more and more confused about Zhou Yan's origin.

"Who am I? Haha, you'll know it right away."

Zhou Yan grinned and his eyes flashed suddenly.

He stepped on the sole of his foot, like a tiger attacking a sheep, as fast as the wind, and rushed straight towards King Yama.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, you can't get out of this building alive tonight."

King Yama's face was gloomy, filled with murderous intent.


King Yama roared low, and the energy in his body surged like a rolling wave.

King Yama suddenly stamped his feet, rushed forward like a cannonball, and punched out with a whistling sound.

In the void, there was a burst of explosions, like trembling thunder.

"Haha... little bastard, you're a little too young to fight with me."

King Yama laughed heartily, his eyes and brows filled with pride.

In his eyes, Zhou Yan was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Yam Luo Fist Technique?"

However, Zhou Yan smiled faintly, with no fear on his face.

He had seen this boxing technique in a certain ruins before. It was created by an ancestor and was said to be comparable to martial arts.

"Baby, die."

King Yama's face was ferocious, and his eyes flashed with madness.

Above his fist, Gang Jin surged, forming a scorching sun that burned blazingly, releasing scorching heat that seemed to burn everything.

Yama Fist, this is the most powerful killing technique of King Yama. Once activated, even steel can be incinerated.

"Yam Luoyin!"

The next moment, King Yama looked solemn and uttered three words.

As King Yama finished speaking, a huge shadow appeared in the void, seven feet tall.

The phantom's face was blurry and its specific appearance could not be clearly seen.

It folds its arms around its chest and wears heavy armor. It looks like a god of war, looking down at the world and the sky with magnificent momentum.

Then, the huge shadow lifted one leg and kicked it out suddenly.


The void exploded, pieces of air exploded, and a harsh sonic boom suddenly sounded.

The entire hall shook violently, as if an earthquake was coming, swaying violently.


King Yama's expression changed drastically, his pupils shrank, and his face was full of shock.

The power of this blow was simply beyond imagination and made his hair stand on end.

Bang bang bang…..

He used all his strength to resist the blow, but to no avail.

The next second, King Yama was shocked, and traces of scarlet blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

This kick is so terrifying!

"how so?"

King Yama looked surprised and uncertain, his head buzzing.

He has been practicing this move for many years and has become very good at it.

In his estimation, even the strongest men from the Innate Realm Sixth Layer would not be able to compete and would surely die.

However, Zhou Yan actually blocked it.

"King Yama, you are defeated."

Zhou Yan looked indifferent. He slowly raised his right hand, flipped his wrist, and a long black sword appeared in his hand.

"What a weird weapon."

King Yama looked solemn and stared at the sword in Zhou Yan's hand.

Although he could not tell the grade of this sword, he felt a ferocious and violent aura coming from it, which made him feel terrified.

"Yam Luo, take your life."

Zhou Yan glanced at him, and cold murderous intent burst out.

In an instant, a ray of sword light cut through the void, as if rushing out from the land of the netherworld, with murderous intent boiling and locking on King Yama.

"No, retreat!"

Sensing this ray of sword light, King Yama's expression changed wildly.

At that moment, he was moving quickly, trying to leave here.

But just as he moved his body, suddenly, there was a strange ripple in the void, and the ripples spread layer by layer, like ripples on the water.

Immediately afterwards, a bronze bell suddenly appeared from the void, blocking between him and Zhou Yan.

The copper bell is melodious and resounds in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, dense runes appeared on the bronze bell, blooming with brilliant brilliance.

A majestic majesty swept across all directions, like a majestic mountain, standing in front of King Yama, blocking his escape route.

"No, this is Spirit Treasure."

King Yama looked panicked and shouted in his heart that something was wrong.

At this moment, he finally knew why Zhou Yan dared to come in alone.

"Baby, stop it quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

King Yama shouted violently, his eyes were red, and he roared like a wild beast.

He never expected that Zhou Yan would bring out all the Spirit Treasures. This was completely beyond his expectations and caught him off guard.

This time, he miscalculated!

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