Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 131, The Appearance Of A Great Talent

Among the four major colleges, Longqing College is the best, because this college has trained a large number of elite children of the Shenlong Kingdom.

Many senior military officials came from Longqing Academy.

And he also heard that as long as you perform particularly well in Longqing Academy, you have a high chance of entering the mysterious Shenlong Academy.

Shenlong Academy does not recruit outsiders, only those who are invited can enter.

Because Shenlong Academy is a very special academy in the Shenlong Kingdom. It contains not only lords, but also ordinary people who are top-notch from all walks of life.

A large part of the reason why the Shenlong Kingdom is so powerful is because of the Shenlong Academy.

Countless proud people spend their whole lives trying to enter it and become a member of Shenlong Academy.

But, it's too difficult.

He did have such an idea before, but now he doesn't want to go in at all.

Wouldn't it be good for a cheater like him to develop silently?

Why go into a place where competition is too strong?

Zhou Yan returned to his seat and sat down.

The friends around were chatting in twos and threes.

"What's your score and where do you rank?"

"Which Lord's College are you going to apply for? I don't know which two universities I can apply for with my more than 300 points."

"Oh my god! You actually got more than 300 points. How did you pass the exam? It's so amazing. I only got 400 points."


"I heard that someone is offering a reward of 100 million spiritual coins to find the top candidate in this newcomer trial."

"Tsk, I heard that many people in foreign countries have offered up to one billion spirit coins. As long as the source of the information is correct, you can get it."

"The number one pick this time is in our country again, and it more than doubled the total points. I don't know how he added points."

"The many announcements in this rookie trial must have been made by this top pick. If you can make the announcement last time, your results will definitely not be bad."

"No need to guess. A person like that must be a child of a hidden family. How could he appear in school?"



Zhou Yan silently listened to the chats of his classmates. There were even countless people who admired him and wanted to be his little brother and give him monkeys.

He looked at this female classmate who weighed 180, and wondered why she gained weight instead of losing weight after being upgraded.

Just give him a monkey, after all, he is not Sun Wukong.

The person who ranks first in every session of the Shenlong Kingdom will be called the number one scholar.

Historically, only a handful of people who ranked high in the Newcomer Trial would choose to hide information.

People with big families, groups, and backgrounds are eager to let the world know how high they ranked.

For a small person like him without any background, he just needs to be quiet.

He was like a little transparent, waiting for Laoban to come over.

At nine o'clock, the old class finally finished the meeting. He came to the classroom with a stack of documents in his left hand and a crystal ball in his right hand, like a wizard.

Everyone became quiet. Lao Ban was a three-star level warlock with a realm of more than thirty heavens.

(The Tenth Layer sky is equivalent to a one-star strong person, and the Thirtieth Layer sky is equivalent to a three-star strong person.)

Although Lao Ban is not a lord, he can practice.

Although Talent is not very good, most of the current students have not yet obtained the cultivation techniques, and their level will not exceed level ten.

They will naturally be quiet.

Of course, if they knew that Zhou Yan was about to reach the Martial Dao Fortieth Layer and become a four-star powerhouse, they didn't know what their expressions would be like.

Unfortunately, they won't know.

The old classman glanced at the classroom, and then said: "Now let's report the results, one by one..."

The crystal ball in Laoban's hand is used to read their results in this newbie trial.

This kind of result cannot be faked at all, and there is no need to consider the possibility of cheating at all.

The students in the first row began to step forward and put their hands on the crystal ball. A score was displayed on the crystal ball.

"Xu Feng, your newbie trial score is 250. You guy, why are your scores so bad? Did you throw everything the teacher taught you into Java!"

As soon as the old class saw this result, they immediately started educating.

Students' performance directly affects the education level of teachers.

It would be strange if my old classmate could be happy after taking a test of 250.


Seeing this result, the whole class burst into laughter.

"No wonder you kid has never said anything about your grades. It turns out you are embarrassed."

"I'm embarrassed to mention it."

"The results of this newbie trial will follow you for the rest of your life, hahaha."


"Teacher, I'm sorry. On the fifteenth day of the newcomer trial, the territory was destroyed by monsters."

Xu Feng was a little embarrassed, even he himself was embarrassed to mention this achievement.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's okay to go to a third-rate lord's university. Just work hard."

What else can Laoban say.

No matter what their grades are, they are still better than their classmates who have not awakened the Heart of the Lord.

Even if you get zero points, you can still go to the worst lord university.

There are many lord universities across the country, and even the worst lord universities have produced lords who became gods through Transcending Tribulation.

After Xu Feng went down, the second classmate's expression was not very good either, but after the teacher saw him, he had high expectations.

When he put his hand on the crystal...

"Wang Teng, your freshman trial score is 120...120? Your score is even worse than Xu Feng. Thanks to your lord cultural course score, you are ranked among the top three in the school. Your freshman lord actual combat score is so low. .”

"I originally thought that your results this time would surprise me, but in the end, you really gave me a surprise. Fortunately, your Heart of the Lord is of purple epic quality, which really disappoints me... ..."

The more Laoban talked, the lower Wang Teng's face became.

The students' eyes were also full of surprise. They didn't expect that Wang Teng's grades were so much lower than most others.

He was specially recruited, and his score is so low?

If it weren't for the fact that his Heart of the Lord quality was purple and epic, and his Talent was pretty good, he wouldn't have been specially recruited.

Fortunately, he was specially recruited by a first-rate lord's school. Otherwise, with his grades, he might have been able to attend a second-rate lord's school.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I've prepared everything and made detailed plans. The only thing I didn't consider is that the environment and the strength of the monsters will be soul attacks. They are completely immune to physical damage and even spell damage. It was difficult to cause much harm to them, so the trial ended early..."

Wang Teng is a talented person.

Unfortunately, God failed and he was randomly assigned to a dark and ghostly place. The key was on the fifth day, when soul-type monsters appeared.

Those monsters had no entity, they were all souls, and they were immune to all physical damage. He was confused at the time.

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