Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1266, The Revengeful Murderer

He only remembered that at that time, his parents had already left him because of a car accident.

He has been looking for the murderer to take revenge. It was not until he met his master that he completely solved his inner demon.

And his cultivation level has also improved by leaps and bounds. Now, he is only half a step away from the Gold Core Realm.

"It seems that Master's disappearance is not without trace. I should indeed pay homage to my parents!"


Zhou Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air, a look of nostalgia appeared on his face.

Here, he finally has his own family, and his heart can no longer hold any hatred and resentment.

"Although my strength is good, I can deal with ordinary monks just fine. If I meet a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage, it will be dangerous!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan couldn't help but have a solemn look on his face, "In this case, it's better to seek asylum first."


Immediately, his figure jumped and flew towards a city.


Not long after Zhou Yan left, the black snake appeared where he was standing. Seeing the blood left by Zhou Yan, excitement suddenly appeared on his face, "Hahaha, it smells so good! So So bloody, this kid must be a fat sheep, but the clothes on him are very expensive, they should be worth a lot of money, right? Hehe, I haven't eaten meat for a long time!"

As he spoke, the black snake writhed, got into the ground, and chased away in the direction Zhou Yan left.

"Huh? This kid is very fast!"

After a while, the black snake spotted Zhou Yan and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "There are quite a lot of treasures in this kid!"


As soon as it finished speaking, its figure turned into a black light and quickly chased after Zhou Yan.


"call out!"

Zhou Yan kept galloping through the mountains, getting faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, he flew thousands of miles away.

However, just when he relaxed his vigilance, a sound broke through the air, and then, a huge fist, carrying a strong wind that destroyed the world, crashed down.

"What the hell?"

Feeling the terrifying fist wind coming, Zhou Yan suddenly became wary and quickly turned his head to look behind him.

Only a black shadow appeared in sight.

This is a giant python about a hundred feet long, with a dark green color all over its body, covered with black scales, and a pair of snake eyes with a faint blue luster, which is as scary as a poisonous snake.


Seeing this human race, the giant python showed greed in its eyes, let out a hoarse roar, opened its bloody mouth, and wanted to tear it apart and swallow it.

"Hmph, it's just a monster at the peak of Nascent Soul's early stage, and it's trying to eat me!"

Zhou Yan's eyes surged with murderous intent, a monstrous momentum erupted from his body, and his spiritual power surged like a river.


Zhou Yan waved his palm, and terrifying force swept out, directly slapping the giant python away.


The giant python howled miserably, and its scales instantly shattered, revealing its bloody body.

This is a poisonous dragon whose flesh is so hard that ordinary swords cannot cut through it.

But at this moment, he was still killed instantly by one blow, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Tsk, tsk, it's so delicious!"

Looking at the poisonous dragon lying on the ground with no breath, Zhou Yan's eyes showed a burning look.

This is a giant python, and it is a rare and highly venomous snake. Its flesh and blood can be used to refine elixirs and even a highly toxic Law Weapon.

If it is refined into something like a poison sword or poison spear, it will be even more powerful, enough to kill a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage.

If you are lucky, you might be able to meet a suitable Monster, hunt down some high-level Monsters, and refine them into puppets, which might also be a huge fortune.

"No matter what, just eat it first!"

Zhou Yan licked his tongue, then stretched out his palm, grabbed the poisonous dragon, and threw it into the storage ring.

After doing all this, he continued to rush toward the southeast.



Zhou Yan's speed was extremely fast. Along the way, countless Monsters tried to get out of his way.

One day later.

Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

Right in front of him, two Nascent Soul realm beings with extremely strong aura were suspended in the sky, overlooking him.

"What do you two want to do?"

Zhou Yan shouted coldly, exuding a cold killing intent, and glanced at the two of them.

"Haha, we brothers want to eat something good. What, do you have any objections?"

One of the middle-aged men in red sneered, stared at Zhou Yan with playful eyes, and said slowly.

"I advise you to get out as soon as possible, otherwise, I can't guarantee whether I will take action against you!"

After hearing these words, Zhou Yan suddenly became furious, and his face became frighteningly gloomy.

His majestic Jinyang Sect disciples were actually blocked by a group of Martial Artists from the early and middle stages of Nascent Soul. What a shame!

What's more, these people still want to rob him of things.

Wouldn't this be equivalent to slapping his Jinyang Sect in the face?

How could he endure this tone?

"Haha, I don't believe it, you dare to kill us!"

Upon hearing this, the man in red glanced at Zhou Yan with disdain, his eyes full of teasing.

They are all Nascent Soul monks!

Even if he meets a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he is not afraid at all!

Although Zhou Yan is the Foundation Building Late Stage, he is still like an ant in front of them.

They are genuine Nascent Soul monks, how can they be afraid of a little Gold Core monk?

When Zhou Yan saw the contemptuous attitude of the man in red, his eyes suddenly narrowed, a cold light flickered, and murderous intent emerged in his heart: "In that case, don't blame me for destroying the flower!"


After the words fell, Zhou Yan's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of the man in red. He stepped on his chest and asked coldly: "You, and the two people around you, who wants to follow?" Death, just follow me!"

"You, you, dare to kill our people!"

Seeing that Zhou Yan actually attacked him directly, the middle-aged man in red's face changed, and immediately a ferocious look appeared on his face, and he roared with gritted teeth.


Zhou Yan snorted coldly and stepped hard into the chest of the middle-aged man in red.

"Ah You......"

The man in red opened his mouth slightly, but before he could speak, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then died.

When another middle-aged man saw this scene, he was frightened to death and turned pale.

"Senior, have mercy on me!"

He quickly fell to his knees on the ground and begged.

As a core disciple of the Jinyang Sect, he had never seen such a cruel method. He could kill a Nascent Soul powerhouse in one move. This method was simply shocking.

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