
Suddenly, one of the guards turned around and looked over. His eyes were sharp, as if he could see through people's hearts. When he stared at Zhou Yan, he showed a look of surprise.

"Who are you? You dare to break into Beiming Mountain Mansion." The guard shouted coldly.

"I'm looking for your mountain master - Bei Minghan!" Zhou Yan said indifferently, but his eyes were full of provocation.

Regarding Bei Minghan, he had already heard many rumors about this person. He was powerful and highly respected by the top management of Beiming Mountain. He was a heroic figure of his generation. However, Zhou Yan did not pay attention to such a person at all.

In Zhou Yan's eyes, these so-called high-level officials are just a little better than ordinary Martial Artists. If it weren't for the Zhou family and the laws of the kingdom, he would have wanted to enter Beiming Mountain Mansion and kill all those high-level officials. .

"How brave!"

The guard laughed angrily, with a ferocious look on his face, and scolded sternly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I want to see your mountain master!"

Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, emitting a fierce light.

"Since you are stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless!" the guard roared, drew out the sword from his waist, and slashed it directly at Zhou Yan.


A crisp impact sounded, and sparks flew everywhere.

Zhou Yan stretched out an arm to hold the blade of the chopping blade firmly.

"How...how is it possible?"

The guard's eyes widened and he was horrified. He almost doubted whether he was hallucinating. How could a mere useless Body Tempering Seventh Layer block his attack?


Suddenly, there was a sound of bone cracking, which brought the guard back to his senses. He quickly let go of his weapon and retreated quickly, watching Zhou Yan warily.

"You dare to hurt the mountain master. It's a heinous crime. You should die!"

The other guard was furious, raised his sword, and rushed at him fiercely.


Zhou Yan's eyes were cold, his right hand shook slightly, and the black dragon scale flew out, with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and hit the guard's head hard.


The guard was caught off guard, and his whole face was hit. His skin and flesh immediately exploded, and blood flowed like a column.

At the same time, the black dragon scales flew back and stabbed the guard again, piercing his throat. The blood flowed wildly and the corpses were separated.


The screams suddenly sounded, frightening the guards patrolling nearby to turn pale and tremble all over.

"Whoever dares to break into Beimingshan Mansion will be killed without mercy!"

After a brief silence, dozens of guards rushed over, all of them with strong energy, holding crossbows and arrows aimed at Zhou Yan.


In an instant, dozens of arrows struck through the air, covering a radius of 100 meters.

"court death!"

Zhou Yan frowned slightly, raised his hand and waved his palm, the terrifying air wave surged and shook away.


In an instant, the arrow exploded into pieces and turned into countless tiny iron filings, flying and dissipating in the wind.

"What?" The pupils of many guards shrank, and solemn expressions appeared on their faces.

"Kill me!"

One of the guards shouted violently, and then dozens of guards rushed out. All kinds of weapons flashed with cold light, and the fierce murderous intent filled the air, making it suffocating.

"Seeking death!" Zhou Yan looked cold, with a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth. He stepped on the ground with his right foot and flew out like an arrow from a string, rushing towards dozens of guards.

Bang Dong~ Bang Dong~

The two forces collided together, causing violent fluctuations.


Many guards roared to the sky and tried their best to attack Zhou Yan crazily.

Zhou Yan was seen dodging left and right, and every punch he punched contained terrifying power, killing all the guards.

"How can it be?"

On the rooftop in the distance, a man was holding a sword tightly, his eyes were dull, and he was completely stupid.

What did he just see?

Dozens of guards joined forces to besiege him, but they were beaten to the point of being unable to fight back by a young man.


Could it be that that boy is a strong man from the Transcendent Realm?

How is this possible?

Although Bei Minghan is known as the strongest person in Bei Mingshan Mansion, the skills he practices are only in the Innate Realm world, and he is only a First Grade Spirit Body and has not reached the Second Grade Spirit Body.

Therefore, even though Bei Minghan possesses a Third Grade Spirit Body, he is still not considered a peerless powerhouse. Many people even believe that Bei Minghan will eventually run out of life and die, becoming a shriveled corpse.

But now, the appearance of that young man has subverted his cognition.

"Damn it, where did this kid come from and how could he be so strong?"

The guard had a look of fear on his face. He felt that Zhou Yan's cultivation level seemed to be lower than his own, but with the strength of his body, he was enough to crush them all.

too strong!

"Who is this boy? How could he be so perverted!"

The guard had sweat on his forehead, trembling all over, and a strong fear welling up in his heart. He turned around and ran away.

As long as you escape and report to the mountain master, you can ask the High Level sergeant to come and capture this person.

After all, this is Beiming Mountain Mansion, a forbidden area in Beiming City, and no outsiders are allowed to invade.

"You want to leave now? It's too late!"

Zhou Yan sneered at the corner of his mouth, stepped on his feet, appeared next to the guard like a ghost, and punched out.

"don't want..."

The guard screamed in alarm, but it was of no use. He was punched away by Zhou Yan. His chest was sunken, his internal organs were shattered and displaced, he spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, and died on the spot.

Whoosh~ whoosh~

Almost at the same moment, the sound of breaking wind resounded, and more than ten Daoist figures appeared and landed next to Zhou Yan, protecting Zhou Yan.

This is the secret sentry of Beiming Mountain Mansion, responsible for guarding the safety of Beiming Mountain Mansion. He just noticed the movement here and rushed over immediately.

"Hey, these people's aura is so strong!"

Zhou Yan frowned slightly. He found that these secret whistles all had powerful auras. Those with the worst cultivation levels were all in the early stage of Acquired. The strongest among them had reached Innate Great Completion, only half a step away from the Gang Qi realm. far away.

This kind of camp is comparable to a first-class sect.

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you break into Beimingshan Mansion at night?" A middle-aged man at the head asked in a deep voice, with a rather fearful tone.

Zhou Yan glanced around and saw that this middle-aged man was about in his early twenties. He was tall and strong. He was wrapped in a gray robe. His skin was dark and shiny, his eyes were bright, and he had a strong temperament. He exuded a strong sense of oppression. , showing extremely strong strength.

"This guy should be the guard commander around Bei Minghan, named Zhao Haifeng."

Zhou Yan's thoughts were racing and he said slowly: "Where is your master Bei Minghan? Let him get out and die."


Hearing this, everyone's expressions froze, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world, and they looked at Zhou Yan with eyes filled with contempt.

"How outrageous, our family master is the dignified master of Beimingshan Palace, how can you, the ants, insult him?"

"Yes, our master's cultivation has reached the peak of Acquired. Even if your master comes, you won't dare to be presumptuous."

Zhao Haifeng, Yang Zhong and many other guards pointed at Zhou Yan angrily, their anger rising.

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