Zhou Yan stood in the valley, took a deep breath, and looked excited.

"Hey, the vitality of heaven and earth here seems to have become stronger?"

At this moment, Zhou Yan looked around with a surprised expression.

The spiritual energy in Nanyang City is not thin, but compared with his impression, it is still far behind.

All of this stems from the dragon vein in Nanling!

"Although this dragon vein is not as good as Longhu Mountain and Kunlun Mountain, it is still extremely rare!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were blazing and he murmured to himself: "I need a lot of spiritual energy to practice the "Chaos Creation Technique", and I am worried that there is no suitable place to practice."

"It seems that the spiritual energy here, even if it cannot allow me to break through, can still increase my cultivation a lot."

"Yes, it is indeed the second largest dragon vein in China. The aura is indeed extraordinary."

Zhou Yan's eyes were bright, his mind moved slightly, and he began to absorb the vitality of the world around him.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed, the sky and the earth shook, and the entire mountain range began to shake, as if there was an earthquake.

Immediately afterwards, gravel on the ground flew up and suspended in mid-air.


Zhou Yan frowned, sensing something was wrong.

"What's going on? Why is the vitality here several times thinner than I expected?" Zhou Yan's spiritual consciousness expanded and enveloped the mountain.

The next moment, his face was violently distorted, and his whole body was horrified.

Originally, he thought that the vitality here was so strong that the cultivation efficiency would be much higher, but this was not the case. Instead, it became barren and depleted.

In an instant, arcs of electricity surged across the sky, and a terrifying power filled the air, as if the sky was angry and was about to rain down punishment from heaven.

"The sudden changes in the world, could it be that someone violated the rules of heaven?" Zhou Yan's face changed slightly, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

In the world of Martial Dao, there are five taboos.

They are the rules of heaven and earth, the laws of the underworld, and the wrath of the gods!

These five taboos represent the will of heaven and earth. Those who disobey will be punished by heaven and earth!

This kind of punishment not only targets the physical body, but also the soul!

Even King Martial Dao is unwilling to touch it!

"No matter what, take advantage of the sudden changes in the world and quickly absorb and refine these vitality!" Zhou Yan thought in his mind, activated his skills, and absorbed the vitality crazily.


In an instant, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered into a vortex, rushing over from all directions and drilling into his body.

These auras appear gray-white, like mist, but contain majestic and pure power.

"Is this the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?" Feeling this scene, Zhou Yan's heart surged and he couldn't help but scream up to the sky.


The next moment, Zhou Yan's whole body was spitting out purple-gold glow, and his aura was rising steadily, transforming towards a higher level.

"As expected of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

Feeling the surging power in his body, Zhou Yan was extremely pleased.

This energy is too vast and cannot be absorbed at all.

Moreover, as time goes by, it becomes more and more pure and majestic.

"At this rate, we should be able to break through to the Innate Realm by tomorrow evening at the latest." Zhou Yan murmured, with a look of joy on his face.

He could feel that the power in his body was surging like a vast ocean, as if it could destroy the world.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned.

"Unknowingly, I actually broke through?"

Zhou Yan was shocked. He remembered that he was still a little short of breaking through to the Emperor Realm.

Therefore, he deliberately chose to retreat here.

However, Zhou Yan never expected that he would break through after just one day.

"No, my current state is too weak to trigger the vision of heaven and earth. I can only hide it for a few more days."

Zhou Yan's mind turned around and he made up his mind to continue practicing quietly.

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye it was three days later.

In the early morning, a ray of morning light fell, and the vitality of heaven and earth gradually became active.

In the mountains and forests, towering ancient trees rise from the ground, with lush branches and leaves, covering the sky and the sun, exuding a strong vitality.

"Finally a breakthrough."

Zhou Yan slowly opened his eyes, full of energy, and two sword rays shot out from his eyes.


As his gaze passed by, the void trembled, and traces of sharp energy surged out of the air.

"Early stage of God Lord Realm!"

Zhou Yan grinned, quite satisfied.

After three days of hard training, and with the help of Nanling's huge spiritual energy, Zhou Yan successfully entered the early stage of the Divine Lord Realm.

"This mountain range is full of spiritual energy and is a treasure!"

Zhou Yan's eyes shone brightly and he murmured to himself: "In that case, I will build a Cave Mansion here and slowly dig it out in the future."

Zhou Yan's plan is simple.

First improve your cultivation and strengthen yourself, and then slowly explore the Nanling Dragon Vein.


The next moment, Zhou Yan took steps and ran straight forward along the mountain road.

The mountains are deep, densely populated with trees, overgrown with thorns, and full of poisonous insects and beasts, making them full of dangers.

If Zhou Yan hadn't practiced the "Swallowing Stars Technique", he would have been bitten to pieces.

Not long after, Zhou Yan arrived at the mountainside.

Here, there stands a huge cave, covering hundreds of meters, like the huge mouth of a wild beast, which is daunting.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan raised his head and his pupils suddenly shrank.

In the distance, bursts of muffled thunder sounded, accompanied by rolling dark clouds.

"Could it be that a Monster is coming?" Zhou Yan's eyes were sharp.

Before he finished speaking, dark clouds gathered and lightning flashed.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling light bloomed, like a meteorite falling, hitting the mountainside hard.


In an instant, the hard rock wall cracked, a huge crater burst out, and dust flew into the air.

"Hiss!" Zhou Yan took a breath and his eyelids twitched.

Such attack power is definitely beyond that of an ordinary human Martial Artist.


The next second, a low and ferocious roar echoed throughout the world.

Immediately, in Zhou Yan's sight, a ferocious beast covered in black armor slowly stood up from the smoke.

It has a strong torso, thick limbs, wings on its back, a ferocious head, and exposed fangs.

This is a giant crocodile, more than two meters long, covered with scales and extremely strong, like an Iron Man.


In an instant, the giant crocodile's wings vibrated, running as fast as lightning, with a sound of breaking through the air.

"You little ant, dare to offend me?"

The giant crocodile snorted coldly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

The next moment, the giant crocodile opened its bloody mouth and took one bite, causing the air to explode.

Zhou Yan's pupils shrank and he was stunned on the spot.

He had no idea that this giant crocodile would actually attack him!

"You... are looking for death?" Zhou Yan's eyes were cold and he felt resentful in his heart.

He stayed here peacefully, but the giant crocodile suddenly attacked and startled him.

However, the giant crocodile was already so close that it was too late to avoid it.


Zhou Yan raised his right arm and swung out his fist like a hammer.


There was a loud noise, the two collided, and dazzling sparks burst out.

The giant crocodile took several steps back, a look of horror flashing in its eyes.

Zhou Yan's power was so powerful.

"Who is this guy?"

The giant crocodile stared at Zhou Yan in shock and doubt, secretly guessing in his heart.

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