Instantly, Zhou Yan looked happy.

You must know that although he has the ability to devour souls, he also needs huge resources to provide him with absorption and practice.

These medicinal materials are just right for him.


Then, Zhou Yan stretched his arms and easily shuttled between the piles of medicinal herbs, like a fish swimming in and out of the herbs, and carried them all into the Universe Bag.

There are a total of 500 medicinal herbs. If sold, it would be enough for Zhou Yan to exchange for 500 spiritual coins.

"Ha ha...."

After doing this, Zhou Yan couldn't help but throw his head back and laugh.

Five hundred spirit coins is definitely a huge sum of money for him now.

"Huh? There is actually a mysterious weapon here."

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed and he saw a broken sword.

This broken sword was in many parts and rusty, as if it had gone through the baptism of time, but the blade contained a strong Sword Intent that made people feel cold all over.

The next moment, Zhou Yan's body swayed, and a sword light pierced the sky and struck on the broken sword.

Suddenly, the harsh sound of metal collision was heard, the broken sword trembled violently, making a buzzing sword cry, and a sharp Sword Intent suddenly erupted, knocking Zhou Yan away.

Zhou Yan stepped back a few feet, steadied his body, and stared at the broken sword in his hand in shock.

In that blow just now, he didn't activate any energy at all.

However, the broken sword actually blocked his sword energy, and even the force of the counterattack pushed him back, almost injuring him.

The power of this broken sword is too terrifying!

"Hiss! Such a sharp broken sword, could it be a King Level Spirit Weapon?!"

Zhou Yan's eyes widened and his heart beat loudly.

In the wild world, King Level Spirit Weapon is extremely precious.

Even Innate Grandmaster, after spending his whole life, can barely refine a King Level Spirit Weapon.

This shows how extraordinary this broken sword is.

"Boy, don't worry about so much, run away!"

At this moment, the anxious roar of the golden lion sounded in his mind, causing Zhou Yan's expression to change.


Without saying a word, Zhou Yan quickly rushed out of the treasure house with a flash of his figure.

A ray of cold light flew and struck the mountain wall next to Zhou Yan. Suddenly, the extremely hard mountain wall was filled with cracks, and a deep pit appeared, with dust flying.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?"

Seeing this, Zhou Yan was so frightened that he froze and stood there, not daring to take another step forward.

The sneak attack just now was too terrifying. If he had been a little slower, his whole body would have been torn into pieces.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise from the front, as if something collapsed.

Zhou Yan looked up and saw a ball of flame spurting out, turning into a column of Heavenly Fire, sweeping in all directions and covering the treasure house.

"This...this is..."

Zhou Yan's pupils shrank and he looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

I saw a high platform rising in the center of the treasure house, with a flag on it, fluttering in the wind.

The next moment, at the entrance of the treasure house, figures in black swarmed in one after another. Their bodies were murderous, like wolves and tigers, and their eyes were fierce and frightening.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically.

These men in black obviously have evil intentions and are not Martial Artists who came to hunt for treasure.

"Boy, let's go."

At this time, the golden lion's voice sounded again, with a solemn tone.


Zhou Yan no longer hesitated, stepped on the ball of his foot, used phantom footwork, and rushed towards the outside.

Soon, the man in black was approaching, waving his sword in his hand, intercepting Zhou Yan and forming a dense network of knives, leaving him with no way to escape.


With an angry roar, Zhou Yan punched out with both fists, blooming like two rounds of sunlight. The fiery breath filled the air, tearing the knife web apart instantly and rushing out.

In an instant, a dozen more people were knocked to the ground by him, bleeding and unconscious.


Finally escaping, Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked around, his eyelids suddenly twitching.

In the treasure house, the smell of blood was strong, and corpses were scattered all over the place.

"Damn, these guys, they're crazy."

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground, Zhou Yan couldn't help but be speechless.

These people actually fought with each other in order to compete for the treasures in the treasure house, causing heavy casualties.

This kind of thing happens every day in Martial Dao Sacred Land.

"Boy, take advantage of the moment to find out where those treasures are hidden. Come on, come on, don't delay. Otherwise, once someone comes looking for the treasures, we will be in trouble."

Suddenly, the golden lion's roar sounded again in his mind.

"Hmph, do you think I don't know?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "You don't need to remind me, I have already found him."

"Besides corpses, there's not even a ghost here!"

At this time, Zhou Yan's face was gloomy, and his heart was burning with anger. He searched in the treasure house for a long time, carefully checking almost every corner, but still found nothing.

He never expected that there was not a single treasure in the huge treasure house.

Such a result is simply incredible.

"what happened?!"

Zhou Yan frowned, lost in thought, and murmured to himself: "It stands to reason that all the things in the treasure house should have been taken away by them!"

The treasure house is guarded by three layers of mechanisms, namely poison, arrows, and dark crossbows. The defenses are so tight that even the Martial Artist of Innate Realm cannot break in.

Moreover, as far as he knew, there was only one way to crack these mechanisms, and that was the key.

However, the key was carried by Zhou Yunlan. She had died long ago, so there was no way the key was left here.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan seemed to realize something, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression changed drastically.


He didn't hesitate and immediately rushed outside the treasure house.

Outside the treasure house, a group of men in black are guarding here.

These men in black, wearing uniforms and carrying long swords at their waists, have stern faces and cold eyes, and are on full alert, guarding the outside.

Zhou Yan glanced around and saw that the surroundings were quiet and there was nothing unusual.

"Strange! Could it be that I guessed wrong?"

Zhou Yan looked suspicious, lowered his head to think, and then shook his head.

"Forget it, since we can't find it, it's better to evacuate first."

After thinking about it, Zhou Yan did not act rashly and decided to avoid these people for the time being.

After all, in the hands of these people, there is an extremely sharp steel knife. Once they get close, they will definitely be in danger.


However, suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes flashed and he noticed a few traces of blood on the ground.

This blood stain was dark red in color, and it was obviously fresh blood dripping down.

"Could it be..."

Zhou Yan was shocked and slowly groped forward, following the blood stains.

Soon, he stopped in front of a stone chamber.

This stone chamber is simple and thick, with blue bricks on the surface and various patterns carved on the walls. It looks quite old.

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