Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 127, I Can Still Fill In My Grades

He opened his territory information and was surprised to find that the score of his other territory was zero.

This is not the point. The point is that in this territory of his, the scores can be filled in casually, as long as the highest score does not exceed 2022 points.

"You can actually fill in your grades."

He didn't expect it to be like this, so he checked the results of the first 1,000 people in the [Shenlong Kingdom] Newcomer Trial.

If he wants to enter the academy of the four major lords of the Shenlong Kingdom, his grades shouldn't be too bad, but they definitely shouldn't be too high.

Each of the four major lords' colleges of Shenlong Kingdom recruits 300 students every year. As long as their scores are within 1,200 in the country, they can enter.

But there are many people between 1,001 and 1,200 who will be brushed off.

Less than 1,000 people is the safe score line.

Of course, if your territory is very special, you can also be specially recruited.

He changed his [Diao Chan] territory name score to 650 points, ranking around 900 in the country, and there are quite a lot of people with this score, dozens of them, and they are relatively unnoticed.

After he made the changes, his [Diao Chan] territory was indeed ranked 900th.

Some people may wonder why there is suddenly a 900th place result, but there are so many people with this score, and many people hide all information, not many people care.

They will only care about the people at the top. As for the rankings below, no one will care too much.

Even if the people behind find that their ranking has changed, it doesn't matter.

Because there are many changes in rankings, he has seen the rookie trial rankings for many years, and there will be some changes in the rankings many times.

Because if something happens to the people at the top of the ranking in Canglan Continent, such as a car accident or something.

Then his results will disappear, and what will change accordingly is the performance ranking of the entire newcomer trial.

There are also some people who have special territories and can even hide their achievements. This has happened in the history of Canglan Continent.

So he wasn't worried at all that he would be discovered.

Through the group message, most students will go back to school tomorrow.

The teacher also asked everyone to go back tomorrow to make unified arrangements.

Many things need to be done after returning to school.

The most important thing is to obtain the Lord's Qualification Certificate issued by the school, which is equivalent to a graduation certificate.

After obtaining this certificate, his identity information will be officially changed to that of a lord.

Only after becoming a lord can you enter the [Lord Exchange] and trade various items there.

He sorted out his place. Although he now has more than a billion dollars, he has lived in this house for a long time and has feelings for it, so he doesn't want to change it.

After finishing tidying up, Zhou Yan left home.

I met many familiar people on the road, because Zhou Yan had been sensible since he was a child, and the neighbors had a good impression of him.

In addition, after his parents died in the Lord's Continent, the nearby neighbors often took care of him and took him home for dinner.

Although Zhou Yan does not need anyone to take care of him, he has a very good relationship with his neighbors.

Everyone would say hello to him after seeing him, and he would respond politely.

He took a taxi to a wholesaler, found the wholesaler owner, and said, "Boss, I need to buy a batch of things."

Seeing that Zhou Yan was not old enough and could not buy many things, the boss replied casually: "They are all here, let's see what we need."

When there are more people in the territory, he will need a lot of pots, pans, oil, salt and seasonings. He plans to buy more at once so that he doesn't have to buy anymore for a long time.

The [warehouse] in the territory has a freshness-preserving effect. You can put things in without fear of expiration.

He selected dozens of items and brought them to the boss. Before he could speak, the boss picked up the items, counted them, and said, "A total of five hundred and twenty-five yuan."

Afterwards, he went about other things.

Zhou Yan was speechless. He just chose the varieties and didn't say anything else to him.

Forget it, after swiping Fetion, he put his things into the territory and prepared to leave.

"Zhou Yan."

When he looked up, it turned out to be his former junior high school classmate, Yang Kai.

"Hello." Zhou Yan also responded.

"Shopping, you can buy whatever you want. This is my store and I can give you a discount." Yang Kai replied.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? That person has already bought something. Why don't you come over and help me quickly? Don't you see that I'm already very busy!"

Yang Kai's father said not far away.

"Okay, okay." Yang Kai smiled helplessly and ran over to help.

Zhou Yan came to a wholesaler opposite and found that this wholesaler had a wide variety of products.

"We provide supermarkets directly here. Just buy whatever you need. Sister will give you a discount."

A young lady in her twenties said to Zhou Yan.

Nodding, he chose a lot of things and bought a pack of each thing. He also bought several different brands of the same thing and put it on the counter.

"Young man, you bought so many things, can your family use them all?" The young lady obviously regarded Zhou Yan as household goods.

"No, bring me a truckload of each kind here." Zhou Yan said.

Young lady: ""(°ヘ°)???"


"A truckload!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not joking." Zhou Yan answered the other party seriously, and then said: "I am a lord, so it is normal to buy a truck of supplies."

Young lady: "What! (キ`゚Д゚´)!!"

Then, the young lady looked at him in surprise and said, "You are actually a lord! How can you buy it alone? Besides, even a lord doesn't need to buy so much."

The other party was really surprised, there was a truckload of every kind, my God! To what extent has this territory developed?

If you are a big lord, shouldn't you cooperate directly with those big companies?

Why did you come to the wholesaler to buy so many supplies?

From the look of the other person, she didn't look like someone with a large territory.

If you are from a large territory, purchasing such large supplies will usually be handled by professional logistics personnel.

The newly developed lord does not need so many supplies at all.

The other party had no idea that although Zhou Yan was just a newcomer to the territory, his discovery speed was already equivalent to that of a veteran lord.

"No? If you don't have me, you'll find someone else."

He won't explain too much. Why do you, a seller, know so much?

"Of course, but can you pay the deposit first? Your quantity is indeed a bit large. We just happened to have a batch of goods coming in today. As soon as the deposit is paid, I will call them immediately and ask them to deliver the items to the place you designated. "The young lady replied quickly.

"No need." Zhou Yan said.

"That does not..."

"I'll pay in full." Zhou Yan replied.

Young lady: "(゚Д゚)"

She originally said no, but when she heard what Zhou Yan said later, she held it back.

"Calculate how much money you need." Zhou Yan took out his mobile phone and prepared to transfer money.

"Okay, okay, just wait a moment and I will definitely give you the best price."

The young lady was very surprised. She didn't expect to meet such a big lord who didn't cooperate with any company. No matter how big the other party's territory was, it had nothing to do with her at all. She was just a wholesaler doing business.

Anyway, although she was curious about the world of lords, it had nothing to do with them at all.

Because there were a lot of things, she asked Zhou Yan for the specific quantity. It took a long time to calculate the total price, and she also gave him a very favorable price.

After Zhou Yan transferred the money very straightforwardly, supplies worth tens of millions were completed.

The young lady quickly called someone to transport the things, and then asked: "Well, where should the things be sent?"

"That's it, I can just take it away myself." Zhou Yan replied.

Although the young lady was surprised, she knew that these lords had very powerful functions. She did not know the details and would not ask in detail.

However, she wanted to keep such a big customer no matter what, so she exchanged phone numbers with him and offered to contract all the needed supplies.

He really needs to buy a lot of things. Since the other party is willing to take the initiative to take care of these things, he doesn't have to run away.

So, he mentioned a lot of things he needed, including various seeds, clothes, bedding, shoes...etc., and the quantities needed were also very large.

The young lady was very happy and said she would arrange it for him and deliver it to his door.

When trucks drove in here one after another, many people were surprised how so many vehicles came at once.

Then they saw Zhou Yan walking behind trucks and collecting all the contents in the trucks. They knew that this was a High Level lord who came to purchase supplies, but the quantity was probably too much.

Generally, such High Level lords should contact suppliers directly to purchase. Very few large lords will come to wholesalers to purchase.

"Dad, you just said that my classmate has finished shopping. Look, what is he doing?"

When Yang Kai saw that the purchaser was Zhou Yan, he was completely confused.

Is this what his dad said about buying good things?

When Yang Kai's father saw that the person purchasing so many supplies turned out to be the young man he ignored just now, he felt a sudden pain in his heart.

He covered his heart, his face full of regret, and his whole body was blue and thin.

He regrets it so much.

"Son, please tell your classmate quickly. We also have a lot of supplies at home."

Yang Kai: "( ̄ー ̄)( ̄ー ̄)"

"You drove it away yourself, it's none of my business."

Yang Kai didn't come forward to flatter Zhou Yan. His father had driven him away before, but now he went over to talk nonsense.

Besides, everyone has already bought the things, so why bother?

"Son, call 120 quickly. Your dad and I are a little dizzy."

"I'm dizzy too."

"Your dad and I might not be able to sleep at night."

"It's okay, just drink more hot water."


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