Zhou Yan inquired curiously.

"Brother Zhou Yan, my name is Liu Yan'er. You can just call me Yan'er from now on."

Liu Yaner smiled sweetly and replied.

"Liu Yan'er."

Zhou Yan repeated it, and then he said: "By the way, sister Yan'er, do you know if there are any forces nearby?"


Hearing this, Liu Yaner blinked her eyes and thought carefully.

"Brother Zhou Yan, do you want to take revenge?"

After a moment, Liu Yan'er's eyes lit up and she blurted out: "As far as I know, the three most powerful forces in the southwest city are the Heavenly Origin Sect, Tianlei Sect, and Fiery Valley."

"In addition, there are some small forces."

"Among these three major forces, the Heavenly Origin Sect is the weakest, with only one Zhen Gang Realm powerhouse in charge, and the Valley of Flames is at the bottom."

Liu Yaner spoke eloquently: "However, there are many masters gathered in the Valley of Flames, including many Core Condensation Realm Martial Artists."

"As for the Tianlei Sect, they have always been against the Heavenly Origin Sect, and they even joined forces with some Independent Cultivators to form the Heavenly Thunder Alliance!"

"Sky Thunder Alliance?"

Zhou Yan frowned.

He vaguely felt that this Heavenly Thunder Alliance might not be simple!

"Lei Batian, the leader of the Tianlei Alliance, is said to be a master of the Zhen Gang Ninth Layer and is extremely powerful."

"In addition, he also has an older brother, who is the Fourth Layer Martial Artist of Zhen Gang, and his combat power is unparalleled."

Liu Yan'er continued: "In addition, according to rumors, behind Lei Batian, there is an ancestor of Huagang Realm who is even more terrifying. Even the Heavenly Origin Sect does not dare to provoke him."

"I see."

Zhou Yan suddenly realized that no wonder the Tianlei League was so rampant because it had the support of an ancestor from the Huagang Realm!

"So, it's not easy to destroy the Sky Thunder Alliance."

Zhou Yan touched his nose, his eyes twinkling.


Liu Yan'er sighed: "However, brother Zhou Yan, if you are willing to join our Heavenly Origin Sect, with my father's power, I may be able to help you solve this trouble."

"Don't worry, as long as you accept me as your teacher, I will definitely help you get it done!"

"After I master the Star Devouring Demonic Technique and my strength greatly increases, I will go to the Heavenly Origin Sect to find my father to help you."

Liu Yaner vowed.


Zhou Yan sneered.

Want to become your teacher?

I have you, an opera star, as my master, and why are you just messing around?

"No need."

Zhou Yan shook his head and said calmly: "It's just a Sky Thunder Alliance, I can handle it myself."


Liu Yan'er curled her lips and said, "You are an Innate Realm Sixth Layer Martial Artist. Even if you have mastered the "Star Devouring Demonic Art", your strength is limited to the True Gang Realm."

"We are not qualified to go head-to-head with the Sky Thunder Alliance."

"Besides, how many Martial Apprentices from the Heavenly Thunder League can you kill by yourself? How many Martial Artists from the True Gang Realm can you kill?"

"Furthermore, even if you can defeat the people from the Tianlei Alliance, can you still compete with the powerful ones in Huagang Realm?"

"That Huagang Realm powerhouse from the Tianlei Alliance must have a bodyguard, hundreds of thousands of elite Martial Apprentice."

"You are alone, what can you do to fight?"

"In short, you just wait to be tortured to death by the people of the Sky Thunder Alliance."

Liu Yaner looked like she hated iron.


Zhou Yan's mouth twitched and he was completely speechless.

This girl has really been living in a honeypot since she was a child.

At such an age, he is so childish.

"No matter what you say, I will not give this Star Devouring Demonic Skill to you." Zhou Yan was determined.


Liu Yaner was furious: "Why are you so stubborn?"

"I'm doing this all for your own good."


Zhou Yan shook his head, turned and left.

"Oh, brother Zhou Yan, don't leave..."

Liu Yan'er stamped her feet and rushed forward angrily.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Zhou Yan stopped and asked with a frown.


Liu Yan'er stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously: "Brother Zhou Yan, I'm hungry. Please take me to eat."

"What do you want to eat?" Zhou Yan pondered for a moment and asked.

There was a lot of food in his memory.

However, those ingredients are extremely precious and valuable.

"I want to eat dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder..."

Liu Yaner's eyes lit up.

Her favorite foods now are these two.


Zhou Yan's mouth twitched.

This girl is so damn good at eating!


Zhou Yan coughed dryly and pretended to be serious: "Sister Yan'er, these two things are not suitable for you."

"Not suitable for me?"

Liu Yaner was stunned and wondered: "How come they are not suitable for me? Do they smell bad?"

"It doesn't stink, it smells delicious."

Zhou Yan shook his head and said seriously.

"Then why do you say they are not suitable for me?" Liu Yan'er was unhappy and glared at Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan paused and turned slightly red: "They are men's food."

"Men's food?"

Liu Yaner blinked her eyes, half understanding.

However, she was very smart and immediately guessed a clue, a hint of shame and anger appeared on her pretty face.


She cursed lowly and ran away angrily.


Looking at Liu Yan'er in the distance, Zhou Yan sighed softly and thought to himself: "I hope she doesn't misunderstand her."

What just happened was purely a joke.

However, Liu Yan'er is quite cute...


At this moment, Zhou Yan's eyes fell on the black stone ring on his right wrist.

The black stone ring has disappeared.

"Could it be that the storage space has become larger due to the absorption of part of the 'Blood Fiend'?"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself.

"Brother Zhou Yan, what are you muttering about?"

Liu Yaner ran back and asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing."

Zhou Yan shook his head, then changed the topic and asked: "Sister Yan'er, does your Liu family have an artifact refiner?"

"Artifact refiner?"

Liu Yaner was startled, then shook her head and said, "Although my father is an artifact refiner, he is only good at forging spiritual weapons and Spirit Treasure."

"I only know a little bit about alchemy refining."

"Besides, there are no powerful artifact refiners among our Liu family."

The Liu family is just an ordinary merchant family.

There are indeed artifact refiners in the clan, but there are only two of them, and their status is not high.

"In that case, let's forget it."

Zhou Yan nodded slightly and didn't bother to ask any more questions.

"Brother Zhou Yan, I heard that there is a mountain range near the imperial city called 'Fire Rock Ridge'. There is a red flame python in it. It is a Rank Seven Monster and its strength has reached the peak of Fifth Grade!"

Liu Yan'er suddenly remembered something and said excitedly: "Moreover, that red flame python also possesses a secret method - the Burning Sky Secret Code!"

"Burning Sky Secret Book?"

Zhou Yan's eyes lit up.

"That's right."

Liu Yaner said excitedly: "It is rumored that if you practice this secret book of burning the sky, you can have the power of burning the sky!"

"If you practice the Burning Heaven Secret Manual to the eighth level, you can summon a wisp of Heavenly Fire to burn the void!"

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