Yang Hao sneered and said, "No one can save the people I want to kill."


Zhou Yan sneered, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the ancestor of the Yang family. Then, he punched the ancestor of the Yang family on the chest.


The ancestor of the Yang family flew out directly and fell hard against the wall.


The ancestor of the Yang family spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a large piece of his chest collapsed, which looked shocking.

This scene made the head of the Yang family tremble violently, and a ferocious look appeared on his face.

Zhou Yan was so terrifying that even the ancestor of the Yang family was no match for him. In fact, he couldn't even take one of Zhou Yan's moves.

The ancestor of the Yang family's arms were numb, his body was twitching, and there was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. He said with difficulty: "Zhou Yan, I admit that your strength is extraordinary, but don't forget that there is the head of the Yang family behind me. Support me, he is a strong Martial Sovereign. If you kill me, the Yang family will never let it go. With your status, you cannot resist Semi-Saint's wrath."

Zhou Yan's expression became solemn.

This is what worries him.

The ancestor of the Yang family is indeed a tough guy. Although he doesn't want to antagonize him, he has no intention of working for the Yang family.

"There is a Martial Saint sitting behind me. I don't believe that you, a mere Martial King, dare to challenge the Martial Saint!"

The ancestor of the Yang family continued.

"haha, really?"

Zhou Yan's lips curled into a sneer.

"I would like to see how strong Martial Saint is."

"How brave!" The Yang family ancestor laughed angrily and said sternly: "Zhou Yan, I advise you to be captured. Otherwise, even if our Yang family army arrives, we will not be able to protect you!"

"Ha ha ha ha......"

"Okay, very good, old dog of the Yang family, I will remember you. Sooner or later, I will come to you to settle this debt!" Zhou Yan laughed wildly, and his figure suddenly shot out and rushed towards the distance.

"Zhou Yan, don't leave!"

The head of the Yang family shouted angrily and quickly followed.

Yang Hao also followed Zhou Yan and left.

"You two little bastards, come back here!"

The ancestor of the Yang family was furious.

"Ancestor, do you want to pursue me?" A member of the Yang family asked in a low voice.

The ancestor of the Yang family took a deep breath and suppressed the blood surging in his chest: "Let's go back and report first. This matter cannot be delayed for too long."

The ancestors of the Yang family and Yang Hao were very fast. In the blink of an eye, they had traveled hundreds of miles and arrived at a city.

"Stop it!"

The figure of the ancestor of the Yang family suddenly appeared in front of the two of them and shouted coldly.

Zhou Yan's face darkened slightly, and he looked at the head of the Yang family, with a hint of murderous intention on his face.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

The ancestor of the Yang family also became unhappy.

The strength of the Yang family is not as good as that of the Zhou family, but it is not much weaker than the Zhou family.

The head of the Yang family and Yang Hao can also bring some strength to Zhou Yan by joining forces.

Therefore, when facing danger, the head of the Yang family and Yang Hao also joined forces with a tacit understanding to trap Zhou Yan here.

As long as Zhou Yan is trapped to death, everything will be fine.

The Yang family and the Zhou family have a hostile relationship, so the ancestor of the Yang family will naturally not show mercy to Zhou Yan.

"Old man, who do you think you are?"

Zhou Yan sneered and said, "I don't need to explain my strength to you, right? I advise you to stop your wishful thinking and hand over the Yang family's treasure trove obediently. Otherwise, both of you will die."

Hearing Zhou Yan's words, both Yang Family Patriarch and Yang Hao showed a look of horror on their faces. They had seen Zhou Yan's power, and they were no match for Zhou Yan.


The head of the Yang family snorted coldly: "Zhou Yan, if you don't show your sincerity today, you will never leave the Yang family!"

"Oh? What kind of sincerity do you want me to show?"

Zhou Yan said with interest.

"You should know that you are an outsider and you are not qualified to enter the Yang family's treasury. Therefore, I ask you to hand over all your wealth!" The ancestor of the Yang family said through gritted teeth.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

The ancestor of the Yang family looked livid and shouted angrily: "Zhou Yan, are you unwilling?"

Zhou Yan stopped smiling, with a joking look on his face: "Old man, I told you, I won't give it to you unless I enter the treasure house to take it away. What can you do to me?"


The head of the Yang family's eyes burst into flames, glaring at Zhou Yan angrily.

Next to him, another family member couldn't help but clenched his fists. The muscles all over his body were as tight as steel whips, emitting a strong and tyrannical wind.

He is his son Yang Hao, the best disciple of the younger generation of the Yang family. He boasts that he is the leader of the younger generation of the Yang family. In the family, he has a prestige that is not weaker than that of Yang Hao and Zhou Yan.

However, it was because of the head of the Yang family that he was sent to Zhou Yan's command.

Without Zhou Yan, he would not be what he is today.

A look of fear flashed across the eyes of the ancestor of the Yang family, and he cursed in his heart that Zhou Yan's character had not changed at all this time.

When he was in Huangzhou, Zhou Yan dared to openly be an enemy of the Zhou family, and now he is even more arrogant and domineering. If he allows Zhou Yan to stay here, I am afraid that his Yang family will be destroyed sooner or later. disaster.

The ancestor of the Yang family thought in a flash, and with a turn of his eyes, the plan came to his mind.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

The ancestor of the Yang family suddenly laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha, Yang Hao, Zhou Yan, you two juniors, you are so loud. I want to see today if you can leave alive!"

"However, I also know that this time, you will not give up. Therefore, I have come prepared. To tell you the truth, our Yang family has prepared three other masters of the Emperor Level. You two juniors , Today, it is destined to be inevitable."

The ancestor of the Yang family looked like he was sure of victory.

The words of the ancestor of the Yang family made Zhou Yan's face instantly darken, and a surge of anger arose in his heart.

"The Yang family is so eager to deal with me. Is it possible that they are afraid that I will grow up and compete with you for control of the treasure house?"

Zhou Yan asked coldly.


The ancestor of the Yang family sneered and said, "What do you think?"

"In this case, there is no need for your Yang family to exist!"


Zhou Yan's aura instantly climbed to its peak.

Behind him, three stars appeared.

This is the symbol of the martial arts world reaching its peak state.


After seeing Zhou Yan's cultivation, the people around him exclaimed.

This ancestor of the Yang family turned out to be in the Martial Lord realm!

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