Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 133, Fill In The Application Form

After taking the test results, the old class distributed application forms to everyone.

As for Zhou Yan, Lao Ban personally asked which of the four major colleges he wanted to apply for?

He also introduced: "Everyone knows that the four major colleges are Longqing College, Beidi College, Shengyang College, and Ziwei College."

"But you probably don't know the specific characteristics and advantages of each college very well. The teacher didn't tell you before. That's because I didn't expect any of you to be able to pass the exam."

"Now, let me briefly introduce it to you..."

The students listened carefully one by one, for fear of missing something.

Although the four major colleges have nothing to do with them, it is always good to know more about them.

When I brag in the future, I will have another place to brag.

Zhou Yan was not very clear about the advantages of the four major colleges, and was very curious to listen to what Lao Ban said next.

According to Lao Ban, it is known that the four major colleges are dominated by Longqing College, because Longqing College is known as the "officer" college.

Most of the people who graduate from it will become outstanding officers of the Shenlong Kingdom, and the teaching facilities inside are of world-class standards.

Everyone knows this information, so Laoban also told how to enter Shenlong Academy.

Shenlong Academy is the place where Shenlong Kingdom trains elites across the country. First of all, your identity must be the nationality of Shenlong Kingdom.

After all, this is a place where elite lords are trained for the country. They will fight other countries in the future, and foreign lords cannot enter at all.

Moreover, Longqing College's teaching is strict. Unless they graduate, students are not allowed to leave the college even half a step during their college years.

Among the four major colleges, only Longqing College has such a mandatory requirement.

In the Rank One section of Longqing Academy, there will be a lord exam every six months. Those with excellent results will be rewarded with many resources.

In the sophomore year, the competition becomes more intense. There will be a lord exam every month, and the results will be recorded. If you reach a certain level, you can get corresponding rewards.

Moreover, these rewards are very precious and can only be counted on one finger in the entire world.

By the time you are in your junior year, it will be time to compete for the final spots.

Every year, Longqing College has ten students who are qualified to enter Shenlong College for internship. Three hundred students must compete hard for those ten internship places.

One can imagine how difficult it is.

As for the other three colleges, Lao Ban also said that the other three colleges also have quotas to enter Shenlong College, but each college only has two quotas.

There is one lord of the farming type and one lord of the adventure type.

There are only six places in the three colleges combined, and there are also about 300 students competing.

The difficulty level is even more difficult.

Among the other three colleges, Beidi College only recruits adventure-type lords. The lords there are all combat-type lords. The entire college is a group of militant students.

In addition to Longqing College, Beidi College is the strongest among the three colleges.

The first principal of Beidi College and the founder of the college is said to be an Unparalleled Genius millions of years ago, known as Beidi, and named Long Aotian.

With his own strength, he stood out from the crowd, defeated countless Prodigy, and finally became the legend of Beidi.

Beidi naturally became an immortal strong man and entered the Myriad Worlds Immortal Domain to protect the peace of Canglan Continent.

This was the first time that everyone heard that the principal of Beidi College was such a long-standing figure.

Beidi Academy actually has a history of millions of years.

But Lao Ban even said that Beidi College was not the oldest college established, but Ziwei College.

As far as he knows, Ziwei Academy has existed for an extremely long time. Even history has no exact record of how long Ziwei Academy has existed.

Ziwei Academy is also the most mysterious academy. Although it ranks last among the four major academies, no one will underestimate this academy with profound foundation.

Ziwei Academy has the most Secret Realms of lords. Whether they are farming lords or adventure lords, as long as they can enter those Secret Realms, they can get good rewards.

Many people have even obtained special buildings.

The teaching at Ziwei Academy is extremely unique. They do not restrict the courses students can take. Even if you are a farming lord, you can also take adventure courses.

It is the freest and most relaxed college among the four colleges.

Students who want many special buildings or want to develop quickly will generally choose Ziwei Academy.

The last Sacred Sun Academy.

Compared with Beidi College and Ziwei College, Shengyang College is neither as strong as Beidi College nor as mysterious as Ziwei College.

However, Sacred Sun College's rewards for outstanding students are the most generous.

Sacred Sun College has financial assistance from many large groups, families, and companies, and even many foreign groups often invest large amounts of financial support.

Their rewards for outstanding lord students are also very impressive.

And they have the largest number of students. In addition to students from the Shenlong Kingdom, they will also recruit about five to six hundred students from all over the world.

As long as the lord's quality is good enough and his grades can reach a certain level, he can hope to enter Shengyang College.

Therefore, Sacred Sun College is also the only Lord's College that takes an international approach.

Foreign students account for two-thirds of the entire college, and even the teachers come from all over the world.

Therefore, another path to becoming a lord was born in Shengyang Academy.

It's called "Merchant Lord".

Because Sacred Sun College has abundant funds, it is basically the only choice for heirs of big families and large companies.

This academy can make businessmen and friends from all over the world. This is definitely the best choice for business lords who want to develop their businesses.

Many people even say that Sacred Sun College should be called "Aristocratic College" because more than half of its students are aristocratic students.

But they didn't get in through connections. If your grades are not good, the college won't accept you.

There is no doubt about the strength of every student in each of the four major colleges.

Finally, Lao Ban asked Zhou Yan: "Have you decided which university to apply for?"

Zhou Yan thought for a moment and then said: "I have thought about it."

"Then which college will you choose?"

Laoban was very curious.

The students were also very curious.

Zhou Yan said: "Of course I choose Ziwei Academy."

"Ziwei Academy, that's okay. Your grades rank among the 900th in the country. There will definitely be no problem in entering Ziwei Academy. However, if you want to become an adventure lord, my suggestion is to choose Beidi Academy."

Laoban suggested.

But Zhou Yan shook his head and said, "I hate beatings and killings the most."

So, he filled in the four characters "Ziwei Academy".

(Author: Start the road to college hegemony.)

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