Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1240, Weird And Unpredictable

He didn't notice that the bloody hole in his chest actually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye and healed perfectly.

This scene is really weird and unpredictable!


Suddenly, Zhou Yan's abdomen was attacked again. His ribs were broken, and his body flew up and crashed into the swamp.


Zhou Yan's heart trembled, and he secretly cursed himself for being careless.

Just now, in order to deal with the Black Scale Wolf King, he was focused on defeating the opponent and ignored the approaching danger.


Strips of green leeches emerged from the bottom of the swamp, densely packed, hideous and ugly, exuding a fishy smell.


Zhou Yan's pupils shrank and his eyes bulged.

There were so many leeches, so densely packed that he couldn't even count them, which made his scalp numb.

call out!

The leeches swarmed in and drowned Zhou Yan in an instant.


Zhou Yan struggled hard, trying to escape from the encirclement of leeches. However, he was poisoned so much that he fell into a coma after only holding on for a few seconds due to exhaustion.

"Hahaha, I finally caught this fat sheep."

Under the swamp, there was a burst of excited laughter.

Immediately, a figure rushed out of the quagmire, picked up Zhou Yan, and ran towards the outside of the swamp.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the valley.

A burly young man, with a look of contempt on his face, stood proudly in the grass, looking indifferently into the distance.

"Hmph, what kind of bullshit Martial Artist, you actually dare to steal our prey!"

The burly young man said fiercely with sinister eyes.

He is an Innate Realm strongman named Li Hu. His cultivation level has reached Sixth Grade Innate, and he is only one step away from Seventh Grade Martial Master.

At this time, he looked into the depths of the swamp and his thoughts changed rapidly:

"The swamp is filled with miasma. If ordinary people break in by mistake, they will definitely die."

A hint of coldness flashed across Li Hu's eyes: "We entered the swamp to collect Spirit Medicine, and this guy actually followed us."

"Now, while he is unconscious due to poisoning, kill him directly!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Hu's figure was as fast as lightning and as fast as the wind, and he flew towards the swamp.

After a while, Li Hu arrived at the swamp.

"Boy, you're pretty lucky to be able to survive."

Li Hu stood still and looked at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's clothes were in tatters, stained with mud, and there were some scars and blood stains on his body, making him look extremely miserable.

"You...don't mess around."

Zhou Yan's eyes widened and he spoke with difficulty.

"Hey, kid, don't worry, I won't kill you."

Li Hu grinned, revealing two rows of yellow sharp fangs:

"I heard that you are the young master of the Zhou family. Wouldn't it be great if I could take you as a hostage and force the Zhou family to give you benefits?"


Zhou Yan cursed angrily, feeling extremely shocked and angry.

All of this, thanks to Zhou Yunlan, turned him into a useless person.

Now, Li Hu actually wanted to target him, which was really deceiving.

"I advise you to let me go, otherwise, my father will never let you go."

Zhou Yan clenched his fists with hatred.

"Oh? Zhou Dingtian, that good-for-nothing old man?"

When Zhou Dingtian was mentioned, Li Hu didn't care at all.

"Do you know my father's name?"

Zhou Yan's expression froze and he couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, although Zhou Dingtian is the head of the Zhou family, it's a pity that his strength is low. In Jiangling City, he is only a third- or fourth-rate guy."

Li Hu sneered again and again and mocked: "I, Li Hu, have killed more than one waste like your father."

"Don't believe it? Then try it!"

After finishing speaking, Li Hu stamped his feet on the ground, and like a tiger, he pounced on Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan's eyes were cold and he stabbed Li Hu in the chest with his sword.


The sword light shattered, and Li Hu struck it down with one claw. The strong wind raged, causing Zhou Yan to vomit blood.


Zhou Yan's face was ashen and his body was shaking.

"Haha, how do you feel? It feels uncomfortable to be stepped on by me!"

Li Hu sarcastically said: "I'm telling you, you can't escape today. Just sit back and wait for death. Maybe I can consider sparing you a life!"

"Bah! Dreaming!"

Zhou Yan reprimanded angrily, with an expression as if he was ready to die, without any fear.

"In that case, I have no choice but to send you on your way."

Li Hu looked ferocious as he raised his foot and kicked Zhou Yan in the chest.


At this moment, a sword slashed down, blocking Li Hu's attack.


Li Hu was stunned and looked along the sword's light.


Immediately, Li Hu's eyes blurred, and a thin figure appeared in front of him.

"Who are you!"

Li Hu's expression changed and he shouted sternly.

"You don't need to know who I am, because you are going to die soon."

The indifferent voice came out, making Li Hu's hair stand on end.

The person in front of him was wearing a blue robe, with a handsome face, a faint smile on his lips, and a cold luster in his eyes.

"you wanna die!"

Li Hu was furious, and a tyrannical aura erupted from his body.


Wisps of True Qi surrounded him, sweeping across like a tide, turning into the shadow of a giant python, entrenched above his head, baring its teeth and claws.

"Fifth Grade Late Stage, Innate First Layer!"

Sensing this momentum, the blue-robed young man raised his eyebrows and murmured:

"No wonder you dare to kidnap my prey!"

"Haha, little bastard, you must be scared."

Seeing the young man in blue robe, Li Hu was immediately ecstatic and laughed:

"Young man, get out of here, I will torture him slowly later!"

"Sorry, this prey is mine."

The young man in blue robe walked slowly with a smile on his face.

"court death!"

Li Hu's eyes widened, his murderous intent surged, he activated True Qi, and punched out with a bang.

In an instant, True Qi roared, like a Flood Dragon rising out of the sea, and the terrifying coercion shrouded the sky and the earth.

"Fifth Grade Late Stage, weaker than me!"

The young man in blue robe looked calm and stretched out his right arm to fight Li Hu.

"Who is this person? He dares to confront Brother Li Hu head-on!"

On one side, several Martial Artists whispered with disdain on their faces.

"Boy, you are no match for me!"

Li Hu looked disdainful and relaxed, thinking that the opponent would definitely be defeated.


In an instant, his fists collided together, making a muffled sound.

Deng Deng...

The next moment, Li Hu was shaken all over and staggered back three steps with a look of horror on his face.

He never thought that this sickly looking young man would be so powerful.

"Punch me again!"

Li Hu became angry from shame, and the True Qi surged in his body, pouring crazily into his fists, and blasted at the blue-robed young man again.

"With this level of strength, is he worthy of being called Martial Artist?"

The young man in blue robe shook his head and sneered, his figure erratic, avoiding the light of the fist.

Bang bang bang...

Li Hu punched wildly, getting faster and faster, but he still couldn't do anything to the blue-robed young man.

"How can this be?"

Li Hu's face was distorted and sweat dripped from his forehead.

He believed in his own strength, so how could he have imagined that he would encounter such a strange thing.

"It's time to finish."

Suddenly, the young man in blue robe had a stern look on his face, kicked out his right leg, and hit Li Hu hard. The latter flew backwards and fell to the swamp, splashing a large amount of mud.


Li Hu covered his chest and gasped violently.

"Boy, you are strong, but you shouldn't interfere in my affairs."

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