At this moment, the ancient bell rang, and the vast sound of the bell spread in all directions.

After everyone heard this, they all trembled all over, their bodies stood stiff, and they were unable to move.

call out!

Before the bell stopped ringing, Zhou Yan's arm shook, his sword glowed, and he slashed at King Yama with one strike.

The ancient bells ring continuously, and the sound of the bells is like the sound of the nine heavens, resounding throughout the sky, absorbing the soul, and making people surrender.

The sword's light was like lightning, extremely sharp, and instantly pierced through King Yama's shoulder, dripping blood, ragged clothes, and exposed charred scars.


King Yama howled in pain, staggered and almost fell to the ground.


Zhou Yan sneered, holding a black long sword, and walked forward, approaching like a demon.

King Yama looked terrified, his eyes widened in panic.

Zhou Yan's strength is too terrifying.

With just this long black sword, you can easily suppress him and even kill him on the spot.

"Junior, you can't kill me. There is no enmity or enmity between us."

King Yama said quickly with sweat on his forehead.

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, was too lazy to talk nonsense, and swung his sword to kill again.

The next moment, King Yama was extremely angry and his eyes were spitting fire. He ignored the injury on his shoulder and used all his strength to fight Zhou Yan.

The two exchanged several moves, and King Yama gradually fell into a disadvantage.

In terms of combat effectiveness, he was far inferior to Zhou Yan.

More importantly, his mentality was confused and he was restrained by Zhou Yan. It was difficult to get out of the trap for a while.

"No, we must not continue to fight, otherwise, there will be only a dead end."

King Yama was in a state of confusion. He kept issuing warnings, trying to disrupt Zhou Yan's mind and find an opportunity to fight back.

However, these words were of no use to Zhou Yan.

King Yama flew back, his left arm was broken off at the elbow, and blood flowed wildly.

He gritted his teeth, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he used a secret technique to forcibly increase his strength, and his whole body disappeared like a ghost.

"Leave me alone!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly and slashed out with his sword.


A piece of silver light flashed, and the sword light was extremely sharp, piercing through a mass of blood mist and turning it into pieces of flesh all over the sky.

"Hahaha, little bastard, just wait, I will come back."

King Yama screamed, he was covered in blood, his body was mutilated, and he ran away in embarrassment.


Zhou Yan frowned slightly, feeling a little surprised.

He clearly felt that King Yama was not really dead, but relied on secret methods to save his life.

Sure enough, at this moment, King Yama's aura quickly withered, as if he was dying, and his body gradually shriveled up.

"Damn it!"

Zhou Yan cursed secretly, feeling a little angry.

King Yama's secret method is against the way of heaven, and he has to pay a heavy price in exchange for a chance to survive.

Once, all the potential of King Yama has been exhausted, and it will be difficult to recover in the short term.

"Hey, don't leave."

Zhou Yan glanced at him and saw that King Yama was about to leave, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a sarcastic arc.

Immediately, his figure flashed and turned into an afterimage, and he chased after him instantly.

King Yama's face was ashen, his body was trembling, and his eyes were full of fear.

This time, he was really scared!

Zhou Yan's strength was so terrifying that he couldn't even breathe.

"Zhou Yan, you can't kill me!"

King Yama screamed in horror. He slapped Zhou Yan with both palms.

However, when his attack fell on Zhou Yan, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, causing no waves at all.

"King Yama, I hate insidious villains like you the most. You must die today."

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold and merciless.

He took a step forward and poked King Yama between his eyebrows with one finger.

The sword finger roared, tearing the air, and stabbed fiercely.

This scene made King Yama's hair stand on end with horror.

However, this finger was getting closer and closer to the center of his eyebrows, but there was nothing he could do.

There was deep despair in his eyes, and his pupils were dilated.

He is unwilling to sit still and wait for death!

He was furious in his heart, frantically mobilizing his vitality, preparing to explode and die. Even if he died, it would not make Zhou Yan feel better.

However, at this moment, the crisp sound of swords suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a bright white light struck, like thunder from the sky, and the black sword flew out instantly.


A look of astonishment appeared on King Yama's face, and then a large amount of Yin Hong's blood spurted out from his mouth. His aura suddenly dropped, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He barely stood up, his eyes were dull, and he looked around with surprise on his face, muttering to himself: "Who saved me?"

He still remembered that just now, a simple long sword was unsheathed and the black long sword was instantly knocked away.

"Huh? You actually escaped?"

Not far away, Zhou Yan made a surprised sound.

King Yama has a protective Spirit Weapon on his body. He has already noticed it and deliberately pretended to kill King Yama, but in fact it was just to lure the snake out of its hole.

However, King Yama was so cunning that he avoided his fatal blow and was not killed by him.

In this way, his plan would be ruined and he would inevitably suffer losses.

After all, King Yama is the Third Grade Martial Master with superb cultivation. If he is allowed to escape, he will definitely become a hidden danger.

However, since he had already taken action, he didn't mind adding another sword.


In an instant, Zhou Yan stood on tiptoes and jumped into the air, like a Flood Dragon emerging from the abyss. A fierce aura erupted from his body and he punched King Yama.


There was a muffled sound, and King Yama flew backwards. His chest collapsed, his internal organs were displaced, his seven orifices were bleeding, and he was seriously injured.

"You little bastard, how dare you!"

King Yama roared angrily, with a ferocious face and overwhelming hatred. His eyes were filled with hatred and murderous intent...


Zhou Yan looked indifferent, raised his hand and struck out with his sword again. The sword was so fierce that it seemed to cut King Yama in half.

At this moment, the storage bag on King Yama's waist vibrated violently and made a low sound.

"This is……."

Zhou Yan looked slightly stunned. He reached for the storage bag, took out the contents, and inspected them carefully in the palm of his hand.

"This is...Holy Medicine!"

In an instant, Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically, and ecstasy emerged in his heart.

Holy Medicine is precious and rare, and has miraculous effects. Alchemists and artifact refiners are eager to obtain it.

Moreover, Holy Medicine is rare, and each plant is extremely precious and hard to find.

He never imagined that King Yama would actually come with the Holy Medicine.

"Hahaha, God help me."

Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and laughed, excited, as if he had encountered the happiest thing in the world.

"King Yama, I didn't expect that you actually possess Holy Medicine. It seems that I don't need to spend any effort to find you."

Zhou Yan grinned, his eyes shone with cold light, he stared at King Yama, and said word by word: "This Holy Medicine belongs to me."

Hearing this, King Yama's eyelids twitched and his whole body trembled with fear.

This Holy Medicine was a treasure that he spent a huge amount of money to buy. He originally planned to use it to break through the realm, but now, it was snatched away by Zhou Yan.

At the thought of this, King Yama became furious and his face became distorted.

"Zhou Yan, you and I are at odds with each other, and I curse you to die miserably!"

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