Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 132, Shocking The Whole School (5Th Update)

In the newbie trial, his territory has no way to deal with this kind of monster.

Then, Wang Teng ended the trial in confusion.

He was originally a proud man, but his trial score was only 120 points, which really made him depressed enough.

He almost wanted to commit suicide at that time.

If he hadn't really been unable to do that, I'm afraid no one would have seen him anymore.

Therefore, in many cases, luck is also very important.

Zhou Yan said nothing.

Because he is such a loser and has no right to laugh at others.

"Well, you do have some bad luck."

After hearing Wang Teng's words, Laoban also fell silent. He did not expect that such a unique soul monster would be encountered by him, so he could only sigh to himself that he was unlucky.

Even the most promising Wang Teng did so poorly in the exam. As for others, he had no hope at all.

Not to mention the bonus this time, he is lucky not to be scolded by his boss.

Sure enough, among the subsequent students, the scores were not very high, with the highest score being only 411, which disappointed him very much.

In his class, I'm afraid not even one student from a first-class university can afford it this time.

When a student's score was only 1 point in the single digits, the old classmate's face became even more ugly.

How did he get such a score?

"Teacher, don't be angry. I was just curious about what is in the foggy area outside the territory. As a result, my curiosity will not only kill the cat, but also kill people!"

The classmates laughed.

Laoban was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of salt soda.

The injury of Lao Ban, who was already injured, became more serious. It is estimated that if there is another strange thing, he will be sent to the crematorium directly.

The classmate ran away quickly, fearing that he would be attacked by his old classmate's anger.

Fortunately, the students at the back were not that deceitful, but they were still hovering on the edge of life and death.

Anyway, Laoban's face has always been pale, as if he had leukemia.

Finally it was Zhou Yan's turn.

Laoban just glanced at him and opened his mouth, as if thinking about his name.

But I really couldn't think of his name, so I simply stopped talking.

Anyway, the old class thinks that it is enough if this student does not give him a single-digit score.


When Zhou Yan put his hands on the crystal.

A bright red number of 750 floated in everyone's sight.

Many people wiped their titanium alloy eyes and looked carefully, looked, and looked again.

It's this number, there's nothing wrong with it.


The whole class was silent for several seconds.



Then an earth-shattering exclamation broke out.

The students in the next few classes were very curious when they heard such a loud noise. As the first student couldn't help but walk towards the outside of the classroom of Class 1, followed by a continuous stream of students towards the classroom of Class 1. Walk outside.

The outside of Class 1 was instantly surrounded by students.

When they saw Zhou Yan's score.


A second exclamation soon erupted.

Then this sound seemed to be contagious, attracting another group of students, and these students squeezed directly into the first class, after seeing such high scores as 750 points.


I don’t know who shouted “fuck” at the end, which made everyone burst into laughter.

Afterwards, these students stared at Zhou Yan with strange eyes, full of infinite envy, jealousy, surprise, shock, love...

"What are you doing? Go back to the classroom quickly."

The old class was stunned for a long time, wiped his eyes several times, watched several times, and finally determined that it was not a dream. Only then did he realize that the class was filled with students from other classes, and he called them away majestically.

But the happy smile and proud look on his face can be seen by anyone.

He was still sick before, as if he was about to enter a coffin, but blinking was like an upgrade, with full status and various buffs.

This is a genuine 750 points!

With such a high score, no matter which class he is in, he is an Apex Level genius.

Not to mention a third-rate city like Xia City.

This is definitely a qualification from the four major colleges.

Among the more than five million new lord trials in the country, he has ranked within the top one thousand!

"Lao Jiang, congratulations. You are doing great this time. You have cultivated such an outstanding student..."

"Congratulations, congratulations, it seems that you are going to get the school bonus this time."

"I didn't expect that we would have such a student this year. It's really good."

Teachers from several classes naturally saw Zhou Yan's results and were all very surprised.

At the same time, they are also very envious.

The scholarship has nothing to do with them.

Xiacheng is a third-rate city, and there may not be a student ranked within the top 1,000 in the country in ten years.

The competition is really fierce.

Naturally, everyone was surprised that one person could appear this time.

If they knew that Zhou Yan was the one ranked first, I'm afraid they would all be laughing and unable to sleep.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

Lao Ban looked so proud.

It is said that people are in high spirits during happy events. He was naturally very happy to have such a student in his class.

It's like I'm ten years younger all of a sudden, full of unlimited motivation.

Then, Laoban looked back at Zhou Yan, who looked calm, and then...well, then...whatever it was, let him think about it...

"Oh, by the way, what's your name?" Lao Ban looked at Zhou Yan with a smile on his face.

Zhou Yan was speechless: (´Д(︶︹︺)

The whole class was speechless: 彡(-_-;)彡

This is embarrassing.

You actually forgot your student's name at a critical moment.

"Teacher, his name is Zhou Yan."

The short-haired girl in the front row quickly answered and gave Zhou Yan a sweet smile.

She could swear that this was the sweetest smile she had ever had in her life.

It's a pity that it's not Zhou Yan's dish, let alone Zhou Yan's soup, not even a bowl.

At most, they are sunflowers on the roadside. Although they are beautiful, they can only be seen once.

"Of course I know his name is Zhou Yan. I'm so happy. I couldn't remember it in the excitement!"

Laoban said very cleverly.

None of the many students believed it.

I was saying in my heart: I believe in you, you...

But as long as Lao Ban believes it himself, it doesn't matter whether others believe it or not.

Later, Lao Ban smiled more beautifully than a sunflower and said to Zhou Yan: "Zhou Yan, you are very good. Don't worry, I will definitely get extra rewards for you this time. You can just wait for the good news."

Everyone is envious, jealous, and hateful, and this is treated differently.

They want it too, but unfortunately their grades don’t allow it.

After having Zhou Yan's grades from the four major colleges, even if there were zero points later, he would be very calm.

Under the envy of the whole class, Zhou Yan returned to his seat.

Other students stepped forward to submit their scores one after another, but their scores were all mediocre, and none even exceeded 500 points.

(Author: I hope I will continue to leave a message tomorrow!)

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