Back at [Aura Bamboo House], Diao Chan and the others happened to be eating the food cooked by Liu Yue. After seeing Zhou Yan, they all came forward happily.

Three people, each looks like a flower, and each has its own uniqueness.

Seeing them makes you feel good.

"The territory has changed a lot." Diao Chan said.

"There are several more buildings, but I haven't seen them yet," Nie Xiaoqian said.

"I feel that the spiritual energy is much stronger than before." Zhen Mi also said.

Zhou Yan smiled at them and said, "Let's go to the hot springs."

"Soaking in hot springs?" the three women asked, "Is it the new [hot spring villa] that appeared?"

"It's that [Hot Spring Villa], and that [Hot Spring Villa] has a beautiful environment and the hot springs are very comfortable. Let's go there together and feel comfortable."

With a unique smile, Zhou Yan walked towards the [Hot Spring Villa] with the three girls.

They just wanted to simply take a hot spring bath.

They also fantasized about how comfortable it would be to soak in a hot spring. After all, none of them had ever soaked in a hot spring.

But Zhou Yan had other ideas.

Arrive at [Hot Spring Villa], take the elevator to the emperor's box on the top floor, walk into the treasure box, then open the glass door of the hot spring, and be greeted by a warm wave of hot air.

The hot spring is surrounded by a glass, forming an independent hot spring room.

"I didn't expect that such a hot spring pool could appear on such a high floor. Not only is this hot spring pool quite large, its shape is also exquisite and unique."

Diao Chan and the others looked at the hot spring pool in the room, and then looked at other places. They found that this room had everything, almost like a [five-star hotel], and it also had a glass room for a separate hot spring bath.

"Come, come, let's take a bath in the hot spring together." Zhou Yan looked at Diao Chan and the others seriously.


The girls were very shy.

Although they were already his, they were still a little shy about taking off their clothes in front of others.

"What's there to be ashamed of? Otherwise, I'll help you. I'll be happy to oblige."

Zhou Yan walked towards Diao Chan.

Diao Chan's pretty face immediately turned red with embarrassment, and she quickly said, "No, no need."

She had no choice but to take off her clothes in front of everyone, and then quickly submerged into the hot spring.

Zhen Mi and Nie Xiaoqian followed suit.

Zhou Yan feasted his eyes on it, then he laughed, quickly took off his clothes, and jumped into the water like a tiger attacking a sheep.

"Plop!" a sound.

Water splashed everywhere, and the girls laughed.

Except for Nie Xiaoqian who didn't like this kind of warm hot spring, both Diao Chan and Zhen Mi felt that soaking in the hot spring was very comfortable.

However, Nie Xiaoqian's attributes are also very strong, so this temperature will not have any effect on her.

"Are you feeling comfortable?" Zhou Yan asked.

"It's quite comfortable. It seems like the fatigue all over my body has been wiped away." Diao Chan replied.

They felt very happy thinking that they could come here to soak in hot springs in the future.

Soaking in hot springs can indeed relieve fatigue, make them relax, and relieve tension and irritability. They are very satisfied with the effect of this hot spring and like it very much.

"As long as it's comfortable."

Zhou Yan smiled strangely.

He walked towards the three women, then hugged them, making them scream, then lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him.

His hands were very dishonest and kept moving around the three girls' bodies, making them extremely shy.

Three women, each of whom is a beauty. If he doesn't do something, wouldn't he be a man?

"We can't waste time." Zhou Yan looked at the three women seriously.

Before they could react, they saw Zhou Yan lowering his head and kissing Diao Chan.

Then, a squeaking sound came from the whole room.



The next day, Zhou Yan left [Hot Spring Villa] and the three girls were so tired that they fell asleep.

Regardless of realm, physical attributes, or skills, he is extremely strong.

Not to mention three women, he could control ten times as many.

After signing in at [三生石].

He felt refreshed and chose to return to Canglan Continent.


After changing into clean clothes, he took a taxi and headed towards it.

As a lord, you don't need a vehicle.

Although he does not have a driver's license, his driving skills have been certified by Diao Chan and others. Whether it is drifting or acceleration, he is absolutely 666.

Last night, one against three, they came back with a great victory.

His driving skills are definitely strong.

A powerful lord can summon his mount to Canglan Continent.

Of course, even mounts need to be registered and filed.

And it can only be used as a mount.

Shenlong Kingdom attaches great importance to the safety of every citizen.

Even if the lord breaks the law, he will definitely be punished accordingly. Even if the mount hurts someone, the owner of the mount will also be punished.

Don't underestimate the lord police of the Shenlong Kingdom. Each of them is very capable.

There are even many people who came out.

He doesn't have a mount yet, but he will definitely have one soon.


Compared to before, not many came today.

It’s already been a holiday.

Only those who have awakened their lords will come back, and today is the time to arrange new lords.

So there weren't many people.

After that, I just looked at him.

Although they knew each other, few of them were familiar with Zhou Yan.

Each one has undergone more or less changes, especially their appearance.

After all, after they upgrade, the attribute points will obviously strengthen the entire body.

As a result, their appearance has changed slightly, and some people even need to look at them for a long time to recognize them.

Those who came back were all lords who had awakened the Heart of the Lord, and few people would envy others.

However, there are still a few talented people in there. They awakened a better Heart of the Lord when they awakened. One of them even awakened a purple epic-level Heart of the Lord.

The others are ordinary white lords, and a few have awakened the yellow Heart of the Lord.

He heard a chat on Fetion yesterday, and it seemed that the person who had awakened the purple Heart of the Lord had been specially recruited to find a good lord.

In the entire Shenlong Kingdom, there are approximately five million lords who participate in the newcomer trials every year, but only newcomer lords ranked within 1,200 in the country are eligible to enter the four major lords.

You can imagine how big this competition is.

The four major lords of the Shenlong Kingdom are: Long Qing, Beidi, Shengyang, and Ziwei.

Each lord has two training modes, namely farming type and adventure type lord training.

Somewhat similar to ordinary people.

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