Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1265, Poisonous Fog In The Cave

There are thorns everywhere in this valley. Once touched, they will cause severe poison. Zhou Yan naturally does not dare to move.

In this way, Zhou Yan has been spending his time in the cave.

Outside the cave, a giant black python was quietly staring at the cave.

"Huh? That boy is okay?" the black python said in surprise.

It originally thought that Zhou Yan would definitely die in the hands of that mysterious young man, but unexpectedly, Zhou Yan did not die.

"Strange, why didn't he leave immediately? Could it be that he planned to stay here to recuperate?" the black python thought in his heart.

"No, the Qi in his body is very weak, and he is obviously seriously injured. Could it be that this young man is injured and cannot leave, so he can only stay in the valley to practice and recover?" A trace of suspicion flashed in the eyes of the black python. color.

"In this case, let's save his life first. When he is almost recovered, I will take action and kill him!"

After thinking about it, the black python slowly started swimming towards Zhou Yan.

Soon, the black giant python approached the valley.

It swam slowly and came to Zhou Yan's side, putting its head close to him, preparing to swallow the vines into its belly.


Suddenly, those vines danced wildly, instantly piercing the black python's skin and piercing its abdomen.


The giant black python roared in pain, then opened its mouth and spit out several poison balls, smashing all the vines to pieces!


The black python was furious. It didn't expect that it would be hurt by these vines.

This is an extremely embarrassing thing.


Then, the black giant python opened its bloody mouth and swallowed all the surrounding vines into its belly.

At this time, Zhou Yan also woke up and found that many vines appeared in the cave, which scared him to death.

"Holy crap, am I so unlucky that I'm going to be eaten alive by vines?"

Zhou Yan looked around and his face turned pale.

Those vines, densely packed together, were like a giant net, covering Zhou Yan.

"No, I can't sit still and wait for death!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, took out a short sword from his arms, summoned all his strength, and swung the sword suddenly.

"call out!"

The dagger turned into a rainbow and shot out towards the vines, cutting off all the surrounding vines!

However, what made him despair was that there were so many vines around him that he couldn't kill them all!

Zhou Yan's eyes were filled with despair, and he cursed in his heart: "What the hell is this?"


"Bang bang bang!"

On top of a towering ancient tree, a young man in black robes sat cross-legged on the treetop, punching and palming Zhou Yan.

That majestic spiritual pressure made Zhou Yan feel suffocated and his face turned extremely pale.

"No, that's not fair. Why should I suffer like this?"

Zhou Yan's face turned livid and he roared unwillingly.

"act recklessly!"

The young man in black robe looked at Zhou Yan gloomily, with a trace of cruelty on his face, "How dare you disobey me? You are simply seeking death!"

After the words fell, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the young man in black robe, and a sharp sword energy suddenly shot towards Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's face was horrified, and he hurriedly used True Qi all over his body to form a protective shield and resisted the blow.


The next moment, Zhou Yan felt as if his body had been severely injured and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.


Zhou Yan fell heavily to the ground, his face as pale as paper.

"This human being actually resisted the attack of my three successful powers!" The young man in black robe had cold eyes. "It seems that I must use real methods."

The next moment, the body of the young man in black robe began to swell. His height increased several times in an instant, reaching three meters. His whole body was covered with hard scales, and he had two dragon horns and a pair of wings on his head. Look majestic.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank sharply, and his face was horrified: "Oh my god, what kind of monster is this?"


The young man in black robe neighed, opened his big mouth, revealing a row of extremely sharp fangs, and a terrifying suction force came.

"I go!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yan immediately shouted, turned around and crawled desperately into the depths of the cave.

"How dare you betray me, I will eat you today!"

The young man in black robe roared angrily, exuding a powerful wave of power, and chased after Zhou Yan.


Deep in the cave, Zhou Yan kept running to avoid the terrifying suction force.

But how could his speed be compared with that of the young man in black robe.

Not long after, Zhou Yan was grabbed by the ankle by the young man in black robe.


The young man in black robe opened his mouth and bit Zhou Yan in half. The bright red blood kept dripping and dyed into beautiful flowers on the ground.

"How can this guy be so strong?" Zhou Yan's eyes widened, and his heart was filled with shock.

Although he had been prepared, he still did not expect that this monster was so powerful. Just a trace of the power caused him to suffer and was seriously injured.


The young man in black robe let go of Zhou Yan and chewed the bloody flesh and blood in his mouth.


At this time, those vines rushed over crazily and wrapped him around.

"This damn vine is so annoying!"

The young man in black robe had ferocious eyes, and with a flick of his hand, all the vines were shattered, turning them into pieces that filled the sky and floated down.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his paw and grabbed Zhou Yan.


A black sharp blade shot out from between his fingers and penetrated a vine.


A piece of vine fell into his mouth, and he chewed it into pieces and swallowed it.


Zhou Yan swallowed, his face turned pale, and deep despair arose in his heart.

"Damn it, is it really impossible to escape death today?" Zhou Yan's eyes were full of fear, and his body was trembling.

He knew that this time, he was doomed.

"No, I have to find a way to escape!" Zhou Yan thought to himself.

He couldn't sit still and wait for death, otherwise, he would definitely die.

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, a look of determination suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he looked towards the stone gate in front of him.

"Hoo ho!"

Zhou Yan took a few deep breaths, and then he rushed to the stone door and pushed the stone door open with both arms.


Zhou Yan rushed out with a single lunge.



When Zhou Yan appeared in the outside world, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "This should be my hometown!"

He couldn't remember exactly how many years he hadn't been back.

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