Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 128, The Powerful Territorial Heart (1St Update Of 5)

The young lady insisted on treating Zhou Yan to dinner, and Zhou Yan agreed. In the end, Zhou Yan was sent home in a car arranged by the young lady.

After returning home, Zhou Yan communicated with Heart of the Lord and returned to the territory.

He had already come out of the newbie trial place, so the entire territory was in a strange space, and the whole world was hazy, like an illusory world.

This is a lord space for each lord, and they can only move within the scope of their territory.

"Lord." After Li Shuang saw Zhou Yan, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Lord, the resources you brought back are enough for us to use for a long time, but there are many things that I don't know how to use."

After all, they are ancient people and are not very familiar with many modern items.

Many of the things I bought this time have a lot to do with the kitchen, and they have never been used before.

So Zhou Yan came to the [five-star hotel], took out the various items he purchased, and began to explain to Li Shuang and Liu Yue.

The two girls have very strong learning abilities, and they quickly learned the information and how to use these things.

And Liu Yue started to try using these seasonings.

As the delicious dishes were prepared, Zhou Yan was still greedy even after eating.

“It smells so good!”

He sincerely praised S Level’s cooking skills and these rich and varied seasonings, making the food extra delicious.

He asked Liu Yue to make a table for Diao Chan and others to try.

Afterwards, he returned to the [Aura Bamboo House], where Diao Chan and the others were practicing. He did not bother them, but took out the [Heart of the Territory].

The heart of the territory is a colorful light. As soon as I took it out, I heard a prompt.

Territory Tip: "Do you want to use the special item [Heart of Territory]?"

The Heart of the Lord, which had turned into an ancient scroll in his mind, was shining brightly, like a delicate beauty saying "I want it" to him.


[Heart of the Territory] flew into the air and turned into a colorful glow, covering the entire territory. The entire territory became warm, like a warm sun shining on them, very comfortable. After that, they saw that the entire territory had undergone earth-shaking changes. Such changes.

The entire territory is growing at an extremely fast speed, and every building is shrouded in colorful light.

Territory reminder: "The territory range has been increased to 350,000 square meters."

Territory Tips: "Can build [Heart of Territory]!"

Territory tip: "[Heart of Territory] can be activated to move the entire territory. The higher the level, the faster the movement speed. At full level, you can move in the air."

Territory tip: "The [Heart of Territory] Spirit Gathering Array can be activated, which can increase the cultivation speed of territory residents. The cultivation speed increases with the level of the territory."

Territory Tips: "You can activate the [Heart of the Territory] defense array, and you can consume spiritual coins to increase the level of the defensive array. When the spiritual energy of the defensive barrier is insufficient, you can consume spiritual coins to replenish it."

Territory tip: "You can activate [Heart of Territory] Spirit Vein and grow by swallowing Spirit Vein. The stronger the Spirit Vein, the richer the aura of the territory."

Six consecutive prompts made him stunned.

The scope of the territory has increased tenfold at once, and there are so many more powerful attributes.

The area of ​​his territory before was never large enough to allow him to build buildings. With the Heart of Territory, the problem of territory area was solved in one fell swoop.

Looking at the building that has been enlarged ten times, it will not be a problem to build hundreds more buildings.

He needs to build [Heart of Territory] to activate other attributes.

Territory prompt: "Do you want to spend one million spirit coins to build the heart of the territory?"

"One million!" He was surprised. He didn't expect that the heart of the territory needed one million spiritual coins to build.

But the money has to be spent.


Territory prompt: "Spirit coins - one million, build [Heart of Territory]."

The Heart of the Territory has not evolved again. It seems that this building can no longer evolve. After all, it was originally transformed from the colorful light.

[Heart of the Territory] has become a building, a bit like the style of [King Crystal], except that the Heart of the Territory exudes colorful light, and there is only one group of colorful light. , and does not have any counterattack capabilities.

But it has an indestructible feature that is really awesome.

Even in the daytime, you can see the dreamlike colorful brilliance, which is very gorgeous and wonderful, just like being in a dream world.

After the [Heart of the Territory] was built, the entire territory was immediately filled with aura. Although it was not a lot, it was just the beginning. As time goes by, it will increase a lot.

Not long after, [Heart of the Territory] emitted a ray of light that shot straight into the sky, and then formed a defensive shield, covering the entire territory.

He started looking at the properties of the building.

[Building: Heart of the Territory]

[Grade 1 ]

[Quality: unknown]

[Defense: Indestructible]

[Required for upgrade: two million spirit coins, one hundred five-star rush stones, one hundred five-star Spirit Stones, one hundred five-star jade stones, one one-star Spirit Vein]

[Special Attribute 1: Movement (can move the entire territory, the higher the level, the faster the movement speed, you can move in the air at full level)]

[Special Attribute 2: Spirit Gathering Array (can increase the cultivation speed of territory residents, and the cultivation speed increases with the level of the territory.) ]

[Special Attribute Three: Defense Array (You can consume spiritual coins to increase the level of the defensive array. When the spiritual energy of the defensive barrier is insufficient, you can consume spiritual coins to replenish it. The current defense is 9999/9999)]

[Special attribute four: Spirit Vein (grows by swallowing Spirit Vein. The stronger the Spirit Vein, the richer the aura of the territory.) ]

[Special attribute five: not activated]

[Introduction: Connected to the entire territory, it has a mysterious effect on the territory. ]

The attributes of [Heart of the Territory] are very powerful, but it is quite difficult to upgrade.

Except for the Spirit Vein, the required materials are all five-star, and for the time being, I don’t see any benefits this [Heart of the Territory] has on other buildings.

After all, [Heart of the Territory] is only Level 1, and it needs to be upgraded before it can continue to activate other attributes.

He also has three buildings that can be built, namely E-quality building [Bathhouse], S-quality barracks [Broken Camp Army], and RRR-quality building [City Lord's Mansion].

But he doesn't plan to build a [Broken Camp Army], he plans to use it to exchange for things or sell it for money.

Even though he now has more than one billion spiritual coins, when it comes to actually spending money, this money is far from enough.

You know, spiritual coins also have an additional function, which is to use them for cultivation.

Using spirit coins to practice can speed up your practice by at least 5%, depending on your talent.

If it weren't for his special technique and no need for spirit coins, I'm afraid he would need a lot of spirit coins just for practicing.

He himself does not need spiritual coins to practice, but the heroes and soldiers in the territory do.

He will definitely distribute spiritual coins to everyone in the territory as training resources, so he will always be short of money.

Of the two buildings that can be built, the one he is most looking forward to is the RRR quality building [City Lord's Mansion]. This building is already a full quality building. After evolution, he doesn't know what kind of building it will become.

He first put the [cinema] that he had put away in his territory.

Then start building the building.

Territory tip: "Build [Bathhouse], [Bathhouse] evolved into [Hot Spring Villa]."

[Hot Spring Villa]!

This is really good, so you can soak in hot springs every day.

He hurriedly walked towards the [Hot Spring Villa]. This building was quite large.

(Author: Start updating today!)

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