Li Hu gritted his teeth and stared at the blue-robed young man ferociously.

In his eyes, cold light shot out, with murderous intent.

"Haha, what a waste!"

The young man in blue robe smiled and approached Li Hu step by step.

Li Hu's eyes were full of fear and he kept moving back with panic in his eyes.

Zhou Yan was lying on the edge of the swamp, having difficulty breathing and looking pale.

"What are you going to do?" Li Hu shouted hoarsely.


The blue-robed young man smiled playfully, stretched out his right hand, and pinched Li Hu's neck. A majestic force instantly eroded his meridians.


Following a crisp sound, Li Hu tilted his head and lost his vitality.


Zhou Yan looked at this scene in surprise, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

He never expected that the young man in blue robe would kill Li Hu right away.


The young man in blue robe snorted coldly, grabbed the storage ring from Li Hu's hand, turned and left.

Zhou Yan stared blankly at the disappearing figure of the blue-robed young man, unable to recover for a long time.

He thought he would definitely die, but he didn't expect that at the critical moment, a master would save him.

"Thank you for your help!"

Zhou Yan struggled to stand up and shouted in the direction where the blue-robed young man left.

Da da da.....

Crisp footsteps came, and the young man in blue robe returned.

Zhou Yan observed carefully and saw the blue-robed young man holding a black snake in his hand and throwing it into the grass next to Zhou Yan.

"Thank you so much, my benefactor!"

Zhou Yan hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

"You're welcome. You called me 'senior brother' just now. You probably practice martial arts too."

The young man in blue robe waved his hand and smiled lightly.

"Senior brother, are you from the martial arts world?"

Zhou Yan's eyelids twitched, a little surprised.

"That's right." The young man in blue robe smiled and nodded.

"Then...Senior Brother, is there any way you can help me get revenge?"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and spoke word by word.

"Your injury is very serious. It will take at least half a month to recover. I am unable to treat you for the time being."

The young man in blue robe said with a slight regret:

"However, when you recover, we can hunt for treasure together."

"Thank you very much, senior brother."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan sighed secretly.

Both Li Hu and the middle-aged man are the pinnacle Second Grade Martial Artist, far exceeding his Third Grade Martial Artist.

Fortunately, this senior brother came to help, otherwise, his body would have been buried in the wilderness long ago.

“Junior brother, have you heard of ‘Netherworld Mountain’?”

Suddenly, the young man in blue robe asked.

"Netherworld Mountain? What is that place?"

Zhou Yan frowned.

Although he is the grandson of Zhou's family, due to his status, he has never set foot in the world, let alone heard of Netherworld Mountain.

"It seems that junior brother has never heard of it."

The blue-robed young man's eyes fell on Zhou Yan, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Netherworld Mountain is one of the three most dangerous places in Northern Xinjiang. It is filled with fog all year round and is surrounded by dangers. It is said that countless strong people have died, so it is known as the place of death."

The young man in blue robe explained:

"It is said that there are amazing treasures buried deep in Netherworld Mountain, and there is even the birth of the Spirit Pill."


Hearing this, Zhou Yan's heart moved and he couldn't help but ask:

"Senior brother, have you ever heard of Xuanbing Chalcedony?"

"Xuanbing chalcedony?"

The blue-robed young man frowned and pondered for a while, then shook his head and said:

"Never heard of it."


Zhou Yan sighed, and a glimmer of hope rose in his heart. It seemed that he could only rely on luck to find Xuanbing Chalcedony.

"Senior brother, what kind of martial skill did you perform just now?"

Zhou Yan asked.

"This martial art is called "Iron-Sand Palm". It is a secret book that I accidentally obtained from an ancient tomb. It is not worth mentioning."

The young man in blue robe said in an understatement.

"Senior brother, you are being humble. I know that once you reach the Basic Accomplishment level, you can overwhelm mountains and destroy everything."

Zhou Yan quickly complimented.

Although he is a playboy, it does not mean that he is ignorant.

Martial arts is divided into Ninth Grade, and each First Grade is divided into Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Senior Rank Four.

Like his grandfather, he is the pinnacle of Martial Apprentice Seventh Grade Martial Artist, known as the King of Martial Apprentice.

"Haha, it's just a low-level Yellow Level martial arts, it's nothing."

The young man in blue robe waved his hand and said calmly.

Zhou Yan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, feeling contempt in his heart. Without this martial skill, how could you kill Li Hu in an instant!

Although he didn't say it explicitly, the young man in blue robe felt it, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he raised his hand and pressed it on Zhou Yan's shoulder.


Zhou Yan's blood boiled, his whole body trembled, and his bones crackled as if he had been hit by electricity.

In just a moment, Zhou Yan couldn't bear it anymore and fainted with a scream.

The young man in blue robe glanced around to ensure safety, then directly picked up Zhou Yan, walked through the air, and flew towards Netherworld Mountain.

A stick of incense later, he appeared outside Netherworld Mountain.

At this moment, the sky is dark, dotted with stars, and the night breeze is gentle.

On the outskirts of Netherworld Mountain, there is a huge stone standing with several words carved on it:

The Nether Forbidden Zone!

"Is it a restricted area for the underworld?"

The young man in blue robe murmured.

Then, he jumped straight into the Netherworld restricted area.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

In the restricted area of ​​the netherworld, the ghost beasts roared deafeningly, like thousands of demons roaring in unison.

The Nether Forbidden Zone is extremely wide, filled with Monsters, and is extremely dangerous. Even the strongest in the Innate Realm dare not break into it easily.

As the blue-robed young man moved forward, he killed all the Monsters he encountered without mercy.

After about two sticks of incense, he came to the depths of the restricted area, where a majestic mountain stood. The top of the mountain was surrounded by clouds and smoke, and the palace buildings were faintly visible.

On the mountainside, in a secret room, an old man in gray clothes sat cross-legged on the ground.

This old man, with white beard and hair and a boyish face, has his eyes closed. He is the Martial Master Sixth Grade enshrined by the Zhou family - Zhou Yuantong!


Suddenly, Zhou Yuantong opened his eyes, his gaze as sharp as a sword, piercing through illusions and looking into the depths of Netherworld Mountain.

"What a powerful True Qi wave!"

Zhou Yuantong's eyes widened with a look of horror on his face.

call out!

The next moment, he turned into a stream of light, rushed out of the secret room, and hurried away along the breath.

" does this have a human aura?"

In the Netherworld restricted area, a silver-white mammoth was crawling in the forest, sniffing lightly with the tip of its nose, showing a look of surprise.

It is the most powerful existence in the northern land, and its strength reaches the Fifth Grade realm, comparable to the strong ones in the Martial Master realm.

"Huh? It's actually Martial Dao Grandmaster!"

The mammoth's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was confused.

Martial Dao Grandmaster is a figure like Martial Dao Saint. He possesses earth-shaking power and cannot be insulted. Even if it is a Fifth Grade Monster, it cannot escape misfortune.


Suddenly, the mammoth's figure skyrocketed, exuding a terrifying evil aura, like an ancient savage beast awakening, extremely manic.


Immediately afterwards, its huge body rose from the ground, soared into the sky, flew quickly, and disappeared deep into the Netherworld Mountain.


In Netherworld Mountain, the blue-robed young man led Zhou Yan across a distance of more than a hundred feet and finally arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

In the heart of the mountain, many bones, broken limbs, and fragments of various weapons were piled up, scattered all over the ground in disorder.

"The Monsters here are all the remains of Martial Artist!"

Zhou Yan looked around, feeling horrified.

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