I saw that this area was carved into a circle, with a large number of rare treasures placed inside and full of spiritual energy. It was obviously a Spirit Gathering formation.

At this time, a fiery red fruit lay quietly in the formation.

Fire Flame Fruit, Fifth Grade Spirit Medicine, is extremely effective for those who practice fire-based exercises.

Moreover, the huge energy contained in it is enough for an Innate Third Layer realm Martial Artist to directly break through the bottleneck and enter the Innate Fourth Layer realm, or even a higher level.

"The effectiveness of this fire fruit is comparable to the Sixth Grade Spirit Pill, and it is also what I want most!"

Looking at the Fire Flame Fruit, Zhou Yan licked his lips with greed in his eyes.

Immediately, without hesitation, he raised his hand and grabbed the Fire Flame Fruit.


But at this moment, the entire formation suddenly lit up, and an extremely blazing flame exploded in an instant, sweeping in all directions.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, the stone chamber exploded and turned into debris.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying punch struck down from the sky and hit Zhou Yan so hard that Zhou Yan had no way to avoid it and had to bear the punch.


Instantly, blood surged wildly. Zhou Yan spurted blood from his mouth and flew several meters away. His sternum was broken and his ribs pierced his skin, exposing his cold white bones.

"Hiss! Such a domineering Quan Gang, I almost died!"

Zhou Yan held back the pain and raised his head to look forward. His pupils shrank sharply, his heart beat rapidly, and he was extremely shocked.

I saw, in the mid-air in front of me, a golden lion standing proudly in the void, with its fists clenched, its body as majestic as a mountain, and wisps of golden flames lingering around its body.

"Huh? He's not dead yet!?"

Seeing that Zhou Yan was still alive, the golden lion frowned and his eyes were deep and solemn.

The punch just now was so powerful that even a Martial Artist of the same level would be instantly killed.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yan blocked it! ?

"Haha, you are really lucky. You are worthy of being a descendant of the Fire God Zhu Rong. Your physical fitness and endurance are much better than those of ordinary people."

The golden lion sneered and walked over slowly, his eyes cold.

"However, with your current state, how can you possibly fight with me?"

Before he finished speaking, the golden lion raised his right arm again, and above the fist, wisps of golden flames were flickering, like a blazing sun, which was terrifying.

"Hmph! Since you want to kill me, what if I try my best to fight you?"

Zhou Yan grinned, his expression became ferocious, and his eyes showed madness.

"Hahaha... Not bad! This is like a man!"

The golden lion looked up to the sky and smiled, and said heroically: "However, you are too weak. I can crush you with one finger of my emperor, so you don't have to struggle anymore, just admit defeat!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and was silent for a moment, then shook his head, sighed softly, with a bit of disappointment on his face, and murmured to himself: "It seems that we are destined to be destined to be different."

Hearing this, the Golden Lion was stunned for a moment, then he laughed angrily and yelled: "You bastard, are you looking for death?! I will beat you to the ground today and make you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Alas...you misunderstood."

Zhou Yan smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "I mean, we are destined to have no intersection."

"What do you mean?" The golden lion was slightly startled.


Zhou Yan raised his head, his eyes flashing, and said indifferently: "You are going to die soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yan's whole body was filled with the brilliance of stars, and a star map appeared behind him, with bright stars hanging on it, releasing infinite brilliance, covering his whole body, exuding amazing power.

This is Zhou Yan’s trump card!

The secret art of the Star Sect, the Secret Book of Stars, is an extremely powerful Body Refining technique.

After reaching the peak of cultivation, the physical body is as strong as iron, invincible to all evils, and has the power to destroy everything.


Sensing Zhou Yan's change, the golden lion's eyes froze, vaguely aware of something bad, and quickly activated the spiritual energy in his body to prepare to resist the attack.


However, Zhou Yan didn't give him a chance at all.


I saw Zhou Yan stomping his feet, and his whole body rose into the air, like a falling meteorite, carrying terrifying power and crashing into it.

"not good!"

The golden lion's expression changed drastically, and he secretly cried out.


In an instant, Zhou Yan's fist fell suddenly, submerging the golden lion in the shadow of the fist.


The next moment, the body-protecting spirit armor on the golden lion exploded, its chest sunk, its mouth opened, and a stream of blood spurted out. As if being struck by lightning, the body was shot backwards for more than ten feet and fell to the ground.


The golden lion was lying on the ground, coughing up blood and shaking. His face was extremely pale, and his body was covered with shocking scars.

"Damn bastard, how dare you attack me?"

The golden lion's eyes were about to burst, and he gritted his teeth and said, wishing he could cut Zhou Yan into pieces with thousands of knives, smashing his bones and scattering ashes.

The majestic Martial King, the monarch of the Golden Lion Kingdom, was defeated at the hands of a Body Tempering Ninth Layer heavenly waste. It was extremely embarrassing.

"Hey, you think you're the only one who can sneak attack?!"

Zhou Yan sneered, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"call out!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan punched out again, like a violent storm, pouring towards the golden lion. Every punch that landed could tear the air and make a crackling sound.

In an instant, there was a dense muffled sound that could not be heard without stopping.

As these fist marks fell, the golden lion's body-protecting spiritual armor cracked again and again, and finally completely shattered.

The golden lion howled miserably and spurted blood from its mouth. It was in a miserable state and had no dignity at all.

"Damn little beast, stop it..."

The golden lion roared, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Stop? Just dream!"

Zhou Yan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, sneered again and again, and punched again.


Along with a muffled sound, the golden lion's protective armor was pierced again, a huge hole appeared in the body, and bright red blood flowed down.


The shrill screams continued to spread, the golden lion's face was twisted, and his eyes were full of fear.

He had already felt that the true energy in Zhou Yan's body was as powerful as the sea, completely surpassing the Body Tempering Ninth Layer Heaven, and even vaguely reaching the level of a Martial Master.


"Who the hell are you?!"

The golden lion gnashed his teeth, his face full of anger.

The speed at which Zhou Yan's cultivation level increases is so unbelievable and totally inconsistent with common sense. There must be something weird about it!


"You ask me? I was about to ask you too."

Zhou Yan sneered again and again and said: "You don't know, in my world, you are just a humble slave, and also a stupid pig."

"you wanna die!"

As soon as these words came out, the golden lion became furious and roared: "How dare you insult my dignity, even a mere ant! I will definitely cramp and skin you, and make your soul fly away!"

As he spoke, the golden lion glared at Zhou Yan, and every word was like a thunderous explosion, shaking the surrounding areas and filled with endless evil energy.

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