Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1303, I Heard A Little Bit About It

"Oh? It turns out that this guy is Bei Minghan's junior brother, no wonder he has such an arrogant temper." Zhou Yan suddenly realized that he had heard a little bit about this matter.

It is said that when Bei Minghan was eight years old, he strayed into the depths of the wild ancient forest and got a chance encounter. His cultivation level soared. At the age of twelve, he reached the Body Tempering Ninth Layer and became the most dazzling pearl in Bei Mingshan Mansion. .

However, the stronger Bei Minghan's Talent, the stronger his ability to cause trouble. There was a time when Beimingshan Mansion was in a state of restlessness and he provoked countless enemies.

"Bei Minghan? Wasn't he expelled from the mountain mansion? Why did he come back again?" Zhou Yan frowned.

This Bei Minghan has traveled abroad for several years and has improved rapidly, but he is also murderous and behaves perversely and domineeringly. He once massacred hundreds of people in Nanyang County and committed heinous crimes.

However, it was precisely because of this that Bei Minghan was expelled from Bei Mingshan Mansion.

However, I didn't expect that Bei Minghan, instead of just staying in Beiming Mountain Mansion to recuperate, ran out. He was really not afraid of death!

Zhou Yan shook his head and sneered in his heart.

"Since your master refuses to come out to see me, then I will kill you all and come to visit you personally!"

After the words fell, Zhou Yan swayed and rushed towards the guards.

Bang bang bang....

His speed was as fast as thunder, and his punches were fierce. Every time he punched out, one of the guards would fly backwards, cut off his life, and die tragically on the spot.

"You bastard, stop being so rampant!"

"Today, I will take your head!"

Zhao Haifeng and the other seven guards were all furious and rushed towards Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan snorted coldly, and punched out with a powerful punch, which was so powerful that it sent the seven guards flying away. Their bones cracked and blood spurted from their mouths.

Among these seven people, the one with the weakest cultivation is Divine King Late Stage Martial Artist. Unfortunately, in front of Zhou Yan, he is not enough to watch and can easily kill him.

"Huh? No, your cultivation level..."

Suddenly, Zhao Haifeng's eyes widened and he looked at Zhou Yan in shock, feeling a turmoil in his heart.

At this moment, Zhou Yan's cultivation aura suddenly reached the peak of Acquired, exactly like him.

"Impossible, how could your cultivation improve so quickly?" Zhao Haifeng stared at Zhou Yan in surprise, dumbfounded and shocked.

You know, he has been practicing hard for more than ten years, and his cultivation is stuck at the peak of Acquired, and he has never been able to break through. But Zhou Yan is only sixteen years old, and his cultivation is stronger than him?


Zhou Yan smiled faintly and said: "Bei Minghan, give you three seconds, get out and die immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying your whole family!"

"You...how do you know the name of the head of the family?" Zhao Haifeng's pupils shrank and he was shocked.

"Hmph, the mere master of Beimingshan Palace is worthy of letting me remember his name?"

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold, he took a step forward, turned into a stream of light, rushed into the crowd in an instant, and started to kill brutally.



His fists were as fast as thunder, and every time he swung them, someone was bound to fall. In just a few moments, all the remaining guards, except Zhao Haifeng, were killed by Zhou Yan's iron fist.

Zhou Yan struck out with a palm, and Zhao Haifeng's body exploded, and he could no longer die.


Everyone took a breath and turned pale.

With his own strength, he was able to kill Zhao Haifeng, the leader of the guards, and kill them all in the blink of an eye. This level of strength was simply beyond their imagination.

"What a terrifying strength! Could he be Zhou Yan, who has become famous recently?"

"Zhou Yan? Is that the madman who dared to refuse to marry Saintess?"

"I heard that he has been promoted to Innate Martial Master? Now he is in big trouble."


Everyone whispered, their eyes flashed with fear.

Although Zhou Yan is very powerful, he is only one person after all. There are hundreds of guards in Beiming Mountain Mansion. Once they all come out, even the Acquired Martial Master will be devastated on the spot.

"Zhou Yan, you are so brave, you dare to break into Beiming Mountain Mansion!"

"Kill him and avenge the Guards!"

There were loud shouts, and countless guards swarmed in from all directions, attacking with swords, guns, swords and halberds like the sky and the earth were overwhelming.

"court death!"

Zhou Yan looked cold and unafraid. Facing the overwhelming offensive, he performed the "Profound Rank Middle Grade" technique [Dragon Control Technique]. He swept his body away to avoid the intensive offensive. Then, he formed seals with both hands and used the True Conversion Yuan. Pushing towards the distance.


Suddenly, a golden Flood Dragon roared out, extremely ferocious, whipping up a terrifying hurricane, disrupting the air within a few feet and turning it into chaos.

Bang bang bang...

In an instant, dozens of guards howled miserably, and were swept away by the violent hurricane. Their bodies exploded and turned into balls of flesh, with no bones left.


Upon seeing this, the other guards were so frightened that they fled madly. Some of the timid guards even knelt on the ground, trembling and begging for mercy.

However, this still cannot change their tragic ending.

Zhou Yan had sharp eyes and quick hands, and used the [Wind Control Technique]. He was like a ghost, moving through the crowd. In a few breaths, dozens of guards fell.

"This... what kind of secret skill is this? It's so weird and unpredictable." Zhao Haifeng was horrified, and a chill ran down his spine.

Zhou Yan was too strong and completely crushed him, making him feel a sense of despair.

"Now it is your turn!"

Zhou Yan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a ferocious smile, and immediately punched out. The void shook, the air roared, and wisps of sharp energy surged, like a giant hammer hitting him.

At this moment, Zhao Haifeng's face showed despair. He tried his best to resist, but unfortunately, his defense was as fragile as paper and was penetrated in an instant.


A huge force struck, and Zhao Haifeng's chest collapsed, and he flew out and fell to the ground, with traces of red blood spilling from his mouth.


Zhao Haifeng got up with difficulty, vomiting blood constantly from his mouth, his clothes were in tatters, and he was in a miserable state. How could he have any dignity at all?

Zhou Yan walked over, looked down at Zhao Haifeng indifferently, and said in a deep voice: "Where is Bei Minghan?"

"He..." Zhao Haifeng raised his head and looked at Zhou Yan with a complicated expression, but hesitated to speak.

He hesitated for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "Kill me!"


Hearing this, Zhou Yan's face turned gloomy.

He didn't expect that Zhao Haifeng, an old thief, could be so tough.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" Zhou Yan sneered, stepped down, and a cracking sound was heard. Zhao Haifeng's bones were shattered inch by inch, and he died tragically on the spot.

The powerful man in the Acquired Realm world was as weak as an ant in front of Zhou Yan, with no power to resist.

"It seems that you have been secretly cultivating power over the years. It is indeed extraordinary that you have gathered so many masters."

Zhou Yan glanced at Zhao Haifeng's body, with a cold curve on his lips.

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