Liu Yaner was very angry.

"Anything else?"

Zhou Yan turned his head and glanced at her with an indifferent tone.

"Could the secret technique you just used be the "Star Devouring Demonic Art"?"

Liu Yan'er blinked her big eyes and stared at Zhou Yan with a curious expression.

"Do you know this secret technique?"

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows, stopped, and looked at Liu Yan'er with interest.

The Star-Eating Demonic Art is a supreme secret technique created by the Demon Lord. When practiced to the extreme, it can devour everything in the world.


Liu Yan'er glared at Zhou Yan: "This "Star Devouring Demonic Art" is the Demon Lord's unique skill, how could I not know about it?"

After finishing speaking, she added: "However, it is said that the "Star Devouring Demonic Art" is too difficult to practice unless it is personally taught by the Demon Lord."

"This is also the reason why I haven't dared to practice."

"Demon Lord's inheritance is definitely not available to everyone."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan sighed secretly and shook his head.

The Star-Eating Demonic Technique, known as the Demon World's No. 1 Demonic Technique, is extremely difficult to master. For thousands of years, he has been the only one to do it.

Others, if they want to practice, may have to find other ways.

"However, since I have obtained the Star-Eating Demonic Skill, I must practice it well."

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with perseverance, and he clenched his fists with a fiery look in his eyes.

He knew that if he wanted to gain more power, he would have to work a hundred times harder.

"The Star-Eating Demonic Skill is divided into nine levels. Each time you upgrade one level, your body will become stronger and your power will skyrocket."

Zhou Yan groaned.

He obtained the complete version of the Star Devouring Demonic Skill from the man in green.

Unfortunately, the full version of the Star Devouring Demonic Skill is even more difficult to practice, and it will even take several years to reach the Great Accomplishment state.

As for Zhou Yan, he didn't have such a long time to waste.

Therefore, he chose "Fengfeng Jue".

"The Burning Wind Technique is the Demon Lord's secret code of fame. Once you reach the peak of cultivation, you can transform into fire with just one thought, and you can instantly kill all enemies..."

Zhou Yan closed his eyes, a mysterious and obscure formula appeared in his mind, and began to practice.

"It really works!"

After a while, Zhou Yan opened his eyes, with a touch of joy in his eyes: "It's just that it seems that I'm still not ready to fully succeed in cultivation!"

He could clearly feel that this "Fengfeng Jue" was much more sophisticated than the "Star Devouring Demon Technique" he had practiced.

But the more this happened, the more Zhou Yan longed for it.

"The Fenfeng Jue is indeed the secret code practiced by the Demon Lord!"

Zhou Yan murmured: "As long as I practice diligently, I will be able to surpass the Demon Lord sooner or later."

There was a sharp edge in the depths of his eyes, full of confidence and fighting spirit.

"Brother Zhou Yan, you are so powerful, you even injured Liu Yang!"

Liu Yaner walked over with a smile on her face, a look of surprise on her face.

"Haha, just good luck."

Zhou Yan spoke modestly and then asked, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, it wasn't those bastards who attacked me while I was unconscious and almost killed me."

Liu Yan'er's pretty face turned red and she said with some embarrassment.

"Fortunately, I woke up in time and hid in the grass without being found by them. Otherwise, I would definitely be sold..."

"By the way, brother Zhou Yan, where did you come from?"

After saying that, she couldn't help but ask, full of curiosity.

According to Zhou Yan's previous words, he is just a poor boy from a small town. How could he have such powerful skills?

"Have you forgotten? I mentioned to you yesterday that my father is an alchemist!" Zhou Yan explained: "This "Star Devouring Demonic Skill" was left to me by my father."


Liu Yan'er was stunned for a moment: "Your father is the Great Master of medicine refining?"


Zhou Yan nodded, and after a long silence, he slowly said: "However, my parents are both deceased."

"I'm sorry, I wronged you."

Liu Yan'er's expression changed slightly and she immediately apologized to Zhou Yan.

"It doesn't matter."

Zhou Yan shook his head, with a sad expression: "I will avenge them sooner or later."

"Don't worry, our families are family friends. My grandfather promised me that he would help you get revenge!"

Liu Yaner patted her chest, filled with indignation.

"Well, thank you." Zhou Yan smiled softly, his eyes falling on Liu Yan'er.

This girl is quite loyal.


Liu Yan'er grinned, her black eyes wandering around, as if she was thinking about something.

After a while.

She came closer and lowered her voice: "Brother Zhou Yan, I have a way for you to practice the "Star Devouring Demonic Art"."

"Huh? What can you do?"

Zhou Yan's eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly.


Liu Yan'er smiled slyly: "This matter is very simple. As long as you marry me, you can practice the "Star Devouring Demonic Art"."

"I won't marry you." Zhou Yan shook his head.

Liu Yan'er paused, her pretty face suddenly fell, and she looked at Zhou Yan resentfully: "Humph, you bastard, she is a beauty after all, why are you like this?"

"I already have a wife."

Zhou Yan shook his head and refused without hesitation.

Although, Liu Yan'er is indeed a great beauty.


He has decided to reach the peak of Martial Dao and get out of this prison.

In his heart, he could not tolerate anyone interfering.

"Have a wife?"

Liu Yaner was stunned and looked at Zhou Yan in a daze. It took her a long time to react.

"You actually already have a wife?"


Zhou Yan nodded and responded casually.

Seeing this, Liu Yan'er's eyes turned red and she said aggrievedly: "Since you have a wife, why do you still come to provoke me? Wow, I'm so miserable..."

As he said this, he covered his eyes and started crying.


Zhou Yan smiled bitterly and cursed in his heart: "This little girl's acting skills are too poor, right?"

When he first transferred here, he was defrauded of a lot of money just like Liu Yan'er.

But in the end, relying on his tyrannical soul power, he easily saw through this clumsy trick.

"Stop pretending and give me the "Star Devouring Demonic Skill" as soon as possible."

Zhou Yan waved his hand and urged.


Liu Yan'er raised her head and glanced at Zhou Yan, and said unhappily: "My majestic little princess, the direct descendant of the Liu family, still lack the fragments of your set?"

"If you are willing to worship me as your teacher, I promise to perfect the "Star Devouring Demonic Art" to a perfect state."

At this point, she suddenly stretched out her white jade arms, grabbed Zhou Yan's shoulders, shook them hard, and said coquettishly: "Brother Zhou Yan, please teach me!"

"All right."

In desperation, Zhou Yan could only nod in agreement.

After all, this "Star Devouring Demon Technique" is an extremely powerful technique, and he needs it very much.

"Hahaha, great."

Liu Yaner jumped up excitedly and cheered.

"Brother Zhou Yan, from now on, you will be my master."

Liu Yan'er excitedly pulled Zhou Yan's arm and jumped up and down.

"Sister Yan'er, what's your name?"

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