As the Netherworld Water descends, wisps of dark mist, as if summoned, gather in the center of the network and turn into a vortex, swallowing up all the shadows.

The dark mist disappeared, revealing the skeleton. It was extremely frightened and resisted desperately, but to no avail, it was swallowed up inch by inch.

"You actually know the 'Blocking Technique'!?"

The skeleton screamed with resentment and a hint of panic: "Damn it, I actually met a monster!"

"Sealing techniques are specifically aimed at soul techniques. Although you are a Holy Lord-level existence, you are no exception."

Zhou Yan sneered, but was horrified in his heart. This skeleton was too strong. Even without a physical body, it could still compete with him.

How terrifying it would have been in its heyday! ?

"Boy, whatever you want to know, I will tell you everything!"

Suddenly, the attitude of the skeleton changed drastically, and he said flatteringly: "I am the Profound Heaven Continent, the Supreme sect, the elder of Netherworld Palace, my name is..."

The Skeleton Frame spoke eloquently, explaining its origins.

Netherworld Palace, located in the Profound Heaven Continent, is a magical sect that specializes in cultivating disciples with a long history and profound heritage.

In the Netherworld Palace, there is an ancient scroll called "Netherworld Record", which records the world of heavens, various secrets, techniques, and even Immortal Law, inheritance, etc.

Among them, there are many magical skills and unique skills.

The skeleton frame is a Treasure Weapon, which gave birth to spiritual wisdom. It was given the opportunity by the elders of Netherworld Palace to cultivate spiritual wisdom and obtain a powerful skill.

Netherworld Record is mysterious, unpredictable, and powerful. It can be called the first Divine Ability of Profound Heaven Continent.


Suddenly, the skeleton looked cold and said solemnly: "But a mere ant deserves to know my secret?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the skeleton opened its mouth and spit out a jet black jade slip, which landed in front of Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan was alert, reached out to pick up the jade slip, and looked at it carefully.

"What is this!?"

Zhou Yan frowned, feeling that this jade slip was very special and seemed to contain some kind of mystery.

In an instant, the jade slip shattered into pieces and turned into dots of starlight, integrating into Zhou Yan's body.

In an instant, Zhou Yan felt that there was a lot more information in his mind, and scriptures flowed into his mind, turning into a technique called "Netherworld Record"!

"Netherworld Record", as the name suggests, is an advanced version of "Netherworld Soul Refining Technique".

"I see!"

After a while, Zhou Yan suddenly realized and calmed down.

"Netherworld Record" is divided into three levels. With each level, the power increases dramatically. When it reaches the extreme, it can even be made into a Netherworld Sword by using Netherworld Water.

"This is the method of practicing the Nether Sword. If you master it, you will be able to control this sword." The skeleton said: "I believe that as long as you are given time, you will be able to reach the top, suppress the sky and the world, and sweep away the powerful men in the sky. .”


Hearing the bewitching words from the skeleton, Zhou Yan shook his head and laughed: "My ambition is not here..."

Before he finished speaking, a vast and inexplicable memory came to him. Zhou Yan's expression suddenly changed, his pupils tightened, and his face showed a look of shock.

"This is......!?"

Zhou Yan raised his head in surprise and stared at the skeleton in front of him, feeling an uproar in his heart.

"Is this the memory of the Lord of the Netherworld!?"

Zhou Yan's heart was beating wildly and he felt endlessly shocked.

The Lord of the Netherworld is a heroic figure of a generation who once conquered the heavens and conquered all realms with brilliant achievements.

However, Zhou Yan never expected that the memories left by this peerless powerful man would actually appear in his mind.

This opportunity is truly incredible!

"What kind of force is Netherworld Palace? Why was it still able to survive after the death of the Lord of Netherworld?"

Zhou Yan frowned and fell into deep thought.

The Lord of the Netherworld, who spanned the world and was arrogant among all heroes, could be described as an invincible strong man. However, he still fell and died at the hands of his companions.

This made Zhou Yan feel incredible!

Because, according to legend, the Lord of the Netherworld has already become a half-step Saint. If he takes one more step forward, he will become a Saint and his life span will last for thousands of years.

How could such a powerful being fail? !

Could it be that he provoked some kind of terrifying existence? Or, are you being plotted by your enemies?

Both of these possibilities are possible!

Zhou Yan's thoughts changed rapidly, and he became more and more doubtful.

"Hahaha, kid, don't worry..."

The skeleton was overjoyed and laughed wildly: "The master of this emperor is the founder of Netherworld Palace - Netherworld Immortal!"


The skeleton's smile suddenly stopped, his whole body was shaking, and a strong sense of fear appeared in his eyes.

Netherworld Immortal, the founder of Netherworld Palace, the supreme emperor of Netherworld Palace!

In the Netherworld Palace, Netherworld Immortal is a god, an existence that cannot be violated. No one can disobey. Anyone who disobeys Netherworld Immortal's will will eventually be killed.

Under Netherworld Immortal, the nine guardian elders are in charge of the entire Netherworld Palace. They have overwhelming power and give orders in all directions. No one dares to refute them. Even the current Holy Emperor must be in awe.

The Netherworld Immortal is invincible throughout his life, taking control of all nine states and running amok.

Unfortunately, during one of his travels, Netherworld Immortal encountered a catastrophe and was seriously injured and critically injured. Fortunately, he survived.

Netherworld Immortal clearly remembers that the disaster originated from the Secret Realm, the core of Netherworld Palace, a strange place.

That Secret Realm is full of danger and killing, with all kinds of evil formations and curses...

However, the masters of Nether Immortal Art are bold and have no scruples at all due to their strength.

In the end, under the heroic charge of Nether Immortal, he forcibly fought his way out.

However, Nether Immortal paid a heavy price and suffered heavy injuries, leaving only a weak remnant of his soul, lingering...

Nether Immortal had no choice but to lie dormant and concentrate on healing.

Unexpectedly, great changes occurred in the Netherworld Palace, and Saintess inherited it and became the new Lord of the Netherworld.

At that time, the Netherworld Immortal was weak and unable to stop all this. He could only watch helplessly as Saintess ascended to the throne of God and became the Lord of the Netherworld Palace.

From then on, the Nether Palace took a completely different path. Saintess was ambitious and wanted to establish her own Nether Kingdom, bring everyone under her command, and become a huge force.

"The Kingdom of the Netherworld is a good idea, but it lacks some basic qualifications."

After a long time, Zhou Yan slowly woke up, thought for a while, and said in deep thought: "In that case, how about I help Saintess add another qualification?"

The last wish of the Lord of the Netherworld, the Netherworld Immortal, is to carry forward the Netherworld Palace and restore the glory of the Netherworld Emperor Dynasty.

Zhou Yan believed that if he had such talent, he would definitely be able to do it.

Therefore, Zhou Yan is ready to help. After all, Saintess is his fiancée!

"Eh? You actually have this plan?"

Hearing this, the skeleton was stunned, and then a bright light appeared in his eyes: "Jie Jie Jie... How can a useless young man like you actually have such thoughts?"

"Little guy, I advise you to give up. There is no hope in this kind of thing..." The skeleton kept laughing strangely, obviously disapproving of Zhou Yan's actions.

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