"The power of burning the sky?"

Zhou Yan was a little surprised.

So mysterious?


Liu Yan'er looked at Zhou Yan, and then solemnly said: "The Burning Sky Secret Code was created by the ancient sages and is extremely powerful!"

"It is said that the Burning Sky Secret Code is divided into nine levels, and there is a huge gap at each level!"

"On the first level of the Burning Sky Secret Code, you can summon a lotus flower that blooms into a torrent of Heavenly Fire!"

"On the second level of the Burning Sky Secret Book, you can summon a meteorite and release a terrifying ice storm!"

"On the third level of the Burning Sky Secret Book, you can even summon a scorching sun, erupting with a temperature that will destroy the heaven and the earth, burning the sky and destroying all living beings!"

The more Liu Yaner spoke, the more intense her beautiful eyes became: "And this is only the first and second levels of the Burning Sky Secret Code, and its power has not yet been demonstrated!"

"There are even deeper secrets hidden in the third and fourth levels of the Burning Sky Secret Book!"

Zhou Yan's heart beat: "Real or false?"

"Of course it's true."

Liu Yan'er said proudly: "My grandfather once told me personally."


Speaking of this, Liu Yan'er looked distressed, "It's too difficult to practice the Burning Heaven Secret Code. No one in our Liu family has been able to practice to the third level in all generations!"

"Even Liu Yunfei, the ancestor of the Liu family, is said to have only reached the second level of cultivation."

Zhou Yan laughed dumbly: "Liu Yunfei was just lucky enough to get the fragment of the Burning Sky Secret Code and barely managed to break through to the second level."

"Brother Zhou Yan, you actually know Uncle Liu Yunfei's name?"

Liu Yan'er narrowed her eyes and looked at Zhou Yan carefully, "You are indeed weird."


Zhou Yan laughed sarcastically and said casually: "Liu Yunfei and I are friends, and I heard him talk about your Liu family."

"So that's it."

Liu Yan'er suddenly realized, "By the way, brother Zhou Yan, my father said that he will let you enter the Forbidden Palace tonight and attend the banquet."


Zhou Yan responded indifferently.

He had expected it, so he didn't panic.

"Brother Zhou Yan, let's go shopping first."

Liu Yan'er pulled Zhou Yan's sleeve and said, "Let's walk and talk and buy some beautiful clothes to wear."


Zhou Yan agreed.

Soon, Zhou Yan and Liu Yaner walked out of the alley.


Suddenly, a tiger roar sounded, deafening.

A giant tiger, as black as ink, came out of the air. Its ferocious pupils stared at Zhou Yan, its teeth and claws bared, with murderous intent.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Liu Yaner's expression changed drastically.

This scene frightened her.


The tiger roared and rushed towards Zhou Yan.

"Evil beast, seeking death."

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with cold light, and he punched out while raising his hand.


In an instant, the tiger exploded and blood splattered.


Seeing this scene, the pedestrians around were all shocked.


Liu Yaner's eyes shone.

She found that Zhou Yan's strength was absolutely beyond imagination.

Soon after.

The two left the city and walked towards the bustling area of ​​Kyoto.

"Wow! Brother Zhou Yan, look at the building in front of you! It seems to be the headquarters of the Dan Alliance!"

Liu Yaner suddenly pointed to a magnificent building complex in front of her and exclaimed: "Let's go there quickly!"

After saying that, he took Zhou Yan's arm and headed towards the Dan League headquarters.

Outside Danmeng headquarters.

Zhou Yan was stopped.


A guard shouted coldly: "This is the headquarters of the Dan Alliance. No one is allowed to come near!"

"My name is Liu Yan'er."

Liu Yan'er took out the token and shook it: "This token was given to me by my grandfather."

"Miss, please wait for a moment, I'll report it."

The guard bowed respectfully and turned away.

Soon, he returned and said respectfully: "Sir, please come in. The leader of the alliance has given instructions. You are a distinguished guest. There is no need to be restrained. Just enjoy your trip."

Liu Yaner took Zhou Yan into the Danmeng headquarters.

This is a huge square with various medicinal stalls placed in the square.

"Brother Zhou Yan, what medicinal materials do you want to buy?" Liu Yaner asked.


Zhou Yan pondered for a moment and said, "Your grandfather, did you mention which medicinal materials are rare?"

"Well, there are some."

Liu Yaner blinked her eyes: "There are three hundred-year-old Thousand Leaf Grasses, a hundred-year-old Snow Ganoderma lucidum, and a three-striped Aoki fruit."

"Three-striped Aoki Fruit!"

Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly condensed, and his mood became a little urgent.

He needs to refine a pill called [Dragon Transformation Pill], which can help him cultivate into a true dragon body.

Dragon Transformation, transformation, rebirth, and freedom from the shackles of the physical body.

Once he successfully cultivates, he will transform from a Martial Apprentice into a Martial Artist, doubling his strength and skyrocketing his combat effectiveness.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Zhou Yan's expression was different, Liu Yan'er said doubtfully.

"Uh...it's okay."

Zhou Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "Let's continue shopping."


Liu Yan'er smiled sweetly, jumped up and walked towards the other side.

"Hey, there is actually a five-striped purple gold fruit tree here!"

Suddenly, Liu Yan'er's sharp eyes noticed a leafy fruit tree in the distance.

"This purple-gold fruit tree has already produced three purple-gold fruits! I remember my grandpa said that eating the purple-gold fruit can cleanse the tendons and cut the marrow and improve your qualifications."

Liu Yaner said happily: "It just so happens that we are both mortals, so it is just right to eat it."

"Let's go, I'll help you pick the fruit."

Zhou Yan nodded and walked straight towards the purple fruit tree.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

He stretched out his hand and easily pocketed the three purple-gold fruits and put them into the storage ring.

After doing all this, Zhou Yan turned around and left.

"Hey, brother Zhou Yan!"

"Don't you want it?"

"Don't you have a taste?"

Liu Yan'er was stunned for a moment and quickly chased after Zhou Yan.

"I don't like eating fruit."

Zhou Yan stopped and explained: "I like to eat meat."


Liu Yan'er blinked her eyes, looking confused.

After a while, Zhou Yan and Liu Yaner walked out of Kyoto.

"It's time for us to return to the City Lord's Mansion."

Zhou Yan said.

"All right."

Liu Yan'er muttered, and muttered somewhat depressedly: "I originally wanted to play a little longer."

"However, my mother has been feeling unwell recently, so I have to go back and take care of her quickly."

Zhou Yan frowned and asked, "Is your mother sick? Is it serious? I know some doctors with good medical skills. Can I ask him to take a look at your mother?"

"forget it."

Liu Yan'er shook her head and said, "I'm afraid my mother's illness cannot be cured..."


Zhou Yan looked sad and said no more.

After all, human lives matter.

After returning to the city lord's mansion, Liu Yan'er ran away in a hurry.

"Little Lord."

In the city lord's palace, a burly man bowed to greet him, "

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