Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1224, Bone-Eroding Poison Needle

Then, the young man in black paused, his fingers flicked out, and several silver needles flew out from his fingers with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.


Zhou Yan was startled and had no time to dodge. Several silver needles pierced his body. Suddenly, an unbearable itching feeling spread throughout his body.

"Poison needle!"

Zhou Yan's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly used True Conversion Yuan to dispel the strange itch in his body.

"Haha, you have been hit by the 'bone-corroding poisonous needle'. It will take at most half a stick of incense to turn you into pus, and you will never be reincarnated." The young man in black laughed loudly, with an arrogant expression, and did not take Zhou Yan seriously at all. .

"Bone-corroding poisonous needle?"

After hearing this, Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically and his body froze.

Bone-corroding poisonous needles, as the name suggests, are tempered with a special toxin. Once it enters the body, it will cause an unbearable itching feeling until the toxin invades the internal organs, eventually corroding the internal organs and causing bleeding to death.

"No, I can't sit still and wait for death, otherwise I will definitely die." Zhou Yan's eyes turned around, looking for a solution.

"Hahaha...Zhou Yan, are you afraid?"

The young man in black looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he was confident of victory. He glanced at Zhou Yan with a joking gaze and said mockingly: "I advise you to surrender quickly to avoid suffering greater pain."

"Hmph, if you want me to give in, just dream..." Zhou Yan shouted coldly, gritting his teeth and staring at the young man in black.

"Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless." The young man in black said sadly.

"Hmph! How dare you!" Zhou Yan shouted angrily. His aura was rising steadily, and a majestic energy and blood surged out, shaking the void. A faint layer of mist appeared on his body.


Zhou Yan stepped on Bahuang Star Chaser and pounced on him like a cheetah. His long knife danced, the cold light flashed, the blade roared, and the sword light filled the sky, and he faced the enemy.

Bang bang bang....

In a hand-to-hand encounter, Zhou Yan, holding the dragon-breaking knife, fought fiercely with the young man in black.

The swords flashed horizontally and the fist shadows were like rain. The two were fighting equally, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

"This guy is so strong..."

Zhou Yan's heart trembled. His fighting power was comparable to that of the Martial Artist at the peak of Martial Apprentice. However, it was difficult to win over the young man in black. In fact, he gradually felt a little stretched.

"Hmph, kid, don't think that you can compete with me if you break through to the realm of Martial Apprentice..."

The young man in black had cold eyes and fierce methods. His aura became stronger and stronger. His palm prints rolled, bringing up a strong wind and sweeping out.

Bang bang bang...

The two fought fiercely, exchanging dozens of moves in an instant. Zhou Yan became more and more strenuous as he fought, panting, his injuries worsened, his whole right arm ached, and he couldn't muster the strength.

"No way, if you continue to delay like this, you will lose sooner or later..."

Zhou Yan secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong. The young man in black attacked fiercely and domineeringly. He could not withstand it and was soon at a disadvantage.

"You little bastard, go to hell."

Suddenly, the young man in black shouted violently, and the wind roared from his palm, like a mountain suppressing him.

This palm contains overwhelming evil energy, and the palm print is so strong that it seems to be able to destroy everything.


Zhou Yan's face suddenly changed, and he caught a glimpse of the dark clouds from the corner of his eye. He understood that he was in crisis, and his heart instantly sank to the bottom. He had no way out...


In the midst of lightning and flint, Zhou Yan slashed out with his sword. The blade was sharp and cut through the void.


The palm prints collided with the sword light, sparks bursting out, and energy flew everywhere. Zhou Yan groaned, spat out a mouthful of hot blood, and staggered backwards, his face pale and his lips dry.

"Haha, vulnerable..."

The young man in black sneered. His figure was like a charm. He approached Zhou Yan and struck out with a palm, carrying a huge force.


Zhou Yan's eyes were blazing. Faced with this blow, he had no choice but to fight hard, otherwise he would die or be disabled.


In an instant, Zhou Yan roared loudly and raised his sword to attack. The blade buzzed and the sword glowed like a rising sun. The sword soared into the sky and tore apart the void.


The fists and palms collided with a loud noise. Zhou Yan staggered and took three steps back before stopping. His arms were numb, the tiger's mouth burst open, dripping with blood, and the long knife in his hand fell to the ground.

On the other hand, the young man in black stood on the same spot, not moving at all.

"You are no match for me." The young man in black looked down from a high position and said indifferently.


Zhou Yan's face turned red and he was so angry that he could not speak. He practiced the Nine Yang Pulse Forging Technique and had rich combat experience. He could see through the strength of the young man in black at a glance. He was only Martial Warrior Rank Two, but he had the upper hand.

"You little beast, just surrender yourself and I will spare your life."

The young man in black said scornfully, as if he was sure of Zhou Yan. He was calm and confident. Zhou Yan was at the end of his strength and was not worth mentioning.

"Hmph, you just want to kill me? You're just wishful thinking!" Zhou Yan snorted coldly, with a determined look on his face. Even though he knew he would die, he still had no intention of surrendering.

The young man in black had a cold expression on his face, a cold flash in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Since you are stubborn, I will send you back to the west today."

"Boy, prepare to die..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man in black stepped out and slapped Zhou Yan with his palm.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank, and he could clearly feel that the young man in black was attacking more fiercely, his palms were vast and full of majesty, as if a prince and monarch were driving a carriage to crush him.


Wherever the palm touches, the void shakes, and a terrifying pressure sweeps across, making people terrified.

"What a strong strength!"

Zhou Yan showed fear on his face. He knew very well that with his current strength, he could not compete with the young man in black. If he was not careful, he would suffer from hatred and die tragically on the spot.

"Fight, even though my strength is far inferior to that of the young man in black, he can't do anything to me."

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed and his thoughts turned around. His body had reached its limit and could not carry too much True Qi. Therefore, he could only exchange injuries for injuries to force the young man in black to stop.

"You little bastard, you're looking for death!"

The young man in black's face darkened, his body swayed, his speed increased sharply, and he rushed in front of Zhou Yan in the blink of an eye.

There was a sinister smile on his lips, a flash of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and the wind from his palm poured out like a tidal wave, overwhelmingly covering Zhou Yan's body, trying to blow him to pieces.


Zhou Yan shouted low, poured all the True Qi into the blade, swung the sword, and tried his best to block.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, sparks flew everywhere, and violent power raged. The long knife in Zhou Yan's hand almost flew away, and the tiger's mouth exploded, dripping with blood.


Then, Zhou Yan opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His body staggered backwards, twitching all over, his chest was sunken, and his bones were broken. It was obvious that he was deeply injured.

"Jie Jie, you are exhausted and vulnerable." The young man in black laughed ferociously and walked towards Zhou Yan step by step, his murderous intent clearly revealed.


Zhou Yan's face was gloomy and his expression was decadent. The pain coming from his body stimulated every inch of his nerves.

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