Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1222, Captured Without Mercy

"How can it be?"

The man in black was shocked. Zhou Yan was not afraid of poison. This was simply unbelievable. You know, if an ordinary person touches it, he will be paralyzed and lose strength in an instant.


The man in black did not dare to hesitate. As he waved his sleeves and robes, dozens more poisonous needles broke through the air and attacked Zhou Yan overwhelmingly.


With the Soul-Destroying Knife swung, Zhou Yan blocked the attack of poisonous needles all over the sky with one against a hundred.

At this time, Zhou Yan was also a little embarrassed, his body was covered with venom, and his hair and face turned green.

"Damn guy! He actually gave me poison!"

Zhou Yan shouted angrily, his thoughts changing rapidly: "It seems that we have to use the strongest moves to kill this guy!"

"You little bastard! Die!"

The man in black grinned ferociously, his palm prints flying, True Qi vomited wildly, surging like a tide, a terrifying pressure filled the air, making people breathless.


He opened his five fingers, and the wind roared in his palm, like a god, grabbing Zhou Yan fiercely. Before the palm force could reach, the surrounding vegetation cracked and turned into powder.


Zhou Yan raised his arm to block, but was knocked back three steps by this huge force. His arm ached faintly, and a trace of scarlet oozed from the tiger's mouth. When he looked down, he saw that the surface of his skin had already turned black.

Obviously, this poison has spread into his body and is eroding his muscles and flesh. If it continues to drag on, it will be extremely dangerous.

"Boy, just surrender and capture me, otherwise, I promise, your life will be worse than death!"

The man in black said grimly, with a cruel curve on his lips.

"I want to capture this young master, it's just a wishful thinking."

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, his eyes were cold and fearless.

Although this man in black has higher cultivation than him, he has many cards. If he tries his best, he may have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

"Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The man in black said coldly, and with a slight shake of his right hand, a dagger suddenly appeared in his palm, emitting a cold light, like a poisonous snake spitting a message.


He shouted violently, his body swayed like an arrow from a string, and he came at him in an instant, holding a dagger and stabbing Zhou Yan in the chest.


Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows, feeling something bad.


At the critical moment, Zhou Yan reacted very quickly. He stretched out his hand and held the dagger firmly. Then he turned his wrist and the dagger drew an arc and stabbed the man in black's throat.

"Haha, how can you defeat me with such a small skill?" The man in black sneered, stretched out the lightning in his left hand, and struck with a punch, accurately hitting the tip of the dagger, deflecting it, passing him by, and stabbing him. trunk.


Tree trunks exploded and sawdust flew.

Zhou Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the man in black was careless, otherwise, he would not have escaped misfortune.


However, as soon as Zhou Yan relaxed, the man in black stepped into the air with his legs, and jumped into the air, leaving dozens of afterimages in the air. Each afterimage was a substantial attack, blocking all aspects of Zhou Yan's body. It's at every vital point and is extremely ferocious.


Seeing this, Zhou Yan didn't panic at all. He stepped back and distanced himself. He also stepped on the ground and his figure suddenly rose up, avoiding the attack of the man in black.


The two clashed for a moment, and Zhou Yan had a slight advantage.

After all, his cultivation techniques are complex and his true energy is insufficient, so he cannot sustain the battle for a long time.

"You brat, do you have any last words?" The man in black grinned, with a playful look in his eyes.

He is in the realm of Innate Fourth Layer, but he can't do anything to an Innate Second Layer Martial Artist. It is simply a great shame and humiliation.

Hearing this, Zhou Yan looked indifferent and noncommittal, but slowly drew out the Soul-Severing Knife.

In an instant, a sharp sound of knives resounded all around, and a murderous aura rushed towards the face, causing the air temperature to drop sharply, making the air chilly.

"What? Soul-cutting knife!"

Seeing this, the man in black's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart suddenly thumped.

It is said that the Soul-Destroying Knife is a famous sword in Nanling. It is extremely sharp, can cut iron like clay, chop gold and jade, blow hair and break hair. It has drank countless blood and killed countless people...


At this moment, Zhou Yan shouted fiercely, his figure rose into the sky, the soul-breaking knife fell, and the silver-white sword light bloomed, bringing up a bright star.

This scene made the man in black's eyes bulge, and the hair on his body stood up, feeling a fatal threat...


A wisp of bright red blood spattered, and the man in black groaned, flew backwards, and fell on the hillside ten feet away, twitching all over and dying.

Zhou Yan withdrew the soul-severing knife and stood quietly in the air, the green poisonous mist on his body gradually dissipating.

Just now, the poison used by the man in black was very vicious. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and took the elixir in time to detoxify it, otherwise he would have died from the poison long ago.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

The man in black cursed angrily and struggled to get up. His dark eyes were full of hatred and he stared at Zhou Yan with hatred. He was frightened in his heart: "How can this little bastard, who is only in the Innate Second Layer realm, possess such a tyrannical weapon?!"

At this time, Zhou Yan was also very shocked. He originally thought that the man in black was an Innate Fourth Layer Martial Artist, but he didn't expect that he was only in the Innate Third Layer realm.

"It seems that my guess is good. This man in black should be a disciple of a certain aristocratic family."

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Yan made a judgment in his mind that the age of the man in black should be over thirty years old, and a Martial Artist of this level usually has his own disciple, or is a member of a certain aristocratic family.

After all, the ancient martial arts family has a long heritage and a profound foundation. It has cultivated some talented Martial Apprentices. If they find good talents and cultivate them, they will stand out in just more than ten years.

"If the mission fails this time, your identity must not be revealed!"

The man in black had murderous intent in his eyes. An ant from the Innate Second Layer actually injured him. This was simply a shame.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, suppressed the disordered energy and blood, and rose violently, running towards Zhou Yan.


The man in black was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he came closer. The dagger in his hand shot out with cold light and stabbed Zhou Yan fiercely.

Zhou Yan's face was solemn, his heels were slightly arched, and he was ready to attack. His body was like a swimming fish, extremely slippery, and he could barely avoid the attack of the man in black.

"What a keen sense of smell!"

The man in black frowned, becoming increasingly fearful. This guy was clearly in the Innate Second Layer realm, but he was as cunning and difficult to deal with as a monkey.

"Hmph, today, I will let you know what it means that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world!"

With a cold snort, the man in black clenched the dagger with both hands and threw it suddenly, flying through the air like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole, carrying the power of destruction.


The dagger roared, splitting the air, rolling up the dust in the sky, and struck at Zhou Yan's neck, faster than lightning, and there was no way to avoid it.


At the critical moment, Zhou Yan roared, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he leaned slightly to avoid the dagger attack.

"Hey, you can actually escape it!"

The man in black was stunned, with a face full of surprise. With that move, he almost pushed his strength to the limit. Once it hit, Zhou Yan would definitely be killed on the spot, leaving no trace of his body.

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