"Haha, you're not dead yet, how could I die?"

Zhou Yan grinned and said calmly.

"you wanna die!"

Hearing this, the corpse became furious.

Earth-shattering murderous aura erupted from his body, and his aura rose crazily, making it suffocating.

"So strong!"

Seeing the aura erupting from the corpse, Zhou Yan's expression couldn't help but change.

This corpse suddenly reached the Third Layer of the Martial King Realm.

Very strong!

However, he was still unafraid and eager to try.

"Get over here!"

The next moment, Zhou Yan roared angrily, jumped out, turned into a stream of light, rushed to the corpse, raised his hand and punched him.


The fist wind roared, the void shook, and the vast fist force was like a mountain, suppressing it with a crash, carrying the power of destroying the heaven and the earth.

This punch was the [Mountain Splitting Fist] that Zhou Yan had just comprehended. Its power was earth-shattering. It penetrated the void in one fell swoop and struck the corpse hard.


In an instant, with a muffled sound, the corpse immediately flew out, collapsing a wall, and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.


All around, everyone watching suddenly gasped and their eyes widened.

This scene completely exceeded their expectations.

The ancestor of the Yang family, a powerful Martial King, was as weak as a chicken in Zhou Yan's hands and was easily killed instantly.

"You, your cultivation has improved again!"

Lying in the ruins, the ancestor of the Yang family looked at Zhou Yan with horror on his face.

That punch just now was too overbearing.

He couldn't resist it at all.

"Haha, it's just a fluke!"

Zhou Yan shook his head and smiled lightly.

The boxing technique he performed was called [Splitting Mountain Fist]. It was created by him and was very powerful.

If it were in the past, his physical strength alone would not be able to activate this boxing technique.

However, during these days, his soul power surged again, enough to support the use of [Splitting Mountain Fist].

"Ancestor of the Yang family, don't worry, you Yang family members will not die in vain."

Zhou Yan said coldly.

He already had murderous intent in his heart.

The main culprit for the destruction of the Yang family was this ancestor of the Yang family. Moreover, this person was the backbone of the Yang family, and his importance to the Yang family was self-evident.

If we don't eradicate the root cause, there will be endless troubles.

"Boy, you want to kill me? You're talking nonsense!"

Hearing Zhou Yan's words, the ancestor of the Yang family sneered.

His face was full of ridicule.

The ancestor of the Yang family has been standing in Jiangzhou for decades. He has traveled across the rivers and lakes and is invincible. Who dares to compete with him?

Although the young man in front of him was a bit weird and made him suffer, he still could not escape death.

A mere Innate Realm Ninth Layer, even if he has practiced some secret techniques, cannot be his opponent.

"Hahaha, do you think you can kill me with your cultivation?"

The ancestor of the Yang family looked up to the sky and smiled, his expression extremely arrogant: "Do you know how powerful I am?"

The ancestor of the Yang family, with a proud face, raised his head, looked down at Zhou Yan, and said word by word: "I am the ancestor of the Yang family, a strong man in the Innate Realm Sixth Layer!"

"what about you?"

"Innate Realm Ninth Layer, like an ant, how can I get this seat?"

His words were full of contempt and disdain.

In his eyes, Zhou Yan is just a slightly more powerful ant that he can kill with a snap of his fingers.

"Oh, is it so?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan smiled indifferently, shook his head, and was noncommittal.

Innate Realm Sixth Layer God, he is indeed a master.

But, he was once the Saint Emperor Supreme, how high his vision was?

The ancestor of the Yang family in front of him is equivalent to a half-step Grandmaster.

"You little beast, how dare you despise me?"

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Yang family was furious and roared again and again.

His chest rose and fell violently, obviously irritated by Zhou Yan.

"Kneel down!"

The ancestor of the Yang family shouted angrily, and with a swipe of his body, he approached Zhou Yan in an instant. With a slap of his palms, terrifying internal energy surged and turned into two balls of crimson flames.

The two balls of flames were purple-black in color and exuded a sinister aura, like two poisonous snakes, engulfing Zhou Yan.

"Little tricks!"

Zhou Yan's expression remained unchanged, he waved his sleeves, and the majestic Gang Qi surged, turning into a thin film, blocking him in front of him.

boom! boom!

Two balls of flames bombarded the Gang Qi, and explosions were heard, but they failed to break through the Gang Qi's protection.

"How can it be!?"

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Yang family was completely stunned, with panic in his eyes.

These two groups of flames were extremely powerful and terrifying.

However, Zhou Yan actually used his internal strength to bear it down.

"You have good strength."

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold as he walked over slowly and said calmly: "But, if you meet me today, you are destined to perish!"

"Hey, you little beast, don't be so arrogant!"

The ancestor of the Yang family suddenly took out a palm-sized black token from his arms.

"This is……"

Zhou Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Little beast, this is the treasure of my Yang family - the Blood Demon Token!"

The ancestor of the Yang family smiled ferociously and crushed the Blood Demon Token: "As long as you drop blood into it, you can activate the power of the Blood Demon Token and summon countless Blood Demon puppets to tear you into pieces."


At the end of the sentence, the ancestor of the Yang family couldn't help but scream, extremely ferocious.

This Blood Demon Token was a rare item that he obtained by chance back then.

This thing was left behind by ancient evil spirits, and it contains boundless evil and vicious energy.

According to legend, this Blood Demon Token was made from the blood of an ancient demon god.

With the power of the devil, he can summon the devil's clone to slaughter the world and kill all people.

"The devil's clone?"

Zhou Yan raised his brows, changed his mind, and immediately understood.

This Blood Demon Token should be a token left by the ancient demon god in this world.

And this ancestor of the Yang family happened to obtain this thing in order to summon the endless blood demon.

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, within a radius of several feet, the void fluctuated violently, and waves of terrifying aura swept through the eight wastelands and enveloped the four fields, making the world filled with a chilling atmosphere.

The next moment, a blood shadow appeared, ten meters high, wearing blood armor, standing tall, with his hands behind his back, walking in the air.

Every time this bloody figure stepped on the ground, a loud roar would erupt.

Every step he took seemed to step on everyone's hearts, making everyone feel their hearts suffocating, the True Qi in their bodies stagnating, and their bodies feeling weak.

"What the hell?"

The expression of the ancestor of the Yang family changed drastically, his eyelids twitched wildly, and his face was full of fear.

Although he has never really seen the Blood Demon Order, he has heard about it and knows how terrifying it is.

The blood demon puppet in front of him was exuding a monstrous evil spirit and was obviously contaminated by countless dead souls.


This blood demon puppet looked up to the sky and let out a miserable howl.

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