Zhou Yan possesses such terrifying fighting power at such a young age, so he must be a disciple of a sect in the secular world.

However, in the land of Nanling, I have never heard of this person!

"No matter who you are, if you dare to break into my territory, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The next moment, the ferocious look in the giant crocodile's eyes skyrocketed, and his figure rioted, charging towards Zhou Yan.

"Hmph, even a mere Monster dares to be so presumptuous in front of me!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, showed no signs of weakness, and also attacked.

"Suppress me!"

Zhou Yan shouted low, stretched his right palm, turned into a giant palm, and swatted it out in the air.


The palm prints came crushingly, knocking the giant crocodile to the ground.

The giant crocodile howled, curled up into a ball, and shivered.

"How could this happen?" The giant crocodile's eyes widened with horror.

It is a First Grade Monster, so powerful that it can even defeat Second Grade Monsters.

But now, he lost to Zhou Yan!

Who is this young human race?

"Haha, you look unconvinced?"

Zhou Yan smiled indifferently, looking down at the giant crocodile on the ground, his eyes full of teasing: "Okay, let's do it again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yan stepped forward and slapped him again.

A red slap mark appeared on the giant crocodile's body, dripping with blood.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, the giant crocodile's body shook, and its breath became weak.

This time, it was seriously injured, half of its head was rotted away, and it looked extremely embarrassed.

"Hmph, I'll make you crazy!"

Zhou Yan looked stern, raised his foot and stepped on the giant crocodile's head, and said arrogantly: "I tell you, don't think that just because you are ugly, you can scream, otherwise, I will destroy you!"

This giant crocodile was indeed very powerful, but in Zhou Yan's opinion, it was still as weak as a baby.

"You..." The giant crocodile was furious and wanted to resist, but was beaten even more crazily by Zhou Yan.


The severe pain caused the giant crocodile to scream and tremble, and its eyes were full of humiliation and fear.

"Boy, stop it!"

Suddenly, the giant crocodile looked up to the sky and roared, its eyes were scarlet, filled with monstrous rage.

It stretches across the Nanling Mountains and has a great reputation. It has never been insulted like this.


Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise when he heard this.

He didn't expect that this giant crocodile actually knew him.

"I am the Beast King of the Nanling Giant Lizard. If you dare to hurt me, just wait for the revenge of my giant lizard herd." The giant crocodile roared.

"So you are a monitor lizard?"

Zhou Yan suddenly realized.

This giant crocodile looks like a giant lizard, but its tail is covered with pitch-black spikes, shining with a cold and cold light.

"Haha, Beast King, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

The next moment, Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes flashing with bloodlust.

He was originally a bloodthirsty and warlike person. In the land of Nanling, he continued to kill people and stained his hands with countless blood. He had already developed a domineering character.

Now, the monitor lizard has thrown itself into a trap, how can it be missed.

"Humph, you still don't know how to repent!"

Seeing Zhou Yan's expression, the giant crocodile felt a chill in his heart and felt a great omen.


Immediately, the giant crocodile jumped fiercely, and the entire snake body ejected, fleeing into the distance.


Zhou Yan's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth were sarcastic, and he chased after him in a flash.

"This is my territory. I don't believe you can run away?"

Zhou Yan's movements were strange, his speed was extremely fast, and he was as quick as the wind. In just a few breaths, he closed the distance.

call out!

The next moment, Zhou Yan reached out with his right hand, spread his fingers like an eagle's claws, and grabbed the giant crocodile's neck.

"Damn it!"

The giant crocodile was full of ghosts, and it hurriedly twisted the snake's head in an attempt to escape from the grasp.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yan's palm followed him like a shadow, always locking it.


Zhou Yan's palm was like steel, extremely hard, and he fell hard.

The giant crocodile's neck bones were shattered, and blood splattered.

Immediately, the giant crocodile struggled for a moment and finally stopped moving.

Its seven orifices were bleeding, it was dying and fell into a coma.

"This 'Biling Grass' should be able to refine a pill!"

Zhou Yan walked to the giant crocodile, took out a pill from the storage ring, swallowed it, and restored the consumed real energy.

Bi Ling Cao contains rich spiritual energy and is the best healing medicine for monks.

Zhou Yan's cultivation method is the "Myriad Manifestations", which is unique.

"Myriad Manifestations" is divided into nine levels.

After each level of cultivation is completed, True Qi will be derived from the body and can be condensed into elixirs.

In Dantian, the purer True Qi is, the higher the realm is.

For example, Zhou Yan stepped into the Foundation Building First Layer in just three days.

If it were an ordinary Martial Artist, it would take at least three months of hard work.


After a long time, Zhou Yan opened his eyes, his face slightly pale.

"There's still a little left to go!"

Feeling the situation inside his body, Zhou Yan's eyes lit up.

Although True Qi has not yet reached saturation, it can barely perform True Qi techniques.

However, all this is because of the special features of "Myriad Manifestations".

It is said that this set of exercises comes from ancient times and is very mysterious, far beyond what ordinary people can understand.

"Forget it, pack your things first and get ready to leave here!"

Zhou Yan thought for a moment, then immediately turned around, walked to the cave, cleaned the cave, and collected a large amount of resources, including gold coins, jade, etc.

"Where is this?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment.

He found that the surrounding environment was strange and not familiar at all.

"Could it be..."

Zhou Yan's thoughts changed rapidly, and he vaguely noticed something was wrong.

"No, I fell into a trap!"

Zhou Yan's expression changed and he immediately ran out.

A roar sounded.

I saw a gigantic figure standing at the entrance of the cave, with a size of ten feet. It was completely black, as if it were cast from black iron, and exuded an icy aura.

"Beast King!"

Looking at the giant lizard Beast King, Zhou Yan took a breath and showed fear.

The Beast King is as powerful as the Innate Martial Master.

Without saying a word, Zhou Yan turned around and ran away like crazy.

The giant lizard Beast King opened its bloody mouth and let out a cold hissing sound that sent chills all over the body.

"As expected of the ferocious beast of Nanling, it is really powerful."

Zhou Yan sighed secretly in his heart, he exploded with all his strength, his speed was extremely fast, like a cheetah, he shuttled through the mountains and forests.

"Boy, where can I escape!"

The giant lizard Beast King chased after him, letting out a deep roar from his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, billowing black smoke rose from its back, filled with the smell of sulfur.

"It's the black flame poisonous mist!"

Zhou Yan's expression changed slightly, and he quickly activated his True Qi shield to resist the black flame poisonous mist.


Suddenly, the True Qi shield made a corroding sound and plumes of black smoke came out.

"The power of this black flame poisonous mist is three points stronger than the previous giant scorpion."

Zhou Yan's face was uncertain, and he gritted his teeth and said: "If we give it a little longer, I'm afraid even the True Qi shield won't be able to stop it!"

"Damn it!"

"We must quickly find the giant lizard's nest, kill it, and take back the Biling Grass!"

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