At the door of the stone chamber, there is a stone beast, which is red in color, lifelike, full of wildness and evil spirit.

"This is Vermilion Bird!"

Zhou Yan was overjoyed and recognized the origin of this stone beast. It was a ferocious beast that was good at fire spells.

It is said that a long time ago, there was a Vermilion Bird in Nanling, which swallowed the sun and burned everything, but finally died for some reason.

"Haha, God is really helping me!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yan couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar, extremely happy.

This Vermilion Bird is a superior Monster with pure blood, comparable to Rank Six Monster, and even more powerful.

"Vermilion Bird, come out here."

At that moment, Zhou Yan laughed loudly and reached out to grab the stone beast.


The Vermilion Bird was frightened, jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards Zhou Yan with flames all over its body.


The next moment, the flames exploded and surged, wrapping Zhou Yan and burning his body, trying to burn him to death.


However, the next moment, Zhou Yan opened his mouth and burst out with a force of attraction, absorbing the flames.

"What pure fire power!"

With just one sip, Zhou Yan noticed that the energy circulation in his body suddenly doubled.

"Hey...boy, come in quickly and I'll teach you the Fire Manipulation Technique."

The golden lion shouted excitedly.


At that moment, Zhou Yan no longer hesitated and quickly stepped into the stone chamber.

The interior of the stone chamber is extremely empty. The floor is paved with special stone material, which is solid and firm. It has a radius of a hundred meters and is extremely wide.

In the center of the stone room, there is a table with many jade tablets, scrolls, and a crystal ball.

"Boy, take them now."

At this time, the golden lion urged.


Hearing this, Zhou Yan's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and picked up the crystal ball.

The crystal ball is pure white with a light blue halo. It looks beautiful, as if it is made of crystal, and is extremely magnificent.

"Boy, this is Ice Soul Xuanshui, it's priceless!"

The golden lion was extremely excited and quickly urged: "Hurry up and refine it, this is a great opportunity!"


Hearing this, Zhou Yan did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly sat down cross-legged and took the Ice Soul Xuanshui into his belly.


When the Ice Soul Mysterious Water entered his body, Zhou Yan immediately felt that his whole body seemed to be frozen. A biting coldness made him shiver.

"What a terrifying icy air!"

In an instant, Zhou Yan's eyes showed a look of horror, and he felt an extremely dangerous aura spreading out from the Ice Soul Mysterious Water.

Click click click....

In an instant, a frosty white color appeared on Zhou Yan's skin, and his whole body seemed to be attacked by a cold wave and was instantly frozen.

Hoo ho ho!

The next moment, the vitality in Zhou Yan's body fluctuated violently, spinning wildly, condensing in Zhou Yan's dantian, protecting Zhou Yan's body from the cold current.


Zhou Yan gasped, feeling that all the blood in his body was frozen and his movements were slow.

Fortunately, I have the protection of vitality. If it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would have frozen into a popsicle.

"The cold energy contained in this Ice Soul Mysterious Water is really amazing!"

Zhou Yan's eyelids were twitching wildly and his heart was pounding.

This Ice Soul Mysterious Water contains huge ice-cold properties, which is of great help in practicing the "Nine Yang Divine Art".

Moreover, the deeper the cold air, the better the effect, and the easier it is to quench the Flesh Refining body.

"If this continues, within half the time of burning incense, I will definitely be frozen to death, and I will definitely die by then."

Zhou Yan frowned and looked pale. He had a hunch in his heart that once he was frozen, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.


At this moment, a gap suddenly opened in the wall of the stone chamber, and a scalding heat wave came from it.


Zhou Yan glanced at it and immediately saw that on the other side of the gap, there was a blazing fire, as dazzling as the sun.

"Fire Flame Fruit!"

Zhou Yan's eyes twitched a few times, and he cursed in his heart. He didn't expect to encounter the Fire Flame Fruit here.

The Fire Flame Fruit is a rare treasure that is of great benefit to the Martial Artist's practice. At the same time, it also has a powerful fire attribute.

There are only two Fire Fruits in the Zhou family. Every time it is opened, the Zhou family's senior officials and elders are constantly fighting for it. The competition is fierce. Whoever can win it will have the advantage.

"Damn it!"

Zhou Yan was angry in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would meet him.

According to the Golden Lion, this Fire Flame Fruit should be at the bottom of the Fire Flame Cave. Why is it here?

Moreover, the quality of this fire fruit is obviously many times higher than the previous one.


The next moment, Zhou Yan did not dare to hesitate and immediately jumped out and reached out to grab Huo Yanguo.


However, in the next second, something shocking happened to Zhou Yan. The fire fruit disappeared out of thin air.

"There are restrictions in the Fire Cave. These things cannot be taken away!"

The golden lion groaned and said in a low tone.

"What, there is actually a restriction!"

Zhou Yan's heart froze and his face became gloomy.

"Haha...Boy, although this fire fruit is of extremely high quality, it is not suitable for you to use."

The golden lion smiled and said: "It is better to leave it to the emperor to deal with it. Perhaps, it can also improve the realm of my cultivation."

"In this way, you only need to take those scrolls. Not only will you complete the task, but you will also make a fortune."


Hearing this, a strange light flashed across Zhou Yan's eyes. After careful consideration, he nodded lightly: "Okay, you break the restriction first."

"Hmph! You're quite smart, kid."

Hearing Zhou Yan's answer, a smile of success appeared on the golden lion's face, and then his figure became illusory and gradually blurred.


In the blink of an eye, the golden lion completely disappeared.

"Alas, it's just a remnant soul after all!"

After a long time, Zhou Yan shook his head and said with some regret.

"Forget it, I've already obtained one fire fruit anyway, that's enough. Let's find a place to refine it as soon as possible."

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Yan stood up and looked around the stone room.

I saw that in this stone chamber, on the surrounding stone walls, there were dense inscriptions, emitting a faint fluorescent light, and a picture of ancient vicissitudes emerged in my mind.


Zhou Yan was shocked. He clearly remembered that this picture seemed to come from his mother.

On this picture, there are a few words written:

The heaven and earth first opened, the chaos was chaotic, the yin and yang intertwined...

"Could it be...this is a secret book of secrets!?"

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered, his mind whirled, and he vaguely guessed.

After all, he had consulted some ancient books in Sutra Pavilion and knew some information about martial arts.

Among these information, there is indeed a record that the ultimate move of Martial Dao, a strong man, is powerful and transcendent. It is superior to ordinary moves and is called a special move.

It is said that these secrets of special skills are only in the hands of the leaders of each sect, and only they can understand them.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes fell on the center of the stone room, his eyes filled with burning desire.

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