Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1223, The Remaining Sword Light

"you wanna die!"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan sneered, his eyes were on fire, his aura surged, and his true energy was like a sea, sweeping through him crazily.

Buzz buzz...

In an instant, Zhou Yan held the Soul-Destroying Sword in his hand. The blade was glowing, and the Saber Qi surged one after another, tearing the air and slashing at them overwhelmingly.

For a moment, the man in black was in a desperate situation. Facing the dense sword light, there was no way out.

"Block it for me!"

The man in black yelled, hysterically, danced, waved his fists, and charged forward, trying to block Zhou Yan's attack.

However, his fists collided with the Soul-Severing Knife, causing a harsh and sonorous sound, sparks bursting out, wisps of sparks shooting out, and gaps were cut in the armor of the man in black.

Bang bang bang...

Immediately afterwards, dull roars were heard one after another. The man in black resisted several attacks, but was finally knocked away in a miserable state.


His arm guard cracked, his chest was dented, black blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, his expression was sluggish, his breath was as thin as a thread, and he was teetering on the verge of collapse.

"Damn it!"

The man in black shouted low and gritted his teeth. Unexpectedly, he had been in the world for many years, but he would end up here, being attacked by a young man who was still young and humiliated.

His mood was extremely complicated. On the one hand, he wanted to kill Zhou Yan, but on the other hand, he knew better that doing so would attract the attention of the Martial Dao Association.

Once the Martial Dao Association is involved, it will definitely cause endless trouble, and may even attract the Innate Grandmaster to take action. A master of that level can destroy secular gangs like them in a snap.


Suddenly, a gloomy voice sounded, making the man in black tremble all over and look around in panic.

A young man in brocade clothes stood in the distance, looking at him with cold eyes.

The young man in brocade had no expression on his face and his tone was cold, freezing a person's soul like a cold river for thousands of years. He said indifferently: "You are so bad. How dare you assassinate Zhou Yan with this little strength?"

After the words fell, the young man in brocade flashed and came to the man in black like a ghost. He gently put his right hand on the latter's shoulder, and an inner energy emerged from his palm.


Suddenly, the young man in brocade frowned, and a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes. The skin of the man in black seemed to be made of steel bars, as hard as stone, and his inner energy could not penetrate.

"Who are you anyway?"

The young man in jinyi turned his head and stared at Zhou Yan, with a chill rising in his heart. He just found out that Zhou Yan's cultivation level was only Innate Second Layer.

It is obviously unreasonable for such a cultivation level to be able to compete with a Martial Artist in the Innate Third Layer realm, unless... Zhou Yan hid his cultivation level and deliberately pretended to be a pig to eat the tiger.

"Hey, you don't care who I am! If you're wise, leave immediately, otherwise don't blame me for destroying the flower!" Zhou Yan said with a sneer.

Although he was not aware of the Jinyi youth's cultivation, he still had no fear and was quite confident in his own potential. Even if the opponent was an Innate Fifth Layer master, he still had a chance to escape.

Hearing this, the face of the young man in brocade changed, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and he said in a ferocious voice: "Haha, it's not that easy if you want me to leave..."

After the words fell, the figure of the young man in brocade swayed in an extremely strange way, and he rushed towards Zhou Yan as if he was teleporting.


The young man in brocade clothes was very fast. He took one step forward, and his figure turned into an afterimage. In the blink of an eye, he crossed ten meters and came to Zhou Yan. He slapped out a palm, and the wind roared from his palm.


Zhou Yan didn't react slowly. With a shake of his wrist, he held the Soul-Destroying Knife in front of him and collided with it. A huge force was transmitted from the handle of the knife, and Zhou Yan fell back several meters.

"What a domineering palm technique!"

Zhou Yan was secretly surprised. During the fight just now, he felt a sharp palm wind eroding his flesh and blood. If he hesitated even a little, he would be knocked away.

He is worthy of being an Innate Sixth Layer Martial Artist, possessing such powerful power with just one hand.

"Haha, you are indeed very powerful. You can actually resist my "Wind Palm" move. It seems that I still underestimated you..."

Seeing that Zhou Yan easily blocked the palm, the young man in Jinyi looked solemn, thought for a moment, and continued: "But, now, you have nothing to do..."


Suddenly, the young man in black bent his legs and jumped up suddenly. Immediately, he struck out with his palms one after another. Each palm was powerful, like thunder exploding, shaking the void.

In an instant, hundreds of palm prints appeared, overwhelming Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan swung his sword to block, but was shocked and took a few steps back. Qi and blood surged in his body, his throat was fishy and sweet, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He was extremely shocked.

"Damn it, how could this bastard be so strong!"

Zhou Yan was frightened. He had tried his best to use all the sword skills he had learned, but he still couldn't do anything to the young man in black. The gap between the two was too huge.

"Come again!"

The young man in black roared, and rushed towards Zhou Yan. He slapped his palms with overwhelming force and went straight to Zhou Yan's throat.

"not good!"

Zhou Yan's pupils shrank and his expression changed drastically. He hurriedly turned sideways to avoid the opponent's vicious palm.


The clothes on his back were torn apart and scratched to pieces, revealing a scar deep enough to show the bone, and blood was flowing.

"How can this guy be so powerful!" Zhou Yan was frightened and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

In front of his eyes, the figure of the young man in black was erratic, his palm shadows were like rain, densely covering Zhou Yan, leaving him nowhere to hide.


A stinging pain came, and Zhou Yan received a slap on the chest. His body was shaky, his mouth was open, and he couldn't help but cough a few times. His face was pale and bloodless, and his clothes were torn, revealing strong muscles, full of explosive power. .

"Jie Jie..."

The young man in black sneered and said solemnly: "Boy, just surrender yourself, otherwise, I will torture you to death..."


Zhou Yan's face was twisted, and he roared angrily, his eyes were red, and he screamed at the top of his lungs: "I, Zhou Yan, have made up my mind in this life, not to be a loser. I would rather die on the battlefield than live an ignoble existence..."

"In that case, go to hell!"

The young man in black's eyes were ferocious, and his whole body was boiling with murderous intent. His patience was completely exhausted, and he could no longer suppress the murderous intent in his heart.

In an instant, the figure of the young man in black was ethereal, like a ghost, and rushed toward Zhou Yan. His palm prints were like a wave, ruthless and cunning, sealing off the space around Zhou Yan.

"Humph, it's just a small trick!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, his aura suddenly increased, his eyes glowed brightly, and his whole body was surging with blood, like burning flames.

He suddenly swung his long sword, slashing out a terrifying sword light, with a violent aura, cutting through the void and slashing towards the young man in black.

clang clang clang.....

Gold and iron clashed with each other, making a clanging sound. The sword light and palm prints collided with each other, emitting fierce firelight, and the strong smell of gunpowder filled the surrounding area.

Thump thump thump....

The two of them each took a few steps back, both looking solemn.

"What? How can this guy be so powerful..."

The young man in black stirred up a storm in his heart. He did not expect that a young boy could actually draw with him. This was simply unbelievable.

"Hmph, your strength is pretty good, but compared to me, there's still a big gap..." the young man in black said in a deep voice.

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