"Haha, I really didn't disappoint my father." Zhou Yan was excited.

Soon, he calmed down and began to clean up the battlefield.

This trip to explore ancient ruins was fruitful.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan noticed light green liquid flowing from the waist and abdomen of the Man Elephant King.

"Blood of the Barbarian Elephant!" Zhou Yan's heart was beating wildly and his eyes were hot as he murmured: "This should be the blood essence of the Barbarian Elephant King. It contains powerful energy and is of great benefit in tempering the Muscle Refining bones."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Yan couldn't wait to take out the porcelain bottle and prepared to take away the blood of the wild elephant.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

However, at this moment, a cold scolding sound echoed in all directions.

"Huh?" Zhou Yan frowned and looked around.

Suddenly, in front of him, a strong and powerful elephant came slowly pacing.

Manxiang is tall and tall, with a light silvery luster all over his body and full of explosive power.

At this time, the Barbarian Elephant King glared at Zhou Yan with murderous intent.

"The wild elephant king just now seems to be the partner of this wild elephant..."

Zhou Yan muttered in his heart and narrowed his eyes.

"The strength of this savage elephant is slightly better than that of the savage elephant king, reaching the level of Martial Warrior."

Zhou Yan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "It seems that I can only strike first and try to solve it as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, when the Elephant King comes back, we will be in big trouble."


With his thoughts turning, Zhou Yan flicked his wrist and took out two short blades.


In an instant, the Barbarian Elephant King looked up to the sky and roared, stepped out with four hooves, and stepped hard towards Zhou Yan.

The figure of the Barbarian Elephant King is like a moving mountain, with overwhelming power.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Zhou Yan, and kicked Zhou Yan's chest with his elephant legs as thick as pillars.

"So strong!" Zhou Yan's eyes trembled slightly, but he didn't dare to attack hard and hurriedly dodged to the side.

However, the Barbarian Elephant King's attack suddenly accelerated, and it instantly hit Zhou Yan's shoulder, making a roar.

Zhou Yan's right arm went numb and dislocated, his mouth torn open and dripping with blood.

The next moment, Zhou Yan groaned and spat out a ball of blood from his mouth.

"This beast is too powerful!" Zhou Yan was shocked and looked up at the Barbarian Elephant King.

This barbarian elephant king has a huge body and contains powerful power. Every move and every move has unpredictable power.

"We must fight quickly!" Zhou Yan's eyes sparkled and he thought to himself.

Zhou Yan's figure flashed and he performed the "Seven Steps to Control the Dragon". His body turned into a faint light and avoided the attack of the Barbarian Elephant King.

Then, he jumped up, raised his dagger high, and stabbed the Barbarian Elephant King in the neck.

The sharp dagger glowed with cold light, sharp and threatening.


The Barbarian Elephant King roared, a hint of joking appeared in his eyes, and he didn't seem to be panicked.

"Does it have any back-up plan?" Zhou Yan frowned and hesitated.

After all, as the king of the Barbarian Elephant clan, the Barbarian Elephant King must have many trump cards and cannot be taken lightly.

The Barbarian Elephant King roared loudly, and his hoofs flew like two hills crashing down on him.

Zhou Yan's expression changed slightly and he took three steps back, barely blocking the attack.

"Damn humans, die!"

The Barbarian Elephant King was furious, with smoke coming out of his nostrils, and he slapped Zhou Yan with his paw, creating a strong wind.

"Damn guy, he's really tough..."

Zhou Yan looked ugly and could only stay away for the time being.

In the next moment, the Elephant King leapt forward like a tank, collapsing the nearby forest and causing dust to fill the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the Barbarian Elephant King stepped down, like a heavy hammer, crushing down, shattering large pieces of soil and splashing several feet high.

"This guy's combat experience is even more terrifying than that of the Barbarian Elephant King."

Zhou Yan's face was ashen and his heart was awe-inspiring.

In his impression, the Barbarian Elephant King only knew how to be trampled by bulls and was cruel and brutal.

And this Barbarian Elephant King is obviously very intelligent and knows how to cooperate with the Barbarian Elephant King in attacking.

If not, how could the Barbarian Elephant King and an orc alone be able to compete with him!

In addition, Zhou Yan was keenly aware that the speed and reaction ability of the Barbarian Elephant King were far superior to that of the Barbarian Elephant King.

"This wild elephant king seems to have Spirit Communication!" Zhou Yan looked thoughtful.

According to common sense, ordinary beasts will never develop intelligence.

However, the Elephant King is an exception.

"Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Elephant King swallowed the spiritual grass..."

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan couldn't help but sigh.

The Elephant King was so lucky that he accidentally ate a spiritual plant and was born with spiritual intelligence and became a Monster.

Not only that, but he also ate all the remaining elephants, transforming their blood into half-Monsters.


Suddenly, a roar of thunder came.

I saw, deep in the jungle, a black centipede several meters long crawling out.

"poisonous insect?"

Zhou Yan's eyes shrank, a little surprised.

He recognized it. The black centipede was a highly poisonous scorpion that specialized in feeding on snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

The black centipede spits out the letter, and the scarlet letter is like a sharp blade.

Immediately, the black centipede opened its bloody mouth and sprayed out a cloud of purple poisonous mist, sweeping over the sky and covering the ground.

"not good!"

Zhou Yan was shocked, immediately held his breath and retreated quickly.

The next moment, in the miasma, countless poisonous snakes were wandering around.

These venomous snakes are pitch black, have ferocious fangs, and exude deadly venom.

"It's not good, we're surrounded..." Zhou Yan's heart skipped a beat.

The sight before him made his hair stand on end.

This group of poisonous creatures is so terrifying. There are hundreds of venomous snakes, swarming up, and the dense venom is shocking.


In an instant, a mercenary was bitten and screamed pitifully. His skin festered and quickly decayed, turning into white bones.

A seasoned mercenary, killed instantly.

"So scary?" Zhou Yan was shocked.

The sight before him completely overturned his world view.

These poisonous snakes are actually highly venomous and can poison people to death.

"Little brother, come here quickly and follow me out of here..."

Suddenly, an anxious shout sounded, attracting Zhou Yan's attention.

Following the sound, I saw the mercenary, holding a short axe, desperately killing the poisonous snake, hoping that Zhou Yan would save him.

Soon, Zhou Yan saw the situation clearly.

Originally, the mercenary and several Martial Apprentice were guarding the entrance of the cave, protecting the young girl Ayina.

But now, those Martial Apprentices are all dead.

Only the mercenary, even though he was seriously injured, still did not give up resistance and fought desperately to kill the poisonous snake in an attempt to protect the girl.

"Little brother, run away quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

The mercenary was covered in blood and panting, trying to persuade Zhou Yan.

"Run away? Why run away?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan shook his head and expressed his rejection.

"Little brother, you don't know, these venomous snakes are very scary..."

The mercenary was extremely anxious and continued to persuade: "You are no match at all. Run away quickly before the poisonous snakes gather together. You may still have a chance to survive..."

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