After filling out the application form, Laoban immediately came to the principal.

Thinking of his bonus, he was so happy that he opened the door and entered the principal's office.

The principal was tinkering with the computer. When he saw someone not even knocking on the door, he was so frightened that he almost stopped and quickly switched computers.

He said angrily: "Jiang Siming, you are so unruly. Didn't you see that the principal is busy?"

"Principal, I want to apply for a bonus." Jiang Siming said bluntly.


The principal was confused. Did this guy want to bribe him? As an upright principal, he couldn't accept it openly.

"Siming, you also know that in the entire third year of high school, there are so many classes, but there are only a few bonuses. As the principal, I naturally have to handle matters impartially and cannot openly show favoritism."

The principal said seriously and impartially.

"That's good, I'm afraid... Well, I mean, with the principal's words, I feel at ease."

Jiang Siming replied.

Principal: "ヽ(゜Q.)ノ???"

"Then what are you..."

The principal was a little confused.

“I didn’t apply for myself, I applied for the students.”

Jiang Siming replied.

"For the students?" When the principal heard this, he immediately became a little unhappy. He stood up and said, "As for those students, if they can apply for anything, I refuse."

When Jiang Siming heard this, he didn't care. He straightened his clothes and said, "Are you sure?"

Principal: "ヘ(* –--)ノ???"

He was confused. Jiang Siming took the wrong medicine today and why was he so nervous?


He's just a student, he's applying for a scholarship, and he's not been admitted to one of the four major colleges. I really don't know what Jiang Siming is doing today.

Jiang Siming picked up the phone, ignored the principal, and then said: "Hey, is it Dongmei? Your brother, let me give you an inside tip. It's actually nothing. It's just that a student in my class got a score of 750, a proper four. Graduate school, I believe this news should be very good for you as a reporter."

Principal: "∑(O_O;)..."

"Jiang Siming... No, no, no, Teacher Jiang, you just said that a student in your class got a score of 750. Is this true?"

The principal hurried over and happened to see the score crystal in Jiang Siming's hand, and immediately took it over to look at it.

Ranking first is none other than Zhou Yan with 750 points.


The principal quickly straightened his expression and said to Jiang Siming with a serious face: "After my careful consideration, the student bonus you just mentioned is definitely not a problem. As for the publicity, I won't bother your sister. After all, I Busy."

"But you are also very busy."

Jiang Siming replied.

"Lao Jiang..." The principal pulled Jiang Siming to his chair, and then said with a smile on his face: "Let's talk about the specific process."

"Then my bonus..." Jiang Siming said.

"I guarantee that your bonus this year will be at least tripled!" the principal said.

"Then let's discuss the specific process." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Xiacheng High School has not had anyone admitted to one of the four major colleges in ten years. It is not easy to meet one this time. No matter what, he must do it with flying colors and be known to everyone.

How much sponsorship can this get for the school...

The two began to discuss the specific process, and then Jiang Siming accidentally touched the mouse.


The computer displayed two big words [Failed].

Jiang Siming: "ヾ(´・・`。)ノ"

Principal: "o_O "

"Principal, didn't you say you were busy? Just busy playing Lord's Glory?" Jiang Siming was speechless.

"This principal decided to personally participate in order to deeply study the Lord knowledge of each student. Only by participating can we understand their problems and help them from the root cause."

Is this really the case?

Jiang Siming was 10,000% skeptical.



Zhou Yan became a celebrity throughout his senior year of high school, and many classmates began to greet him.

Many female lords openly confessed to him that they wanted to date him.

How could he be such a casual person? If he didn't have the beauty of Diao Chan and Zhen Mi, he wouldn't even look down on her.

He declined politely and said that everyone should study hard and not talk about these things so early. It was inappropriate.

Many reporters have blocked the school gate, waiting to interview Zhou Yan.

The school also held a very special lord graduation ceremony, and asked Zhou Yan to speak on stage.

When many students stood on the playground, the principal on the stage was slobbering, his words were true, and the great truth was spoken clearly and logically.

Finally, he praised Zhou Yan and said how hard he usually works and how excellent he is.

Zhou Yan himself was confused.

Why didn't he know that he worked so hard and was so good?

Finally, the principal asked him to come on stage to say a few words and awarded him a scholarship of one million yuan.

Although he doesn't like this million, he doesn't want it in vain.

So, with thousands of people and countless applause, he stepped onto the podium for the first time.

Nervousness or anything like that doesn't exist at all.

He wasn't nervous when facing tens of thousands of monsters, let alone a group of students.

Picking up the microphone, Zhou Yan said: "Thank you to Lord TV, thank you to Lord Guards, thank you to Xiacheng High School, thank you."

Everyone: "..."

"just this?"

Can you get it any more complicated?

"No more." Zhou Yan replied, and then took away the one million bonus.

This free reward is great.

What else could they say, the principal could only continue his speech, continue his performance, and play the role deeply into the hearts of the people.

Zhou Yan felt that Oscar owed him a trophy.

If it weren't for the purpose of entering the four major colleges, he really wouldn't want to set his grades so high.

No, just after finishing his speech, the principal asked him to go to dinner with a group of leaders and teachers.

If he hadn't handed him his diploma, he wouldn't have wanted to go. How could he be in the mood to eat with a bunch of bad old men?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a meal with Diao Chan and soak in a hot spring?

A group of leaders were dressed quite neatly. After arriving outside the school, Zhou Yan understood why they were dressed so formally.

It turned out to be to be on TV.

A group of reporters surrounded them and started asking questions. Finally, they asked Zhou Yan a lot of questions.

Zhou Yan naturally answered in a eloquent manner. He didn't say much, nor did he show how happy he was. Everything was normal.

On the contrary, the principal led them, each of them was well prepared and said so many great truths that Zhou Yan almost believed them.

When he arrived at the hotel, the principal and others naturally told him a lot of great things, asking him to work hard and work hard.

But his mind has always been on his diploma, and he has no interest in the principal wanting him to promote the school.

After getting his diploma, he returned home immediately. He really didn't like those occasions.

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