Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1318, Raising Unfamiliar People

Suddenly, an angry voice sounded, and then a middle-aged man rushed in.

This person is none other than Yang Zhiming, the head of the Yang family.

"Yang Zhiming, it turns out that he has been secretly plotting to kill my mother all these years and wants to rob me of the secret technique."

Zhou Yan's mouth showed a sarcastic look: "Haha, Yang Zhiming, Yang Zhiming, you are really an immature white-eyed wolf. I appreciate this very much."

"Zhou Yan, you..."

Yang Zhiming's face was ashen. He stared at Zhou Yan with an angry expression: "How do you know that I secretly planned to kill your mother? I am the only one who knows about this matter. There is no evidence that I did it."

"Hmph, Yang Zhiming, do you think that if you kill my mother, I won't be able to find out any clues?"

Zhou Yan looked at Yang Zhiming with serious eyes and began to explain slowly: "I was aware of it when you sent people to kill me outside the city."

"Later, when you went to hunt down those bandits, you were killed by the bandits and their bodies were burned."

"Unfortunately, these things did not arouse my suspicion."

"However, later I investigated and found that the old woman of the Yang family once took people to the south of the city to find a storage ring. When you went there to search, you didn't meet anyone, but there was a powerful force. The energy is fluctuating, and it is obvious that you are searching for that storage ring."

Zhou Yan's words made Yang Zhiming's face paler. He never expected that he would send people to kill Zhou Yan's mother outside the city, only to be noticed by Zhou Yan. From that moment on, everything that happened to their Yang family Every movement was exposed under Zhou Yan's eyes.

"I know that my mother's storage ring was stolen. You wanted to use it in exchange for the treasure. Unfortunately, I didn't give it to you. You failed."

Zhou Yan continued, looking at Yang Zhiming teasingly.

"I don't know what treasure you are talking about."

"Anyway, I didn't get anything. Our Yang family also suffered heavy losses. We lost two Martial King realm experts and even lost fifty thousand gold coins. This money is enough for us to cultivate for a long time."

"Moreover, our Yang family has also lost several masters of the Martial Sovereign realm."

"So, your desire to destroy my Yang family is just wishful thinking. The background of our Yang family is beyond your imagination."

Yang Zhiming's voice was extremely firm: "Today, I must kill you. Otherwise, where will the face of my Yang family be, and where will my face be?"

"Your face?"

Zhou Yan sneered and said, "Yang Zhiming, don't you know how much your face is worth?"

An angry look appeared on Yang Zhiming's face. He did not expect that Zhou Yan would be so disrespectful, and immediately shouted: "Since you don't have to drink wine as a penalty, then don't blame me, the Yang family, for being rude."


Yang Zhiming's body was like electricity and his speed was as fast as lightning. He flew to Zhou Yan's side in an instant, and his palms flew towards Zhou Yan's chest.

"Get away!"

Zhou Yan struck out with a palm, sending Yang Zhiming flying away. He swayed and stood firm.


Yang Zhiming's face was extremely ugly. He was seriously injured. He spit out three large mouthfuls of blood mist in a row. His breath was weakened a lot, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"Yang Zhiming, you are dead this time!"

Zhou Yan sneered, took a step forward, and killed Yang Zhiming again.

"Ancestor of the Yang family, save me!"

Yang Zhiming panicked, yelled, turned around and fled the room. At the same time, he shouted: "Master, save me."

"You can't run away."

Zhou Yan's voice came, and his feet were like wind. He instantly caught up with Yang Zhiming and used his murderous sword technique again.


Yang Zhiming's heart burst again, blood spurted out, and he died.

As soon as Yang Zhiming died, the remaining members of the Yang family suddenly became panic-stricken. They fell to their knees one after another, trembling and begging: "Master, please spare our lives. Please spare us. Please consider that we are members of the Yang family. Please spare us." We have nothing to lose."

Although they were members of the Yang family, they seemed so insignificant in front of life. They were all so frightened that they could not even crawl up.

The news of the death of Yang Zhiming, the ancestor of the Yang family and the second eldest son of the Yang family, spread like a hurricane throughout every inch of the land of the Yang family. The clan members and senior officials of the Yang family all felt a hint of danger.

Especially the ancestor of the Yang family, his face was gloomy. He never expected that Zhou Yan's methods would be so cruel, even his own relatives would not be spared. He was simply crazy.

"Ancestor, you have to make the decision for the Yang family."

"Yes, this little bastard has gone too far, even his own parents will not be spared."

The senior executives of the Yang family were all fighting for the injustice of the ancestor of the Yang family. They were all filled with righteous indignation and wanted to kill Zhou Yan personally to vent their hatred.

"Shut up!"

The ancestor of the Yang family cursed angrily and said coldly: "I will naturally handle my own affairs. You don't need to say more, just get out of here."

After hearing this, the senior members of the Yang family felt a sense of sadness in their hearts.

They all knew that the ancestor of the Yang family no longer protected them as before, and even the ancestor of the Yang family had a hint of retreat.

After all, the Yang family is too weak and is no match for Zhou Yan.

This guy is already a devil. Once he grows up, life will definitely be difficult for the Yang family.

"Ancestor, we understand."

Everyone sighed and then left the room.

"Zhou Yan, you are really clever. I must have misjudged you."

The ancestor of the Yang family looked at Zhou Yan with strong hatred in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "You not only killed my daughter, but now you also killed my grandson. I will remember this grudge."

After saying these words, the ancestor of the Yang family flashed and disappeared into the room.

When Zhou Yan saw this, a look of solemnity appeared on his brows. Although the ancestor of the Yang family had been severely injured just now, he was still a strong man in the martial arts world. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't stop him.

And he had no intention of leaving anyone alive, he wanted to exterminate the Yang family.

The Yang family is destined to be exterminated!

This is what Zhou Yan has in mind, and this is what he wants to do.

Zhou Yan's body swayed and he chased after him again.


At the same time, in a certain courtyard of the Yang family, the head of the Yang family, Yang Zhiming, was in retreat to recover from his injuries. His injuries were very serious and it would take a long time to fully recover.

Next to him, there was a middle-aged man sitting.

The appearance of this middle-aged man is somewhat similar to that of the ancestor of the Yang family. He is clearly Yang Zhiming's uncle, Yang Zhiming's father, and the head of the Yang family.

"Old man, you shouldn't underestimate the enemy. If it weren't for Zhou Yan's secret skills, we wouldn't have been forced to retreat by Zhou Yan." The head of the Yang family said bitterly.

The ancestor of the Yang family shook his head: "In any case, Yang Zhiming did die because of Zhou Yan. My Yang family has been embarrassed. I can't swallow this bad breath."

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