The dragon snake was severely injured, roared sadly, swung its body, wrapped up Zhou Yan, and tried to drag him into the mire.


Zhou Yan shouted loudly and slapped him with his backhand.


The snake was struck, its head exploded, its body exploded, blood spattered, and no bones remained.

On the other side, Zhou Yan's body movements were like lightning and he was holding a long knife. He entered the flock of sheep like a tiger and killed each dragon snake.

"What a good guy, he actually has about two hundred years of cultivation."

Zhou Yan clicked his tongue and sighed, his eyes blazing.

These dragon snakes are all Rank Two Monsters, and their strength is not weak, comparable to a Martial Apprentice at the seventh or eighth level of the Martial Apprentice realm.

It's a pity that when you meet him, you are destined to be miserable.

Swish swish swish....

Zhou Yan's figure was elegant, like a fish swimming through the air, slashing out one sword after another.

Although there are many dragon snakes, his strength is far superior to the dragon snakes.

In just one stick of incense, six snakes died under his sword.


The remaining snakes, sensing something was wrong, fled one after another, burrowed into the mud, and disappeared.

"Haha, he ran pretty fast."

Zhou Yan smiled contemptuously and did not pursue.

These dragon snakes have been scared out of their wits by him and dare not show their heads for the time being.

After all, he had just used the Universe Soul Searching Technique and learned the information about the dragon snake.

It turns out that these dragon snakes, named Red Flame Snakes, are vicious and vicious in nature. They like to devour their own kind, especially beautiful women, and are even more vicious.

Once targeted by them, it is basically difficult to escape alive.

This point is widely spread in the ancient country of Tianhuang.

"This Fifth Grade Ganoderma lucidum must be hundreds of years old."

Zhou Yan knelt down and examined it carefully, and was immediately overjoyed.

This Fifth Grade Ganoderma lucidum is about the size of a baby's fist and contains majestic and pure vitality.

If taken, it provides great benefits to the physical body.

"Hey, now that we're here, we can't go back empty-handed."

Zhou Yan grinned, took out a hammer, and started hammering.

Click! Click! Click!

Soon after, Zhou Yan cut the Ganoderma lucidum into two boxes.

Then, he raised his head and looked forward, his eyes were cold and murderous intent emerged.

"Hmph, stop hiding and get out of here."

Zhou Yan said coldly.

There was a roar, the mud exploded, and dragon snakes rushed out.

There are more than twenty of these dragon snakes, all of them are Rank Two peak monsters.

"I will send you back to the West regardless of my own abilities!"

With a stern face and mysterious steps, Zhou Yan approached the snake in an instant, stabbed out with a sword, and the sword light exploded, piercing the void with terrifying pressure.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten dragon snakes were chopped off, and blood rained down on them.

Zhou Yan looked around and saw this scene clearly, his face became more solemn, and he whispered: "What a strong miasma, this is indeed the Dragon Snake Swamp!"

The Dragon Snake Swamp is filled with poisonous mist all year round and has a strong miasma. It is impossible for ordinary people to get close to it. If you are not careful, you will lose your mind and die here.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhou Yan felt that his body was heavy, as if he weighed a thousand pounds.

"No, if you stay any longer, you will definitely suffocate."

Zhou Yan shook his head, turned and left.

He walked out of the swamp, took a deep breath of fresh air, and relaxed.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan looked slightly startled, his eyes fixed in front of him.

Ahead, deep in the dense forest, there was a faint sound of water splashing.

call out!

The next moment, a huge crocodile surfaced from the water, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Zhou Yan's neck.

"The beast is looking for death!"

Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed, he clenched the sword with both hands and swung it suddenly.


The crocodile's head exploded into pieces and turned into a mist of blood. The remaining crocodile skin fell to the ground.

"Hey, crocodile skin?"

Zhou Yan picked up the crocodile skin and was slightly surprised.

Crocodile skin is an artifact refining material. It is strong and wear-resistant and has strong defensive power. It can be refined into armors, battle clothes and other items.

Zhou Yan only had a thin shirt on his body.

Now, with this layer of crocodile skin, it is suitable to be refined into soft armor.

"As expected of a swamp, I actually encountered a crocodile. If I don't kill it, I will be unable to move even an inch in the future?"

Zhou Yan thought to himself.

This swamp is filled with miasma and extremely poisonous, making it impossible for ordinary people to enter.

He just killed the dragon snake and violated the taboo.

If you continue to stay, you will definitely be retaliated by other Monsters. It is said that it is easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows.

"That's all, I'll just kill him!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered and he slashed out with his sword.

In an instant, the crocodile skin fell apart and turned into several pieces, which were spread on the ground to form a simple armor.

"Huh? What's going on..."

The next moment, Zhou Yan froze on the spot with a strange look on his face.

I saw a blood hole on his chest, scarlet blood gurgling out, soaking the entire chest.

"I have been poisoned!"

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and looked solemn.

He is pregnant with Ziyang True Qi, which is immune to all poisons, but he is still poisoned. This shows that the miasma of this swamp is not a trivial matter.


The next moment, Zhou Yan held his breath and gathered his nerves to activate the Ziyang True Secret.

In an instant, True Qi boiled in his body, like a surging sea.


Ziyang True Qi, domineering and scorching, expelled toxins along the way, causing the injuries on his body to recover quickly.

After a while, the toxins were removed and the injury healed.

"This kind of poison should be extraordinary..."

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and murmured to himself.


At this moment, a wave of terror swept over, the wind howled, and the dust filled the air.

The next moment, a huge demon wolf slowly climbed onto the shore, staring at Zhou Yan with a pair of green eyes.

This demon wolf has a strong body, covered with black scales, exuding a light metallic luster, and its sharp teeth are exposed, conveying a cold feeling.

"Rank Two High Level Monster - Black Scale Wolf King!"

Zhou Yan looked solemn and his heart beat rapidly.

He just killed three Rank Two snakes and crocodiles, and his physical strength was severely exhausted. At this moment, facing the Rank Two High Level Monster Black Scale Wolf King, he felt heavy.


The black-scaled wolf king looked up to the sky and roared, breathing heavily from its nostrils, filled with ferocious aura, and rushed towards Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan looked pale, gritted his teeth, turned his wrist, and unsheathed a long sword.

"Seal the throat with one sword!"

Zhou Yan shouted loudly, swung his sword, and struck out with a sharp sword light.


A spark burst out, and the black-scaled wolf king's body shook slightly. He took a few steps back, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his fierce eyes stared at Zhou Yan.

"As expected of a Rank Two High Level Monster, it is indeed very powerful!"

Zhou Yan's heart trembled and his face became solemn.

In the fight just now, he suffered too much and was physically exhausted, unable to maintain his peak condition.

It is quite difficult to kill the Black Scale Wolf King.


The black-scaled wolf king screamed, his ferocity aroused, and he rushed towards Zhou Yan.

"You evil beast, suffer death!"

Zhou Yan's eyes darkened, and he slashed down with his sword. The sharp sword light tore through the sky and landed on the Black Scale Wolf King.


The body of the black-scaled wolf king was stiff, and blood spurted out from his back, dyeing the swamp red.


The black-scaled wolf king howled, fell to the ground, and died.

Zhou Yan's face turned pale, and he knelt on one knee, breathing heavily and looking pale.

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