"Huh?" Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes trembled.

He unexpectedly discovered that deep in the mist, there seemed to be a huge creature dormant.

"This..." Zhou Yan suddenly took a breath and felt a chill running down his spine.

Just the breath made him feel a suffocating pressure.

There is no doubt that this must be a terrifying Monster, even more terrifying than the Barbarian Bull King.

"I wonder what level of Monster it is?" Zhou Yan held his breath and waited to see what happened.

He was certain that the Martial King of the Manniu tribe should have died in the hands of this Monster.

Therefore, the body of the Martial King was most likely eaten by this Monster.

Suddenly, a deafening roar of a lion came, like thunder exploding.

Immediately afterwards, a black bear rushed out, exuding a monstrous evil spirit, and tore the light blue mist into pieces.

"This is……"

Zhou Yan's eyes widened with fear in his eyes, "Barbarian Elephant King?!"

This black bear resembles a black bear in shape, its body is as black as ink, its body is burly, and its muscles are all tangled.

Especially on the chest, there is a ferocious and thick black horn, like two sharp knives, shining with a cold light.

This is a mid-Rank Six Monster, with strength comparable to the peak of Martial Apprentice.

"Damn human ants, you dare to kill our Barbarian Bull King of the Barbarian Elephant Tribe. Today, I want you to pay with your life."

The Barbarian Elephant King roared in a low voice, took steps, and ran towards Zhou Yan.

The ground shook, as if thousands of horses were galloping, deafening.

As soon as you step down, the soil rolls and dust fills the air.

"What a scary guy!" Zhou Yan's pupils shrank.

The next moment, Zhou Yan jumped back.

"Where to run?" The Barbarian Elephant King roared, kicked his legs hard, and jumped into the air, rushing towards Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's eyes were sharp, he raised his right arm and slapped his palm out.

A flash of purple-gold light emerged, blooming with brilliant luster, and struck hard on the head of the Elephant King.

In an instant, Zhou Yan was thrown away by the force of the counterattack.

With a pop, Zhou Yan spat out blood and his body fell into the grass.

Thanks to his agility, he was able to avoid a fatal blow.

"so hard!"

Zhou Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face full of shock.

The blow just now was powerful enough to kill any Martial Apprentice realm master.


The Barbarian Elephant King roared, his scarlet eyes locked on Zhou Yan, and he quickly approached, raising his claws and whistling as he came to capture him.

"Hmph! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" A cold light flashed in Zhou Yan's eyes.

Immediately, he rose up from the ground and jumped three meters high, avoiding the claws of the Barbarian Elephant King.

"Suppress me!"

The next moment, Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with purple thunder and lightning, activating the thunder and lightning beads in his dantian.

Thunder runes shone out one after another, surrounding Zhou Yan.

Then, these runes poured into Zhou Yan's hands and turned into a purple thunder gun, releasing devastating waves.


In an instant, Zhou Yan brandished his thunder gun and bombarded the Barbarian Elephant King. Dazzling sparks erupted, and layers of arcs raged, causing the Barbarian Elephant King's whole body to be charred and black, and he howled miserably.

"Ouch!" The Barbarian Elephant King whined, struggling in pain, trying to escape.

"Get down here!"

Zhou Yan shouted coldly, swung the thunder gun fiercely, and smashed it into the ground. There was a loud bang, the soil collapsed, and smoke and dust swept away.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhou Yan swallowed hard.

Too violent!

Solve the battle with one move!

As expected of an ancient ruin, not even an early Rank Six monster could stop him from attacking.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came, full of rage and violence.


Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and looked out.

On the edge of the cliff hundreds of feet away, a huge creature stood.

This is a giant ape, several times larger than an ordinary savage elephant. Its entire body is dark, as if it is made of steel.

Its body is covered with thick gray hair, covering its body and looking extremely mysterious.

"A fellow member of the Barbarian Bull King?" Zhou Yan's face was stern, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Although the barbarian ox and the barbarian elephant belong to the same First Grade species.

However, the gap between them is huge and completely crushing.

This savage elephant king is extremely powerful. He definitely has the cultivation level of Martial Master, or even stronger.

The next moment, the Barbarian Elephant King discovered Zhou Yan, with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, extremely ferocious.

Immediately, the Barbarian Elephant King stepped on the rock and rushed towards Zhou Yan like an arrow from a string.

"Oops!" Zhou Yan's face changed drastically, and he felt a strong sense of crisis, which made his hair stand on end.

In an instant, the Barbarian Elephant King crashed in. Wherever it passed, the ground was sunken and rocks pierced through the air. The sound was unparalleled.

"Wind control!"

Zhou Yan's face was solemn, and he quickly moved out with the sole of his foot.

The body of the Barbarian Elephant King hit a towering tree.

In an instant, the towering tree broke, branches and leaves flew everywhere, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Zhou Yan couldn't help but twitch, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The attack of this Barbarian Elephant King was so fierce that it could be called overbearing.

An ordinary person would probably be hit to death.

"However, I'm not weak either." Zhou Yan's eyes were determined, he gritted his teeth and faced him, using "Xuanming Palm".

Zhou Yan's body is light and agile, and every time he strikes, he carries a feminine and strange power.

The Barbarian Elephant King roared, waving his fists in a wild and domineering attack, and collided with Zhou Yan, making fierce fighting sounds.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought for thousands of rounds.

Although Zhou Yan's offensive was cunning, vicious and subtle, the Barbarian Elephant King was thick-skinned and extremely powerful in defense.

Therefore, he could not hurt the Barbarian Elephant King at all.

On the contrary, he himself was beaten by the Barbarian Elephant King until his face was bruised and his face was bruised, his clothes were torn, and he was extremely embarrassed.

"Damn it!" Zhou Yan cursed in his heart.

The strength of the Man Elephant King has obviously surpassed the realm of Martial Apprentice, reached the realm of Martial Master, and even the realm of Wuzong.

If we continue like this, there will only be failure.

"It seems that the only way to use that trump card is to use it!" Zhou Yan's eyes flashed, thinking secretly.

He remembered that in the original work, the strength of the Barbarian Elephant King was only at the level of Martial Apprentice.

Unfortunately, after practicing, his strength improved tremendously, far surpassing that of the Barbarian Elephant King.

"In that case, let's test it on you." Zhou Yan made a decision.

Zhou Yan swayed slightly, flashed from the side of the Barbarian Elephant King, and came behind him.

"Roar~" The Elephant King was furious, turned his head violently, and let out a long and angry roar.


The next moment, a bright sword rainbow cut through the void and struck directly on the neck of the Barbarian Elephant King.


The huge head of the Barbarian Elephant King flew up, and the smelly blood shot out, dyeing the land red.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the Barbarian Elephant King suddenly fell to the ground, causing a burst of yellow sand to fly.

"Actually killed instantly?"


Zhou Yan was stunned and turned pale with horror.

I thought it would take a fierce battle, but I didn't expect that the Elephant King could be eliminated so easily.

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