Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1319, Big Brother Takes Action

The head of the Yang family took a deep breath and asked, "Old man, how should we deal with Zhou Yan? We simply don't have the strength to compete with him."

The ancestor of the Yang family said indifferently: "I have already informed my elder brother and asked him to take action. This time, I want to see how long Zhou Yan can continue to be arrogant."

"Well, this is our best chance. We can only give it a try and make a big bet."

The tone of the head of the Yang family was full of expectation.

The head of the Yang family and the ancestor of the Yang family have been discussing countermeasures, but they have not come up with a solution. Therefore, the ancestor of the Yang family will ask the head of the Yang family for help, hoping that the head of the Yang family can come up with a solution.

"No, my injury is too serious. It's not suitable to take action again, otherwise it will aggravate the injury. At this time, the only thing I can do is rely on my eldest brother." The ancestor of the Yang family sighed.

The head of the Yang family also felt worried in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhou Yan was his son-killing enemy, but he did not dare to take action against him rashly. After all, Zhou Yan had the Zhou family behind him, so he could not take risks at all.

"Old man, please take good care of your health. I'll go ask my eldest brother. I must ask my eldest brother to come forward in this matter."

The head of the Yang family bowed respectfully to the ancestor of the Yang family, and then disappeared in a flash.

The ancestor of the Yang family was sitting cross-legged on the bed, practicing quietly. He knew that this was his only chance, and as long as he seized this opportunity, the Yang family might be able to turn over.

He wanted to use Zhou Yan's power to improve the Yang family's status in the Southern Wilderness Continent, and his eldest son, Yang Hao, lived up to the trust and finally entered the early stage of Wujun.

Yang Hao's talent is very good, even more powerful than the ancestors of the Yang family. If he is given enough time, Yang Hao will definitely be a peak Martial Lord, even reaching the semi-Saint Realm realm.

The ancestor of the Yang family believes that Yang Hao will definitely lead the Yang family into the ranks of the top forces in the Southern Wilderness Continent. When the time comes, his status will rise again.

Yang Hao appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

"Zhou Yan!"

Yang Hao stared at Zhou Yan and squeezed out two words through his teeth: "I want to avenge my son."

"Revenge? What revenge do you want for your son?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhou Yan's mouth: "Don't make excuses for the Yang family. All the Yang family are dead, and all your nephews have died in my hands. The Yang family will never be seen again." will exist."


The ancestor of the Yang family was furious, pointed at Zhou Yan and shouted: "You little beast, how dare you kill everyone in my Yang family, I will definitely kill all nine of your clans!"

"You have killed so many people, you should pay with your life."

"Haha, if you want to kill me, you are still far away." Zhou Yan's lips curved into a stern smile: "Yang Zhiming, today, your death day has come!"

"Zhou Yan, you really think I'm afraid of you!" The ancestor of the Yang family snorted coldly.

Yang Hao also turned pale and roared angrily: "Trash, trash, you haven't dealt with this kid yet. I warned you a long time ago, but you didn't listen. Let me tell you, I have asked the eldest brother of the Yang family for reinforcements. The eldest brother of the Yang family Promise, I will come within three days."

When the ancestor of the Yang family heard this, he frowned slightly and was secretly happy.

Of course he is not afraid of the head of the Yang family, but he is afraid of Yang Hao.

If Yang Hao could request reinforcements from the head of the Yang family, the situation would become completely different.

"Since the Yang family has reinforcements coming, why didn't you tell them earlier?"

The ancestor of the Yang family asked in a deep voice.

The head of the Yang family snorted coldly: "The eldest brother of the Yang family doesn't want to get into trouble. After all, the grudge between our Yang family and Zhou Yan has ended, and he doesn't need to risk offending a powerful force with the Martial Emperor for the sake of the Yang family. So, just There was no mention of this."

"Since eldest brother has concerns, I won't say anything more."

There was a hint of coldness in the eyes of the ancestor of the Yang family, and he said coldly: "My Yang family must win this battle. My Yang family must become the most powerful family in the Southern Wilderness Continent!"

The ancestor of the Yang family said it categorically, as if he had endless ambition.

The head of the Yang family was extremely excited when he heard this. He knew that the Yang family could be saved.

"Zhou Yan, this time, you can't stop the rise of my Yang family."

"I want you to kneel down and kowtow and admit your mistake. I want you to pay with blood."

The eyes of the head of the Yang family exuded a fierce light.

"You are thinking too much!" Zhou Yan's eyes were filled with disdain.

"Really?" The head of the Yang family snorted coldly, "It's not up to you."

"Do you think you are qualified to make me kneel down?"

"You have to think carefully. You are now a prisoner. Moreover, reinforcements from our Yang family are arriving soon."

"The Yang family's reinforcements are not mine, Zhou Yan's."

Zhou Yan's face was dull.

The head of the Yang family's pupils shrank, and he suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

He knew that behind Zhou Yan, there was a behemoth like the Zhou family, so he did not take action rashly, but waited for reinforcements to arrive.

However, his plan failed because Zhou Yan did not follow his plan.

"Zhou Yan, do you think the backer behind you can protect you?"

The murderous intention in the head of the Yang family is getting stronger and stronger. He wants to kill Zhou Yan now, but his reason tells him that now is definitely not the time.

"I would like to know, Yang Hao, why can he protect me?"

Zhou Yan spoke calmly, without any fear on his face.

"You should know the strength of our Yang family." The head of the Yang family sneered.

"You? Haha..." Zhou Yan shook his head contemptuously and said disdainfully: "You are not even worthy of filling a gap in my teeth. Behind me, there is a Semi-Saint!"


Zhou Yan's words immediately shocked the hearts of the ancestors of the Yang family and the head of the Yang family.

Are there people at the Semi-Saint level in this world?

Doesn't that mean that his backer is the legendary Semi-Saint?

In an instant, the heads of Yang Family Patriarch and Yang Hao exploded!

"Zhou Yan, you don't have to scare me." The head of the Yang family looked livid and said through gritted teeth: "Our Yang family has a lot of background and an elder in the martial arts world. Even if you are behind you, there is really a Semi-Saint." I don't believe you can survive even five breaths of time in front of that Semi-Saint master."


Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and laughed, the mocking look on his face getting stronger.

"I would like to give it a try. Are you bragging? Do you really think Yang Hao is my opponent?"

The face of the head of the Yang family was uncertain, his eyes flashed with anger, jealousy, and strong greed, but he did not dare to take action easily.

"Don't worry, your father will be killed by Yang Hao soon."

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