Netherworld Palace is one of the top forces in the world, with many powerful people and a rich foundation.

Zhou Yan is just a mortal and has no martial arts skills at all. Wanting to become the Lord of the Netherworld is simply a dream!

"I'm sure..."

Zhou Yan smiled lightly, very confident in his abilities.

"Hehe, in that case, I will wait and see, waiting for your good news."

The skeleton said contemptuously, and immediately turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"Oh, this guy is really unreliable!"

Zhou Yan curled his lips, gathered his thoughts, and stared at the bronze coffin in front of him.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan waved his sleeves and rolled up the coffin lid. Suddenly, a majestic aura filled the air, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, sweeping across all directions.

Zhou Yan sensed carefully and suddenly discovered that this bronze coffin was stronger than the previous coffin, and it vaguely revealed a terrifying and sharp aura.

"It is indeed a treasure!"

Zhou Yan was ecstatic and couldn't wait to activate all the True Qi to infuse it into it. Suddenly, the bronze coffin shook violently and burst into glorious light.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound. Zhou Yan looked down and saw that the surface of the coffin was covered with cracks, spreading like a spider web, gradually spreading throughout his body.

"Damn it!"

Zhou Yan cursed angrily and gritted his teeth: "This is a severely damaged Spirit Weapon. No wonder the demonic corpse cannot be sealed!"

Zhou Yan felt regretful in his heart. Although the bronze coffin was seriously damaged, it was still a precious spiritual weapon. It was a pity that it was destroyed like this.

However, Zhou Yan was not discouraged and quickly calmed down and began to look for a way out.

This ancient tomb was dark and cold, with corpses everywhere, so densely packed that the number was beyond imagination.

"Ho ho ho~"

From the mountain of corpses, roars were heard, and ferocious monsters walked out of the darkness. Their bodies were dark, like zombies, with teeth and claws bared, and they came towards Zhou Yan.

In an instant, the entire space boiled instantly, and the evil spirit surged into the sky, which was terrifying.

"Humph, what a small trick!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he pointed his finger, like a dragon or a tiger, with a sharp sword aura.

Bang bang bang~

The sword light flashed, and the demonic beasts exploded into pieces and were crushed into ashes by the sharp sword energy.


Immediately, Zhou Yan stepped on a mysterious trajectory, used the wind control technique, and flew into the distance.

This is the tomb of Netherworld Immortal. There are many mechanisms that need to be solved one by one.

However, in Zhou Yan's view, these mechanisms are not difficult to deal with, but the last portal is occupied by a ferocious beast comparable to the Body Refining Warrior.

This ferocious beast looks like a crocodile, with scales covering its body. Each scale is covered with a black gold color, like a layer of armor, and its defense is astonishing.

"Get out of my way!"

Zhou Yan roared angrily, raised his hand and punched out, the fist force surged and turned into a ball of flame, hitting the crocodile monster's head hard, exploding into the sky with smoke and dust.


The crocodile beast neighed in pain and became extremely angry. It swung its tail and cut through the air like a sharp blade, attacking Zhou Yan with a harsh sound.

Bang bang bang~

In an instant, the fist and tail collided, causing ripples of strong wind.


The crocodile monster roared again and again, and its tail whipped like a steel whip with extremely fast speed and great power.

"Humph, what a small trick!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly and swayed like a ghost, avoiding the attack.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan took action again, blasting out his fists in succession, shaking the air and making bursts of explosion sounds.

Bang bang bang~

In the blink of an eye, thunderous sounds rang out, and the crocodile monster's body was broken into pieces, bloody and bloody, and almost collapsed.


The crocodile monster roared wildly, and its huge body rolled up, causing waves to hit the wall and making a loud noise.

At this time, the crocodile monster had lost its fighting power and was lying softly on the ground, dying.

"This bronze coffin is still too shabby to suppress the demon corpse." Zhou Yan frowned and shook his head.

Now, the crocodile monster has lost its threat, but Zhou Yan still does not take it lightly.

There is no other reason. The person in the ancient bronze coffin is a peerless powerful man.

"I don't know how that guy is doing..."

Zhou Yan glanced at it and landed not far away. There was a pile of bones there, which was the old man.

"This old man is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself, with a look of fear on his face.

Just now, when Zhou Yan was in danger in the pool, it was the old man who came to his rescue and told him that a peerless powerful man was buried here.

Zhou Yan remembered clearly that the old man called him "Master" and told him to be careful when entering this mausoleum.

Therefore, Zhou Yan followed the teachings and wandered around the periphery, looking for a way out.

However, Zhou Yan is not a fool. He knows that the more dangerous the place, the more cautious he must be.

Here, there are unknown dangers, and if you are a little negligent, you will lose your life.

"What secrets does this mausoleum hide?"

Zhou Yan remained silent and glanced around. Suddenly, he stopped for a moment in front of a tomb.

There, there was a skeleton, skinny and skinny, with only bones left and no skin at all. It was dark green in color and had a strange luster, making people afraid to approach it.

"Huh? This is..."

Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw that in the palm of the skeleton, there was a jade tablet with a few words engraved on it: "Mausoleum of the Netherworld Emperor". The strokes were vigorous and the dragons and phoenixes were dancing. It was obviously written by an expert.

"This skeleton should be the guardian of Netherworld Palace or something..."

Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed, and many doubts arose in his heart.

Netherworld Palace is one of the oldest sects in Netherworld State. It has a long history and once gave birth to an invincible overlord. However, it later disappeared.

It is said that there are all kinds of magical secrets and infinite resources in the Netherworld Palace.

However, these things have long been lost.


Zhou Yan was thinking in his mind, and suddenly, his eyes were fixed on a wooden box next to the skeleton.


Immediately, Zhou Yan reached out to grab the wooden box and slowly opened it.

Buzz buzz~

In an instant, a vast and unpredictable aura was suddenly released, filling all directions, making the void tremble and rumble.

"Spirit Medicine...."

Zhou Yan's eyes were burning as he looked at the wooden box, which contained a strange medicinal herb with nine branches and leaves, each of which was crystal clear, like emerald.


As the medicinal herbs released their breath, the temperature in the entire mausoleum dropped sharply, and there was a strong chill. Wisps of mist filled the air, as if you were in the twelfth month of winter. The chill penetrated your skin, making people feel cold and shivering involuntarily.

"What a powerful medicine!"

Zhou Yan's heart moved. This is a rare Spirit Medicine that contains majestic pure energy and is very beneficial to the cultivation of Martial Artist.

"As expected of the Netherworld Emperor's Tomb, there is actually Spirit Medicine growing there!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were bright and greedy. Without hesitation, he immediately collected the Spirit Medicine and prepared to leave the mausoleum and continue exploring.


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