Zhou Yan was anxious and ran all the way.

"Hey, why is there a lake in front of you?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan looked around with surprise.

I saw a small lake appearing a hundred meters ahead. The water was clear and exuded a dense aura, which had a fairy-like charm.

"In the middle of the lake, there is a purple-leaf green lotus!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were intense and he instantly recognized the plants in the center of the lake.

Purple Leaf Green Lotus is a rare Spirit Medicine that can enhance the level of True Qi, making it a rare treasure.

Moreover, this medicine has the effect of cleansing the marrow and cutting the menstruation, which can Flesh Refining the body and make it stronger.

"Now that we've encountered it, of course we can't let it go!"

In an instant, Zhou Yan flashed and rushed towards the lake.

"This kid, wants to rob the Purple Leaf Green Lotus?"

"Hey, what a wishful thinking!"

"There are so many of us, how can we allow you to show off?"

Suddenly, there were bursts of laughter all around, and everyone had sarcastic expressions on their faces.

"Purple leaf green lotus, not just any cat or dog, is qualified to get involved!"

A man in gray clothes walked out slowly, his eyes sharp, and he shouted coldly.

This man has an impressive aura and is clearly a half-step Grandmaster.


The next moment, the man in gray held a silver spear, which turned into a spear and stabbed across the air. The sharp spear light pierced the air and rippled the air.

When the gun light passed by, the void exploded, and the terrifying pressure spread and enveloped Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan looked calm and showed no fear. He punched out and hit the gun light.

Two completely different forces collided together, like two meteorites intersecting.

The next moment, the man in gray groaned, staggered, and retreated violently. The tiger's mouth was torn open, and bright red blood spilled out.

He staggered and took a full seven or eight steps back. Only then was he able to stabilize his body. His face was horrified and he cried out:

"How is it possible, you are so strong!"

In the confrontation just now, he clearly felt that the opponent's power was many times stronger than his.

"Haha, who do you think you are?"

Zhou Yan smiled contemptuously and said disdainfully:

"A mere Grandmaster dares to act rampant in front of me!"

"court death!"

Hearing Zhou Yan's ridicule, the man in gray became furious and his whole body boiled with energy. He brandished his spear again and stabbed fiercely.

The spear shook like a Flood Dragon rushing over a river, and the spear tip cut through the void, leaving traces behind.

Every attack was so domineering that no one dared to take it lightly.

"It's just a little trick!"

Zhou Yan looked indifferent and dismissed, letting the spear attack.

There were fierce battles, gun shadows crisscrossed the surroundings, and air waves swept across.

But soon, the spear dimmed and collapsed completely.

Immediately afterwards, the man in gray screamed, his chest was pierced, and his whole body flew out, smashing into the ground, spitting out blood.

"I...I actually lost!"

The man in gray clothes looked up and saw Zhou Yan walking towards him with a solemn look on his face.

"You...what do you want?"

The man in gray was frightened and panicked.

"How about it?"

Zhou Yan raised the corners of his mouth, outlined a strange arc, smiled coldly, and said, "Didn't you just say that I am not qualified to get the Purple Leaf Green Lotus?"

"I...I was wrong, please forgive me..."

Hearing this, the man in gray had an earth-colored face and desperately begged for mercy.


Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he kicked the man in gray in the belly.

With a muffled sound, the man in gray's ribs was broken, his body bowed into a shrimp shape, and he was as limp as mud.

Immediately, Zhou Yan took out a few pills from his arms and stuffed them into the mouth of the man in gray.

In just an instant, the man in gray returned to life.

"I...I have taken the antidote pill?"

The man in gray had a dull expression on his face and couldn't believe it.

"Haha, do you think I will spare your life?"

Zhou Yan grinned, his eyes full of teasing, as if he had pearls of wisdom in hand and was unfathomable.

"You...you lied to me!"

"You want to kill someone for money!"

In an instant, the man in gray came to his senses, suddenly looked horrified and screamed loudly.

This boy is so ruthless.

"Killing someone for money? Haha, not bad!"

Zhou Yan nodded and admitted:

"You do have some value, but you are too weak to be my slave."

"I plan to give you to the Manniu King, the leader of the Manniu tribe, in exchange for the Purple Leaf Green Lotus!"

The Manniu King is the leader of the Giant Rock Tribe, the Martial Dao Grandmaster. He has practiced a powerful martial arts and has outstanding combat effectiveness.


The man in gray looked ashen, knowing that he could not struggle and could only close his eyes and wait for death.

"Alas! What a pity!"

"This kid had a chance to get Bilian, but he didn't know how to seize it."

Everyone around sighed and looked at him with pity.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned and glanced back.

In the woods, the wind howled.

A thick dark cloud floated in, covering the sky and blocking all sunlight.

Immediately afterwards, a long black whip appeared, like a poisonous snake, and whipped Zhou Yan's head hard.

The long whip fell and hit Zhou Yan's shoulder, leaving clear scars.


Zhou Yan's pupils shrank and his face showed vigilance.

"Hmph! Boy, how brave are you to steal the sacred objects of my Manniu tribe?"

A hoarse old voice came from the black whip.

Then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, a huge creature slowly walked out of the thick fog.

"That...that's the Manniu King of the Manniu Tribe!"

Looking at the behemoth, many people's eyes widened and their expressions changed drastically.

The bull king!

The strongest being of the Barbarian Bull Tribe, he possesses the realm of Martial Dao Grandmaster, with strong defense and Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers.

Unless you are a Grandmaster Realm Martial Artist, it will be difficult to shake its body.


The man in gray had an ashen face, and his eyes were filled with regret and despair.

Just now, he actually wanted to take advantage of the situation and kill Zhou Yan in a sneak attack.

As a result, if you steal the chicken, you won't lose the rice, and if you steal the chicken, you won't lose the rice!

"Boy, how dare you offend me, the Bull King!"

"Today, I must die!"

The barbarian bull Wang Shuang's eyes were gleaming with ferocity, and his muscles all over his body were tense, as if he were a mountain peak, extremely ferocious.

The Barbarian Bull King leaped up, treading water without leaving a trace, and swept in front of Zhou Yan in an instant. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhou Yan's neck.

This claw is as fast as thunder and contains explosive power, which is terrifying.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

There was a hint of mockery at the corner of Zhou Yan's mouth, and he exerted a slight force on his right arm.


The next moment, the man in gray heard the sound of broken bones.


The man in gray screamed miserably, his eyes protruded, his face was twisted, and he was in extreme pain.

Zhou Yan crushed his wrist in one move.


Zhou Yan struck out with a palm and hit the Barbarian Bull King directly in the abdomen.


The man in gray felt that his internal organs seemed to have moved, and his body fell like a cannonball, smashing a patch of grass.

"Ahem... I'm going to kill you!"

The Barbarian Bull King got up, his mouth and nose bleeding, and his eyes became more ferocious.


The barbarian bull roared, and its body suddenly rose up, reaching a length of three feet. Its entire body was as black as if it were made of iron.

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