Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at a corpse not far away. A touch of surprise flashed in his eyes and he murmured to himself, "This corpse is actually the remains of a Monster, worth a thousand silver coins."


The young man in black raised his eyebrows and followed Zhou Yan's gaze. Immediately, a greedy smile appeared on his face, and he walked towards the Monster's remains step by step.

He grabbed it with both fingers, and a black light suddenly shot out and sank into the corpse.


In an instant, the Monster's remains shook violently, and bursts of roaring sounds erupted, as if something had awakened.

Click! Click! Click...

Immediately afterwards, dense cracks appeared on Monster's corpse, spreading like a spider web, and eventually turned into a pile of mud.

"Hahaha, it is indeed a Spirit Beast corpse, and it is also a two-star Spirit Beast!"

The young man in black laughed and was ecstatic. The Spirit Beast is rare and valuable. It is the treasure that the Martial Artist dreams of.

"Damn bastard!"

Zhou Yan cursed angrily, feeling anxious and angry as he watched helplessly as a Spirit Beast corpse worth a thousand silver coins disappeared into the world.

"Huh? Why is it gone?" After a moment, the young man in black was stunned and looked stunned.

"What did you say?"

Zhou Yan grinned and breathed a sigh of relief, finally escaping. However, he still did not relax his vigilance and stared directly at the young man in black.

"You little beast, how dare you play tricks on me?"

The young man in black was furious, his face distorted, and a majestic momentum surged like a wave, sweeping around.

He was filled with embarrassment and anger. Just now, he had confirmed that the corpse was a Spirit Beast. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yan had tricked him, and he felt resentful.


Hearing this, Zhou Yan smiled and cursed in his heart. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being stupid and being deceived by me.

"Little beast, you've completely angered me. I'm going to peel off your skin, beat your tendons, and then chop you into meat paste and feed it to the dogs." The young man in black gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression.

He was furious. He was a dignified Innate Realm Martial Artist. He was teased by a guy who had practiced martial arts for less than two months. He was completely humiliated. He remembered this shame and humiliation in his heart.

"Master, let me help you kill him."

Suddenly, a guard jumped out beside the young man in black and said. He was tall, dark-skinned, and exuded a wild and ferocious aura.

"Fuck me!"

Hearing this, the young man in black softened his expression, nodded arrogantly, and ordered: "Skin this ant alive and let him know the price of offending me, Lin Feng."


The guard nodded, and he jumped as fast as thunder. In an instant, he was in front of Zhou Yan. He stretched out an iron claw, glowing with black light, and suddenly grabbed Zhou Yan's neck, trying to Lift it up.

At this time, Zhou Yan's mind froze, his expression changed drastically, and without hesitation, he activated the few True Qi left in his body and started running like crazy.


Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and roared, his eyes were red, True Qi was surging all over his body, and a powerful aura rose up like a billowing smoke.


Zhou Yan resisted fiercely, and the guard's arms trembled, almost losing his grip, and he retreated continuously.


At this time, the young man in black was stunned and looked at Zhou Yan in disbelief.

"Little bastard, it turns out you are hiding your strength." The young man in black screamed angrily with his eyes splitting.

Zhou Yan sneered and ignored it. The True Qi in his body became stronger and stronger. He clenched his fists and was ready to fight.

"Little beast, I'm going to tear you apart!" the young man in black roared, his eyes about to burst. Zhou Yan's actions touched his dignity and were unforgivable.

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

The young man in black was furious and his whole body was boiling with energy. He kicked his feet suddenly and jumped into the air, rushing towards Zhou Yan.

"Who died is still unknown!"

Zhou Yan was cold and ruthless, his arms shook, and a layer of light golden light filled his body. His punches were astonishing, and he hit the young man in black hard.


The figure of the young man in black flew out, smashed several towering trees, and fell to the ground in a panic.


The young man in black spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

He was extremely shocked. The punch just now was so powerful that he couldn't resist it at all.

"Why did your strength break through?" The young man in black struggled to get up, his face full of doubts. Zhou Yan's strength was equal to his, but he had a crushing advantage.

"I have to thank you for this." Zhou Yan said with a sinister smile: "Your essence and blood are very pure and contain huge vitality. For me, it can be said to be a great tonic."

"I see. No wonder your aura seems to be a little different."

The young man in black suddenly realized it and secretly resented it. If he had known this, he should have swallowed the pill just now to stabilize his injuries before fighting Zhou Yan. As a result, it was too late now.


Zhou Yan roared angrily, took one step forward, roared with his right fist, and punched it out again with a domineering momentum.

Bang bang bang...

The shadows of his fists were heavy, like a mountain collapsing and the ground cracking. Zhou Yan's boxing skills were like a dragon's, and his fists were extremely fast, making it difficult to guard against.


The young man in black howled miserably and retreated steadily. His left arm was fractured, his right shoulder was collapsed, and his internal organs were all shaken.

"What should I do? What should I do?" The young man in black was panicked, his eyes were as red as blood, and he wanted to run away immediately.

"Little beast, just wait, I will kill you."

The young man in black glared at Zhou Yan. As the eldest young master of the royal family, he was aloof and had never suffered a loss before. Today, he actually suffered a huge fall. This was a great shame and humiliation.

"Haha, you are quite tolerant."

Zhou Yan smiled sarcastically, murderous intent surging in his heart. He knew that he could not be left alive and must be killed.


The young man in black roared, struggled desperately, and used various methods to escape from the restraints.

"Humph, it's just a dying struggle."

Zhou Yan shouted coldly, and the True Qi surged out of his body and poured into his fists, making his fists even more domineering and powerful, beating the young man in black back step by step.

"Ah..." The young man in black screamed. His bones were broken after being beaten, and blood oozed from his orifices.

"Stop, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." The young man in black shouted harshly, his eyes flashing with cold light.

call out……

However, Zhou Yan ignored it and continued to attack, with fierce punches and brutal moves.

"Save me..." The young man in black was frightened and screamed in horror. He was afraid and no longer as arrogant as before. He was afraid that Zhou Yan would really kill him.

"Master..." another guard shouted.

"If you dare to disobey me, get out of here!" The young man in black roared angrily, his eyes as red as flames, glaring at the guard fiercely.


The guard sighed and could only stand aside and watch what happened. After all, he was not willing to die without saving his life, but the young master insisted on seeking death, so there was nothing he could do.

Finally, there was a roar, and the young man in black was hit and flew several feet away. He fell to the ground, covered in blood, and his breath was extremely weak.

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