In an instant, a majestic and ferocious aura spread out from the golden lion's body, forming circles of ripples visible to the naked eye, spreading out and sweeping across the entire stone palace.

For a moment, the surrounding rock walls trembled, crackled, and fine cracks appeared.

These cracks spread out and soon spread throughout the entire stone palace, like a spider web.

The next moment, the stone palace collapsed suddenly, and smoke and dust billowed.

Waves of powerful aura, like hurricanes, raged in the stone palace, sweeping away and setting off huge waves.


Zhou Yan glanced around and couldn't help but frown slightly.

At this time, in the stone palace, the golden lion's clothes were stained with blood, its body was stooped, its hair was disheveled, and the corners of its mouth were bleeding, making it look particularly miserable.

However, the aura of the golden lion is still fierce and domineering, like a giant beast awakening from the wild, cruel, ruthless, and bloodthirsty.

Even though he was severely injured, he did not flinch or fear at all, and his eyes were still gloomy, revealing a trace of cruel murderous intent.

Obviously, in the collision just now, the golden lion had the upper hand and was not injured!

"Haha, little beast, you really impressed me."

The golden lion sneered, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a hint of danger, "But, you want to defeat me just because of this? You are still far away."

"Really?" Zhou Yan looked calm and said nonchalantly: "Then try this again..."

While talking, Zhou Yan reached out and touched his waist.

Immediately, under everyone's doubtful gazes, Zhou Yan took out a jade pendant and held it between his two fingers.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan used his skills to inject true energy into the jade pendant, and a ray of light suddenly appeared, shining in the void.

The next moment, the light dissipated and the jade pendant returned to its original appearance.


A dark bronze mirror appeared out of thin air. The mirror surface was smooth and refracted strange rays of light, like a sharp sword, piercing the golden lion's pupils.

"not good!"

Immediately, the golden lion's consciousness felt severe pain, and his head felt like needles pricking him. He couldn't help holding his head and wailing, and his face instantly turned pale.

"What the hell is this?"

The golden lion exclaimed, his expression was flustered, his forehead was sweating, and his heart was pounding. If possible, he would rather escape from here immediately.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed across the mirror, and a wisp of cold air surged, making the air freeze.

"not good!"

The golden lion looked horrified, and a deep sense of horror arose in his heart, as if a terrifying cold wave was rushing towards him, freezing his heart.

The next second, a crisp sound came.

Immediately afterwards, the cold mist shrouded, and a piece of ice crystal fell down, condensing into a sharp spear.

The spear pierced the air, like a poisonous snake spitting a message, as fast as lightning, instantly pierced the air, easily penetrated the golden lion's throat, and brought out a cloud of scarlet blood.

The golden lion's eyes widened and he looked down at his neck, his eyeballs bulging, his lips trembling, showing an expression of disbelief.

The next moment, the golden lion's body stiffened and fell limply to the ground, losing all its breath and dying.


Next to them, many guards and maids were so scared that they were silent and their faces were pale.

This scene is amazing!

Zhou Yan's strength is so terrifying!


Zhou Yan put away the bronze mirror, glanced at everyone indifferently, snorted coldly, and said: "You guys, get rid of him quickly."

"As you command!"

Hearing this, everyone around them respectfully agreed, and hurriedly stepped forward, dragging the body with all their hands and feet, and left the stone hall.

They didn't dare to treat the golden lion's body with any slightest care.

At the same time, Zhou Yan looked at the body of the golden lion and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Golden Lion is a martial arts master with extraordinary strength. How did he become so weak?"

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered and he thought to himself: "Could it be that the body I devoured has exhausted its potential?"

The Golden Lion is a strong martial artist with terrifying strength and amazing fighting power. Zhou Yan originally thought that this body must be at the peak level of Innate to carry his true energy.

However, now it seems that things are not as Zhou Yan expected.

"It seems that this body has some secrets."

Zhou Yan pondered for a moment and murmured to himself: "Perhaps I need to change my body to continue practicing the Heavenly Emperor Sutra!"

Although, the Golden Lion Royal Family is one of the top royal families in the Shengwu Continent, with a rich heritage, rich treasure troves, and countless piles of various resources.

However, in this world, the inheritance of a peerless strong man is the most precious wealth.

Especially the Heavenly Rank technique, its value is astonishing, enough to cause a bloody storm.

Therefore, even the Golden Lion Royal Family will hold a blood baptism every thousand years to select outstanding direct descendants, enter the treasure house, and choose the Heavenly Rank technique that suits them.

However, there is no doubt about the preciousness of the Heavenly Rank technique. There are only a few people who can enter the treasure house to select the technique.

The Golden Lion Royal Clan has a huge population of 3,000 royals, but they can only manage to collect 500 places.

"Now that you have decided to seize the body, you must be prepared."

Zhou Yan's eyes were firm and he said in a deep voice: "The Heavenly Rank technique is indeed rare, but it is not completely hopeless to obtain it."

The owner of this body was once a great hero and left behind many legacies, including the "Heavenly Emperor Sutra".

"According to the description in my memory, there are seven Heavenly Rank exercises in total."

Zhou Yan thought to himself: "However, the technique I practice is called "Chaos True Yuan Canon", which I accidentally obtained in the Cave Mansion of one of my ancestors."

The Chaos True Essence Book belongs to the Profound Rank Supreme Grade and is incredibly powerful.

However, among the Profound Rank Supreme Grade techniques, they are at the bottom and cannot be ranked at all.

Therefore, Zhou Yan practiced without any difficulty and quickly mastered the Chaos True Essence Code.

However, "Chaos True Yuan Canon" is just a superficial Body Refining technique, and Zhou Yan naturally looks down upon it.

"When I break through the Foundation Building Realm and practice the Heavenly Emperor Sutra, I will definitely be much stronger than this rubbish technique!" Zhou Yan said with great expectation.


At this moment, a deafening sound of thunder erupted in Zhou Yan's body, like a catastrophe coming, filling the depths of his soul and unable to dissipate for a long time.

Zhou Yan's heart trembled, and he hurriedly closed his eyes, trying hard to suppress this violent aura, so as not to be backlashed and encounter unexpected events.

a long time.

The violent thunder power gradually subsided.

"This is Foundation Building Thunder, Muscle Refining Bone Membrane."

Zhou Yan opened his eyes with a look of joy: "This body has good qualifications. It actually has a Fourth Grade fire attribute Spirit Body."


Zhou Yan looked at the body and nodded slightly.


Immediately, Zhou Yan raised his brows and noticed that there was a bright purple light in the Dantian of this body.

This group of purple light is very strange.

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