Zhou Yan asked.

"Zhou Yan, you must die a happy death!"

The ancestor of the Yang family gritted his teeth, stared at Zhou Yan, and scolded angrily.

When his voice fell, the surrounding scene became distorted. The next moment, Zhou Yan disappeared and appeared in another place.

This is the illusion of the Yang family, specifically targeting the spirit of the Martial Artist.

"Haha, ancestor of the Yang family, your illusion skills are not very good."

Zhou Yan smiled lightly.

Then, he took steps, and with every step he took, his figure would appear in another place.

Soon, the illusion performed by the ancestor of the Yang family was broken by Zhou Yan.

"How can this be!"

The ancestor of the Yang family widened his eyes.

The illusion he was so proud of was broken so easily?

"Ancestor of the Yang family, don't waste your efforts. Your illusion may be of some use to other people, but it is vulnerable to me."

Zhou Yan spoke calmly.

The corners of his mouth drew a cold arc.

The ancestor of the Yang family wants to use illusion to deal with him? Absolutely ridiculous.

"Kill him, kill him for me."

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Yang family shouted at everyone in the Yang family, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.


Immediately, everyone from the Yang family rushed forward with weapons in hand.

"court death!"

Zhou Yan shouted coldly, and golden flames burned all over his body.

On his right arm, golden runes flashed one after another, and these runes gathered in his palm.


Then, Zhou Yan slapped it down with a palm.


In an instant, an elder from the Yang family screamed, his body flew out and fell to the side.

Zhou Yan took one step forward, struck again, and punched out another Yang family elder, flying backwards.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At this moment, the endless Slaughter Sword Light struck again, densely packed, covering the sky and the sun, and sweeping across with terrifying power.

This time the killing was more terrifying and fierce than the previous one.

"Not bad, it's interesting!"

Facing this scene, Zhou Yan's eyes did not show any excitement. Instead, they were filled with excitement.

"Haha, come on, let me see who wants to kill me."

Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Fighting spirit boiled on his body, and as he took one step forward, his fist marks became hot.


The next moment, he took action boldly.

Wherever the fist light passed, the sword light filled the sky and was annihilated one after another.

Finally, his figure appeared in mid-air, with his hands behind his back and a calm expression, like an unparalleled demon king, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger and looking down upon the world.

"Hiss...this, this is too exaggerated."

Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance was stunned and dumbfounded.

They watched Zhou Yan with their own eyes, breaking the Yang family's secret skills one after another. This ability was too terrifying.

"No wonder he can become a guest of the Artifact Refining Masters Guild!"

Someone murmured.

Zhou Yan's power shocked them.

"Zhou Yan..."

Seeing Zhou Yan, the ancestor of the Yang family's face turned gloomy to the extreme, and murderous intent shot out from his eyes.

He never thought that he would encounter such a monster tonight.

Such a talented person must not be allowed to stay.

Otherwise, it will definitely be a disaster for the Yang family in the future.


The next moment, he turned around sharply and swept away into the distance.

He had already begun to think about retreating and wanted to escape.

"Where to go!"

However, Zhou Yan snorted coldly, stepped forward, his speed increased sharply, turned into an afterimage, and chased after him.

In an instant, the distance between the two continued to shrink.

"Ancestor of the Yang family, suffer death!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold and he punched out, the Golden Crow Holy Fire surged and burned up the sky.

"Zhou Yan, you dare to hurt me!?"

Seeing Zhou Yan's punch, the ancestor of the Yang family roared.

"The Yang family, I will crush it sooner or later!"

Zhou Yan's voice was cold and his murderous intent was sharp.


The ancestor of the Yang family's pupils shrank, and he wanted to resist.

However, when his attack was about to touch Zhou Yan, a bolt of thunder and lightning descended from the void and struck him, disintegrating his attack.


The next moment, the ancestor of the Yang family screamed. Blood was dripping in the center of his eyebrows, and a deep scar appeared, almost decapitating him.

The ancestor of the Yang family was no match for Zhou Yan.

In this battle, the ancestor of the Yang family was defeated without any suspense.

"Ancestor of the Yang family, suffer death!"

Then, Zhou Yan glanced at the ancestor of the Yang family, showing ferocious murderous intent. He reached out with a palm and pressed hard on the head of the ancestor of the Yang family.

The head of the ancestor of the Yang family exploded and he died completely.

"The ancestor of the Yang family was killed!"


The Yang family members around them couldn't help but gasped after seeing this, and felt uneasy in their hearts.

They knew that the Yang family was going to perish!

"The ancestors of the Yang family are dead, and you bunch of bastards deserve to die too!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold. He strode forward and with a wave of his hand, golden flames surged across the wasteland and slaughtered all the Yang family members.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained 2000 merit points."

The system prompt sounds.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned.


He was slightly surprised to find that the power of his soul had surged a bit.

"This feeling....."

After a moment, Zhou Yan looked astonished: "It turns out that this body is made of dragon bones."

The dragon bone is extremely strong and has strong defensive power. It also contains dragon veins and has huge potential.

This resulted in him practicing the "Five Emperors Body Refining Technique" at an extremely fast speed.

"In that case, then, leave this body to me for safekeeping."

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered and he made a decision.

After all, the ancestor of the Yang family is a Grandmaster-level powerhouse. If he can search out all the memories of the ancestor of the Yang family, it should be of great benefit to him in understanding the [Ten Thousand Beasts True Essence Art].


Zhou Yan's body swayed and he went straight to the depths of the Yang family's mansion.

Not long after, Zhou Yan entered a simple and elegant courtyard.

"where is this place?"

He frowned and looked around.

I saw that all kinds of gems, jade, elixirs and other items were placed everywhere in this courtyard.

"Something's wrong!"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and he noticed something. His eyes fell on the coffin in the middle of the house.

This coffin is made entirely of bronze and has a dark luster, as if it has gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes and is heavy.


The next moment, the coffin trembled and the coffin was slowly opened.


When the coffin board was opened, a pungent stench hit his face.

Immediately afterwards, a corpse slowly sat up.


The corpse opened its eyes and looked at Zhou Yan with a hint of doubt in its eyes.

"Are you...Zhou Yan?"

Immediately, the corpse's eyes burst out with overwhelming evil energy, and he growled: "Little beast, you are actually still alive?"

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