Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1226, Do You Dare To Kill Me?

"Master..." The guard was startled, and hurriedly walked over and helped the young man in black, his face full of worry.

"Asshole, you dare to kill me?"

The face of the young man in black was twisted, he was cursing angrily, and he stared at Zhou Yan with vicious eyes, wishing he could eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"Too much nonsense."

Zhou Yan strode towards him with murderous intent on his face. He didn't want to delay, lest he would have a long night and have many dreams. What if something unexpected happened?

In an instant, Zhou Yan came closer, his legs were slightly bent, and his waist suddenly tightened. An explosive force was brewing in his chest, ready to go.


The young man in black had his pupils constricted and was horrified. His whole body was horrified and his hairs were standing on end, as if he was being targeted by a savage beast. His whole body was cold, his back was covered in cold sweat, and his scalp was in trouble.

"Stop, don't hurt my young master."

Suddenly, a sharp shout came, and a man in black robe stopped Zhou Yan.

This is an old man, wearing gray cloth clothes, with a stern face, deep eyes, and an extraordinary temperament.

"Who are you?" Zhou Yan frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"I am the Martial Master of the Third Layer of Wuzong. I am ordered by Commander Lin to protect the young master." The old man in black robe said calmly.

"A strong man in the Wuzong realm?" Zhou Yan's face condensed, and he didn't dare to take it lightly. The old man in front of him had a good cultivation level, two realms higher than himself. He would definitely not get any benefits by trying hard.

"Hahaha...are you scared?"

Seeing Zhou Yan stop attacking, the young man in black relaxed a little, laughed wildly, and said: "If you are sensible, kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe, I can consider letting you go."

"Noisy." Zhou Yan glanced at him coldly.

"You..." The young man in black became furious, pointed at the bridge of Zhou Yan's nose, and cursed angrily: "Who are you to dare to talk to me like this? Today, you will definitely die."

"Noisy." Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes, raised his right hand, and slapped it away.


The crisp sound of slaps resounded in all directions, and the young man in black was slapped away. Half of his cheeks swelled, his teeth fell out, and blood bleeded from the corners of his mouth.

"You..." The young man in black was ashamed and angry. He covered half of his red and swollen face and stared at Zhou Yan with resentful eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, okay, since you insist on seeking death, I will make it happen." You, let's see."


Zhou Yan sneered and said, "Today, you will definitely die."

"What an arrogant tone."

Hearing this, the young man in black turned pale, glanced at Zhou Yan with an angry look, and then turned and left.


After the young man in black left, the old man in black reminded him in a low voice, asking him to be careful.

"It's okay, let's leave quickly." The young man in black shook his head.

"Yes, listen to the young master's instructions." The old man in black robe nodded. Then, he took out a jade slip, activated a wisp of spiritual patterns, and dissipated in the air.

Swish, swish, swish...

Not long after, a group of people arrived, led by a young man in brocade attire, with majestic equipment and extraordinary bearing. Behind him were several strong men from the martial arts sect.

"Master Qin, you are finally here." The young man in black was beaming with joy.

"Master Lin, what happened?" the young man asked.

"Mr. Lin, someone dares to assassinate me. Please ask Mr. Lin to avenge me." The young man in black said through gritted teeth.


The young man looked relaxed and playful: "Are you sure it was an assassination?"

"It's absolutely true, this beast is not only bold, but also a waste. He dares to challenge me even though he is in the Body Refining Ninth Layer realm. He really doesn't know how to live or die." The young man in black yelled angrily.

"Commander Lin, I'll leave this person to you to deal with." The young man waved his hand, signaling for a guard to take the young man in black away.


The guard responded and took the young man in black down.

"Little friend, do you recognize this jade slip?" The young man took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhou Yan, looking at him with a half-smile.

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was suspicious and took the jade slip to investigate.

The jade slip records a martial art and several martial arts skills. Although they are very common, they are genuine Profound Level martial arts. They are valuable and rare.

"My little friend, if you are willing to submit to us, this jade slip will be given to you." The young man threw out an olive branch and said with a smile.

"Submit?" Zhou Yan was stunned, and then showed a wry smile.

Zhou Yan understood that the other party had already seen through his true identity, and that was why he was so polite. Normally, he would have suppressed him long ago.

"Why, do you feel aggrieved, little friend?"

The young man smiled jokingly and said: "My little friend, my young master is not a thing in the pond. He has a bright future. As long as my little friend is willing to submit to my young master, it will be a good deal."

"Sorry, I refuse."

Zhou Yan flatly refused. Although this jade slip was precious, it could not catch his eye.

"Huh, if you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink it as a penalty. Boy, you won't be able to fly today."

The young man in black snorted coldly, with gloomy eyes, and said word by word: "I promise that as long as you are willing to surrender, I will spare your life and let you enjoy the glory and wealth without doing any heavy work."

"Prosperity and wealth, glory and wealth, it is indeed a good thing." Zhou Yan sighed secretly in his heart.

"Haha, boy, do you really believe his lies?" the system said with disdain.

"Of course I won't believe it." Zhou Yan replied.

He is not stupid. In this world, no one except his parents would help others for no reason. Besides, he and the other party are strangers.

"Boy, my young master is the direct son of the Wang family in the imperial city. As long as you join the Wang family, you can enjoy all the glory and wealth." The old man in black robe said seductively.

Zhou Yan curled his lips and was too lazy to talk to the old man in black robe. Anyway, he made up his mind to destroy the Wang family tonight and leave all these people to them.

"Boy, are you rejecting me?" The young man frowned.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in joining the bullshit Wang family." Zhou Yan shrugged.

Hearing this, the young man's face darkened, his eyes flickered, and he stared at Zhou Yan slyly, saying in a cold voice: "Boy, I will give you one last chance, are you sure you want to refuse?"


Zhou Yan was about to speak, but found that he couldn't. He felt as if there was a fish bone stuck in his throat and couldn't move.

"Are you mute?" the young man sneered.

"You used the acupuncture sealing technique on me?" Zhou Yan was shocked. He didn't notice it at all. The opponent's strength was extremely terrifying, not weaker than the powerful Innate Realm.

"Humph, what do you think?"

The young man said contemptuously: "Boy, just surrender and capture me. I can let you live for a while, otherwise, you will not even be qualified to suffer."

"Who are you?" Zhou Yan asked coldly.

"My master, Wang Teng." The young man said proudly.

"Oh it's you."

Zhou Yan suddenly realized that this guy was the playboy he met at the auction house that day.

"Yes, it's me." Wang Teng nodded.

"You want to kill me?" Zhou Yan guessed.

"Haha, smart, your fate is determined from that day on."

Wang Teng smiled and said: "My master, I always have clear rewards and punishments. You killed my black-robed guard. Therefore, I want you to die. If you die, no one will know that I killed you." ."

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